Friday, December 27, 2019
Juvenile Delinquency And Labeling Theory - 2511 Words
Juvenile Delinquency and Labeling Theory Kallie Maglione St. John’s University CRM 119 Juvenile Delinquency Dr. Marquis R. White October 23, 2014 Bartusch, D. J., Matsueda, R. L. (1996). Gender, reflected appraisals, and labeling: A cross-group test of an interactionist theory of delinquency. Social Forces, 75(1), 145. Focuses mainly on interactionist theory but uses labeling theory as a type of interaction that affects delinquency. Labeling specifically in relation to gender, used to explain the gender gap in juvenile delinquency. Used data from the 1976 National Youth Survey, a longitudinal study, uses a multistage cluster sampling, sample includes 1,725 11-17 year-olds, using the first three annual waves of data. Used personal interviews to collect self-report of delinquency, parents appraisals of their children, and youths reflected appraisals of themselves from the standpoint of parents, friends, and teachers. Labeling theory implies that males are more likely than females to be labeled delinquent, in part because they engage in more objective acts of rule violation, and in part because common stereotypes portray delinquency as a male phenomenon. Except status offenses, which are more often reported for and enforced on females rather than males. Believed that females may be more relationship -oriented, making them more sensitive to public opinion. The labeling process is more consequential for females than for males is also unsupported.Show MoreRelatedThe Labeling Theory For Juvenile Delinquency1577 Words  | 7 PagesThe Labeling Theory The labeling theory addresses deviants and puts concern on behaviors that other theories do not. Most theories are primarily concerned with why individuals commit more crime. Rather than analyzing the occurrence of crimes among social groups, the labeling theory challenge us to truly understand deviants and what it means to be categorized as a deviant individual. Unlike the control theories that assumes all of us must be held in check or â€Å"controlled†if we are to resist the temptationRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency And How It Is Social Control Theory, Labeling, And Crime Essay2360 Words  | 10 PagesJuvenile Delinquency and How it Relates to Social Control Theory, Labeling Perspective, Aggressiveness and Crime Pat Akers Howard Payne University Abstract This paper explores three topics (Social Control Theory, Labeling Perspective, Aggressiveness and Crime) and explores how they relate through Juvenile Delinquency. 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(2016:283) want to â€Å"informRead MoreThe Concep t Of Labeling Of Juvenile Delinquents By Members Of Their Society1733 Words  | 7 Pages5 DB 1 The Interactionist Approach We are beginning to see more than often, labeling of juvenile delinquents by members of their society. The term labeling theory explains how labeling tends to applied members of society, whether it is formally or informally, and the type of effect these labeling can have on juveniles and deterrence. Akers Sellers, (2009), Bernard, Snipes, Gerould, (2010), states that the labeling theorists assert that society creates deviance by creating laws, and they tendRead MoreFor the purpose of this research, the proposed theories that will be used are Agnew’s General600 Words  | 3 Pagesresearch, the proposed theories that will be used are Agnew’s General Strain Theory and Labeling Theory. Robert Agnew is one the most recognizable theorist in the criminal justice profession. 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There are many contributing factors to juvenile delinquency such as domestic issues or stress at school, and there are also four different theories, st rain, social learning, control, and labeling, to explain the different prospective of why it is thought that juveniles commence in delinquent behavior. This particular discussion however, is going toRead MoreLabeling Youths...and The Consequences Thereof1394 Words  | 6 Pagesthem and whether or not they become an outsider. Labeling youths is an unnecessary evil that often times changes children into criminals. To understand labeling we must first look at its definition. Labeling Theory is a theoretical approach to deviant behavior, basically stating that applying formal definitions to an individual results in a negative self-concept that may subsequently provide motivation for further acts of deviance. (Rush 203) Labeling became a popular perspective during the 1960sRead MoreGender Roles : The Juvenile Justice System1244 Words  | 5 PagesGender Roles in the Juvenile Justice System What role does gender play at the various stages of the juvenile justice system? Gender plays an enormous role in the juvenile justice system; both boys and girls have their fair share of run-ins with the Juvenile Justice System, but now more so than ever, females crime rates have increased. In some instances within the juvenile justice system, it may appear that boys and girls are comparable; however there are differences, even though they are subtle.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Essay on Feminism and Modern Feminist Theory - 1068 Words
Feminism is a body of social theory and political movement primarily based on and motivated by the experiences of women. While generally providing a critique of social relations, many proponents of feminism also focus on analyzing gender inequality and the promotion of womens rights, interests, and issues. Feminist theory aims to understand the nature of gender inequality and focuses on gender politics, power relations and sexuality. Feminist political activism campaigns on issues such as reproductive rights, domestic violence, maternity leave, equal pay, sexual harassment, discrimination and sexual violence. Themes explored in feminism include discrimination, stereotyping, objectification, sexual objectification, oppression and†¦show more content†¦Some find that the prioritization of oppression and the universalization of the idea of Woman, which was part of traditional Radical feminist thinking, too generic, and that women in other countries would never experience the same experience of being woman than women in Western countries did. Some radical feminists advocate separatismâ€â€a complete separation of male and female in society and cultureâ€â€while others question not only the relationship between men and women, but the very meaning of man and woman as well. Some argue that gender roles, gender identity, and sexuality are themselves social constructs. For these feminists, feminism is a primary means to human liberation. Liberal feminism is a form of feminism that argues that equality for women can be achieved through legal means and social reform, and that men as a group need not be challenged. Liberal feminism is a somewhat conservative form of feminism by today’s standards, although it is rooted classically in liberalism. Liberal feminism leans towards an equality of sameness with men (not a difference feminism). Liberal feminism conceives of politics in individualistic terms and looks to reform present liberal practices in society, rather than advocating for a wholesale revolutionary change. Feminist writers associated with this tradition are amongst others Mary Wollstonecraft, John Stuart Mill and second wave feminist BettyShow MoreRelatedFeminism And Its Impact On Women1223 Words  | 5 Pages Feminism by definition is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. So feminism has a dictionary definition, but when it comes to feminists and feminism there are so many different personal definitions that people and groups hold. Feminism has been around for quite a while. There is evidence of women fighting for their equality for the past twenty-four centuries. If you’re looking for an actual date you might be out of luck. What can be said from The Oxford EnglishRead MoreFeminism Is Defined As The Theory Of Political, Economic,1011 Words  | 5 PagesFeminism is defined as the theory of political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. (Definition of Feminism) and also as the organized activity on behalf of women s rights and interests. (Definition of Feminism). If one would look in-depth into Feminism they would see that there are three waves of Feminism. Now not all types or waves of feminism is wrong, but third wave, or the most re cent, should not be supported, because they often tell myths that are just not true or usually use aRead MoreFeminist Theory And International Human Rights786 Words  | 4 Pagesinteraction of feminist theories and international human rights discourses as detailed in UN documents. The UN has advanced women’s rights by introducing a new human rights discourse, and by offering a place for interaction among women from different parts of the world. Women have used these opportunities from the UN to push several different feminist theoretical frameworks. The author examines the interaction of these various feminist. theories. She is drawing attention to the gap between theory and praxisRead MoreModern Day Feminism : The Fight For Equal Rights1589 Words  | 7 PagesModern-day Feminism The definition of feminism states â€Å"the belief that men and woman should have equal rights and opportunities†(â€Å"feminism†). Modern feminism is no longer about equality and is in fact counterproductive to the cause. The fight for equal rights has been transformed into a fight for privilege, waged against causes insignificant in the big picture of gender equality; causes like manspreading, cat calls, air conditioning, and representation in video games. We are waging a war in aRead MoreWomen s First Wave Of Feminism Essay1555 Words  | 7 PagesThe 1960’s first wave of feminism in literature brought about the importance of understanding and studying Women’s History, and the reasons behind origins of the Feminist theory and the feminist movement and gender binaries. Newfound research pertaining to female History helps us to better understand modern social constructs and how they were established. Starting with the late eighteenth century, which m arks the transition from pre-industrialization to the emergence of economic development in EuropeRead More Feminism Essay1662 Words  | 7 Pagesfirst feminist wave’, aimed to challenge the idea of women being the inferior sex and demanded equal rights. This ‘so called’ first wave ended with the ‘Royal Assent to the Representation of the People Parliament Act’ being passed in 1918, which granted women the ability to vote and recognised females as equal citizens (Fraisse, 1993). Following work will assay the position of women in today’s society and barriers that prevent gender equality. The focus will be on the conflict between feminist idealsRead MoreFeminism : The, Or Man Hating912 Words  | 4 Pagesthat you would probably receive from many people if you were to ask them about feminism. This is far from the true meaning of feminism. Feminism is about so much more than hating men, or even just mending the oppressions within a gender bin ary. My definition of feminist theory is looking at and analyzing a variety of different oppressions and maltreatments, particularly those within gender; furthermore, feminist theory focuses on how these oppressions come to be and how they influence society, withRead MoreFeminism : A Heavy Stigma Surrounding The Word `` Feminism `` Essay1275 Words  | 6 Pagesthe word â€Å"feminism†, saying it out loud evokes emotional responses from many people. During my conversations, I received many casual responses to feminism, or rather the traditional, â€Å"I believe in equality†response. I also received some negative responses from people that did not approve with modern day feminism, or believed that we had already achieved equality. And finally, I received some very strong  yet positive  responses to feminism, however, these people explained that feminism itself isRead MoreFeminism And The Postmodern Feminist Theory1596 Words  | 7 PagesThe evoluti on of feminist theory from a modern to a postmodern viewpoint stands to correct the injustices of historically liberal feminism. For some time, grand narratives have governed the ideas of self and gender from a single experience of â€Å"man†. Traditionally, modern feminism aimed to eradicate the hegemonic theory of inferiority by women to the male gender. Postmodern feminism aspires to eliminate categories of gender altogether, for the social construct of gender is considered to disregardRead MoreThe Definition Of Modern Day Feminism1116 Words  | 5 PagesDefinition of Modern Day Feminism â€Å"Feminist: a person who believes in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.†This is what Beyonce, one of the most famous and influential Women of Color in the past decade, claims in her 2014 VMA performance, with a large, shining backdrop of the word ‘feminist’ behind her. This quickly became one of the most direct and most widely-known displays of her feminist beliefs, and Beyonce is far from the only celebrity who has shown the modern world that
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Social Media in Psychological Discourse-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Social Media in Psychological Discourse. Answer: The following paper is going to find out the basic change in the mode of using social media by the Singaporean youth. This paper succinctly elucidates while analyzing a case study on the tendency of youth population in Singapore while uploading pictures in several social media cites. According to a survey conducted by Singapore Polytechnic Diploma in Media and Communication, 89.1 % of the respondents agreed to the fact that they would not falsify or manipulate the information in the social media so that they look impressive to the world. However, survey has found that 94.2 % Singaporean social media users are practice caution and 42.7 % were fund to have edited their photos. Such practices evidently states that social media cites play a major role in determining the changes in human life- specifically the youths. Most of the social media users in the country were found to be females (Roese 2014). The theory of impression management has been linked with the discussion. Impression management is a process of consciousness or sub-consciousness that helps people influence or impact upon the perception of one about the other or the self. With effective social interaction the perception of a person is impacted upon (Pervin 2015). In order to analyze the psychological factors behind such activities, different other social psychological theories ought to be taken in to certain consideration. There are four different theirs encompassing the concept of social psychology. These are: Role Theory Reinforcement Theory Cognitive Theory Symbolic Interactionism Evolutionary Theory According to role theory of social psychology, human being behaves on the basis of social status. Since social status is a predetermined process of social allocation of human being, it always remains varied with different class structure. On the other hand, the reinforcement theory deals with the behavioral factor of an individual. The behavioral pattern is stringently associated with the social behavior of the individuals. As a matter of fact, this social orientation of human behavior adversely or positively impacts upon the psychological discourses of human being. Day to day practice is also devised through those behavioral interpretations. The other important theoretical acceptance has been cognitive theory. It asserts the mental activity. It somehow differs from the traits of reinforcement theory. While reinforcement theory focuses on observable behavior thus trying to comprehend the behavioral pattern of such, cognitive theory attempts to make sense of behaviors. According to co gnitive theory of social psychology, knowledge needs to be comprehended through the acceptance of basic sketch of what human being knows about her or his surroundings. In this case, identification of important and less important or not- so- important social components need to be absorbed and then contemplated thus finalizing the conclusion of the entire concept. This is how an individual starts behaving according to the changes or social patterns she or he witnesses in due course of time. The cognitive process is often organized. It helps an individual construct a schema of her or his perception. According to the report of the schema it has to be taken in to certain consideration pertaining to the basic understanding of the self presentation (Williams Harkins, 2017). The theory of self presentation can also be taken in to consideration. As a matter of fact, it also looks in to the matter of self reflection and self presentation to the world. Self reflection theory constitutes the t rait of influencing the others in order to gain reward. Erving Goffmans play The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life has succinctly talked about the behavioral structure of the individuals (Hollebeek, Glynn Brodie, 2014). . As a matter of fact, it also looks in to the process of self reflection whereby the individuals are highly concerned about the way they present themselves to the world. The theory was indeed propelled by Goffman who uses stern imagery with the firm usage of theatrical advancement and imageries. As a matter of fact, it also looks in to the fact how a human being wants to persuade the entire world with the activities and expressions (Nesi Prinstein, 2015). This theory can be discussed with the help of social behavior of human in virtual world i.e. the social media cites with special reference to two different countries. First- the essay would focus on the socio-psychological discourse in terms of Singaporean society in addition to the US society. According to Times, the usage of social media has been quite important in terms of creating a proper understanding pertaining to the effective changes. A survey made by the Times on US society succinctly states that the social media activities of most of the youths have become intoxicating since it has become a mirror for their daily life. Certain discourses have been taken into certain consideration. According to Time social media has become a toxic mirror of most of the youths in the United States. Psychologists have found, due to robust change in the mode of social structure, the US society has undoubtedly become quite cohesive. There is obvious cross cultural conflict that leads the brown and black youths in the US society to come up to the so called white status by editing the pictures. It has been quite prevalent among the brown population who deliberately try to look alike the white population. Such thrive to advance the social level and reject the concept of otherization has immensely affected the social structure where skin color has become one of the major factors to survive in the social media. As a matter of fact, this has also become one of the basic structures impacting greatly upon the social construction of the youths. The youths concern about the body image has become most important factor for making such change. Body image constitutes self objectification, body surveillance, drive to thinness and so on. As a matter of fact, this has become quite important in terms of making it as actual a cause as it has been stated. On the other hand Singaporean youths have been concerning about the same issues. In the Singaporean context, the issues related to the disclosure of the emotions have also been taken in to certain consideration. Scholars have observed that the relation between the online network structure and emotional disclosure structure the basic has been inseparable since the social media provides the users with a virtual stage where they can easily disclose how they keep feeling about the real world (Smith, 2015). As per the theory suggested by Goffman it needs to be specified how the facial expressions and interpretation focuses on the self proclamation of individuals. Freuds concept of Narcissism can also be taken in to consideration however; such practices evidently portray the fact that the users are more concerned about establishing the artificial identity to the world rather than making it spontaneous. According to Csibra and Gergely (2012), emotional sharing in Facbook is indeed self rewa rding that facilitates social interaction. Since this has become one of the major understanding of the basic factors. As a matter of fact, the most important feature of such case has been nothing more than self- proclamation of beauty and observation of artificial social acceptance References: Hollebeek, L. D., Glynn, M. S., Brodie, R. J. (2014). Consumer brand engagement in social media: Conceptualization, scale development and validation.Journal of interactive marketing,28(2), 149-165. McDougall, W., (2015).An introduction to social psychology. Psychology Press. Nesi, J., Prinstein, M. J. (2015). Using social media for social comparison and feedback-seeking: gender and popularity moderate associations with depressive symptoms.Journal of abnormal child psychology,43(8), 1427-1438. Parker, I., Shotter, J. (Eds.). (2015).Deconstructing social psychology(Vol. 21). Psychology Press. Pervin, L.A. ed., (2015).Goal concepts in personality and social psychology. Psychology Press. Roese, N.J., (2014).What might have been: The social psychology of counterfactual thinking. Psychology Press. Smith, E.R., Mackie, D.M. and Claypool, H.M., (2014).Social psychology. Psychology Press. Smith, J. A. (Ed.). (2015).Qualitative psychology: A practical guide to research methods. Sage. Smith, J.R. and Haslam, S.A. eds., (2017).Social psychology: Revisiting the classic studies. Sage. Williams, K. D., Harkins, S. G. (2017). The Future of Social Influence in Social Psychology.The Oxford Handbook of Social Influence, 433.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Omar Khadr How Has Public Opinion Influenced Public Policy Essay Example
Omar Khadr: How Has Public Opinion Influenced Public Policy? Essay POSC 3350 Public Opinion Omar Khadr: How has Public Opinion influenced Public Policy? Choose an issue- for example: gay rights, abortion, foreign policy , the death, penalty, taxes, and so on- and write a paper discussing the nature of the public opinion about this issue, and how/ why it may have changed over time. Alyson Kwan 200627230 Dr. Amanda Bittner November 18th 2010 The case of Omar Khadr has been a political hot potato since 2002. When captured by US forces in Afghanistan in July 2002 he was 15 years old. The last 8 years for Omar Khadr have been spent in captivity at the infamous Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp, where he has endured interrogation, segregation and what many also believe to be torture. Today he is the only remaining western citizen or NATO ally still incarcerated. All others have returned to their countries of origin. While his story might be commonplace in some third world countries, it is one that has received much attention in Canada, for Omar Khadr is a Canadian citizen. His imprisonment has garnered worldwide criticism from human and legal rights groups. Although there has been much printed in the daily press, discussed in the media and in Parliament, the majority of Canadians have shown little passion for his plight or the potential ramifications on Canadian democracy. Angus Reid Public Opinion has done at least a dozen surveys over the past 4 years. All support the stance that Canadians have been consistently divided on the fate of Omar Khadr. Canadians have remained in one of two camps, right wing Conservatives versus left wing liberals : those who see Omar Khadr as a murdering jihadist and those who see him as a victim of the Afghanistan war. We will write a custom essay sample on Omar Khadr: How Has Public Opinion Influenced Public Policy? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Omar Khadr: How Has Public Opinion Influenced Public Policy? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Omar Khadr: How Has Public Opinion Influenced Public Policy? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The results of the surveys reflect public opinion and thus should be a significant independent influence over public policy. The reality in this case is that the divided polls have not provided solid direction to the government. Thus public policy has been stifled. This demonstrates that public opinion does have an effect on public policy. This paper will follow Angus Reid poll results from 2007 to present, highlighting the many opportunities Canadians have had to alter their opinions. Despite all, Canadians have chosen to remain true to their original convictions and the Canadian government remained unchanged. Russell Renka, in his paper â€Å"The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Public Opinion Polls†reminds readers that public opinion polls are everywhere today and cover a wide topic area from consumer acceptance to political popularity. They have become indispensable in deciding what toaster to purchase or in judging the success rate of each political party platform. They are constantly in the public’s view and most adults have been contacted by a pollster seeking an opinion. The trick is to be able to discern which polls supply credible information. Renka writes that a good poll must have three characteristics; one it must be worded clearly and without bias, second the sample subjects must be randomly selected and thirdly that the sampling error is ‘reasonably’ small. Along with these three golden rules, the details must be available for scrutiny. Renka also cautions that the primary polling source be reviewed rather that a reliance on media interpretation. (2010: 1-15) Angus Reid Public Opinion is a large Canadian company, well respected in its field. Its surveys incorporate Renka’s three characteristics of a good poll. The primary source surveys are readily available on their website. The results are often brought forward by the media for critique and follow up. Angus Reid has completed a dozen or more public opinion polls covering the past four years the Omar Khadr has been in the public light. They have followed the progression of public opinion on Omar Khadr’s incarceration and trial. All were conducted using online interviews with Canadian adults with the results statistically weighted according to the most current education, age, gender and region Census data to ensure a sample representative of the ntire adult population of Canada with margins of error of 3. 0 to 3. 1 percent. Which is a respectable margin of error, considering a reliable margin would be anything under 5 percent (2010:1-15). Angus Reid Strategies conducted a poll June 6 and 7, 2007. This was days after the charges of murder and terrorism against Khadr were dropped. At that time Khadr had been in Guantanamo for five yea rs. The poll of 1,081 adults reported â€Å"41 per cent of respondents think the Canadian government should actively intervene to secure his release from the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, while 40 per cent disagree. 1 per cent of respondents think Omar Khadr should face justice in Afghanistan, where the alleged incident took place. Forty-seven per cent of respondents think he should be considered as a child soldier, and not as a war criminal. †(Angus Reid 2006). The position of the Liberal government was that as a Canadian citizen Khadr’s case should be actively pursued with the US government. The next poll was done February 27 and 28, 2008 with 1,047 respondents. The stance at the time of the three opposition parties was to push the Conservatives to protect Khadr’s rights, admitting that up until this time this had not been done. The results were very similar to those of June 2007 with 41 percent in agreement that the government pursue Khadr’s release and 41 percent against, with 18 percent unsure. (Angus Reid 2007 ) Shortly following was a poll of 1,015 Canadian adults, conducted on Apr. 16 and Apr. 17. The survey questions were on a different topic but what was of note was that there was no significant majority seen on these issues either. The results showed â€Å" 43 per cent of respondents demand Khadr’s repatriation to face due process under Canadian Law, while 38 per cent would leave Khadr to face trial by military commission in Guantanamo Bay†(Angus Reid 2008 ) Then came the famous video of July 2008. A change in opinion was expected and even hoped for as this would provide some direction to government and in particular support of those Canadians who saw Omar Khadr as a child soldier who would benefit from a return to Canada for rehabilitation. There were two surveys completed – one before the video release on July 3, and the second fter the release on July 19. The online survey allowed respondents to watch excerpts of the video released by Khadr’s lawyers on July 15. The video featured Omar Khadr being interrogated by Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) agents at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility in February 2003. Surprising to some, the release of the video did not have any impact on the opinions of Canadians. â€Å"38 per cent of respondents want to leave Khadr to face trial by military commission in Guantanamo Bay, while 38 per cent would repatriate him to face due process under Canadian Law†(Angus Reid 2008). Another potentially damning situation had brought forward earlier that month advising the public that Canadian government officials were aware of the ‘harsh treatment’ within the Detention Camp. Even with this information there was no added pressure for government action to interfere in the military commission. The polls supported Prime Minister Harper’s response that there would not be a policy change. Mike Canseco, director of Global Studies at Angus Reid Strategies suggested that respondents had already made up their mind prior to the viewing. â€Å"Harper’s support of the trials appears to have the backing of his party’s voters. Assessed by political allegiance, the poll indicates that Canadians who said they would vote Conservative in the next election want Khadr to stay in Guantanamo (62 per cent) and feel no sympathy for him (63 per cent). †The right- wing conservatives remain committed to their opinions . (Shephard, 2008) Later in November 2008, a survey with 1,002 Canadian adults, conducted on November 14 to November 15, 2008. The results were â€Å"42 per cent of respondents would demand Khadr’s repatriation to face due process under Canadian Law, while 37 per cent would leave Khadr to face trial by military commission in Guantanamo Bay. (Angus Reid 2008) The data was slightly different than that reported in July of 2008 and April 2008 but overall a similar trend. The response of the Canadian government was on November 20, when Canadian foreign affairs minister Lawrence Cannon appeared to rule out any change in policy, saying, He is being held and it’s our government’s inte ntion to follow and respect the process that’s in place and, of course, to respect American sovereignty on this issue. (Angus Reid , 2008) January 6 and January 7, 2009, 1,003 Canadian adults, were surveyed. The data continued to be very similar to past responses with â€Å"40 per cent of respondents would demand Omar Khadr’s repatriation to face due process under Canadian Law, while 38 per cent would leave Khadr to face trial by military commission in Guantanamo Bay. In the event U. S. president-elect Barack Obama decides to shut down the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, 47 per cent of respondents voice support for repatriating Khadr, while 38 per cent would transfer him to the United States to face federal prosecution there. †(Angus Reid, Jan. 009) Citizen’s opinions are also heard outside of surveys. On January 11, 2009 Canadian senator and former United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR) commander Romeo Dallaire called on the incoming American president to offer up Khadr to the Canadian government, adding, We’re actually going to give credence to those who want to continue to use child soldiers if we leave Omar Khadr in that inappropriate pr ocess at Guantanamo Bay. (Angus Reid, 2009) Romeo Dallaire has for some time been a champion of the child soldier. In his new book, They fight like soldiers, they die like children, Dallaire comments about the Canadian government inaction with reference to the fact that as one of the drafters and first signatories of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of a Child, Canada has chosen not to follow up on this commitment, stating that while the convention has been ratified it is not yet legislation. Dallaire suggests this lack of commitment to the convention has â€Å"kept Omar Khadr in the illegal jail at Guantanamo for more than seven years without lifting a finger to repatriate him. (2010:181) Dallaire’s comment is more in line with a left-wing liberal perspective. The child soldier scenario has had little impact on the public opinion. It appears asthough the public has chosen to remember the horror of young Omars bracelet of hands rather than the interrogation video. From August 27 to August 28, 2009, Angus Reid Strategies conducted an online survey among 1,006 randomly selected Canadian adults who are Angus Reid Forum panelists. 2% would repatriate Khadr to face due process in Canada; 40% would leave him in Guantanamo; 41% agree with the federal government’s decision to challenge lower court rulings on Khadr case; 40% disagree, 40% think Khadr would get a fair trial in Guantanamo; 45% disagree, 38% feel sympathy for Khadr’s plight; 52% do not. Since November 2008, Canadians have been almost evenly split when assessing these two policy options. Earlier this year, two courts called for Khadr’s repatriation. Buoyed by the split polls the federal government indicated it would challenge their decision before the Supreme Court of Canada. Angus Reid 2009) The opinions of Canadians did not change in the next poll, February 1 and February 2, 2010 with data from 1,001 Canadian adults. With very similar data to the January and August polls of 2009 with the February 2010 poll reported â€Å"40 per cent of respondents would leave Khadr to face trial by military commission in Guantanamo Bay, while 40 per cent would demand his repatriation to face due process under Canadian law†(Angus Reid, 2010). There was no change despite the development of January 29, 2010 when the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government cannot be required to send home Khadr. However the Court found that Canada and the U. S. have violated Khadr’s right to life, liberty and security under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. (Angus Reid 2010) A change in opinion was finally noted in the May 7 to May 8, 2010 survey of 1,005 Canadian adults. The data reported â€Å"46 per cent of respondents say Khadr should be left to face trial by military commission in Guantanamo Bay. Just over a third of Canadians (36%) think that the government should demand Khadr’s repatriation and allow him to be tried in Canada. Since February, the proportion of respondents who believed Khadr should be left to face trial by military commission in Guantanamo Bay had increased by six points. Though many respondents did not have difficulty with having Khadr face justice in the form of a military commission at Guantanamo, a large proportion of Canadians (42%) thought he would not get a fair trial there. Over a third of Canadians (37%) expressed sympathy for Khadr, but half did not. In the February poll, 33 per cent of Canadians had said they sympathized with Khadr’s situation, another shift in opinion. Almost half of Canadians (49%) agreed with the Supreme Court ruling, while 26 per cent disagreed. These results were similar to February 2010 data. †(Angus Reid 2010) The July 12 and 13, 2010 poll of 1,003 Canadian adults detailed that Canadians continued to remain divided on how to manage Omar Khadr’s case. â€Å"43 per cent of respondents said Omar Khadr should be left to face trial by military commission in Guantanamo, down three points since May. Conversely, 36 per cent of respondents thought Canada should demand Khadr’s repatriation to face due process under Canadian law. http://www. angus-reid. com/polls/39282/canadians_remain_split_on_guantanamo_inmate/ The pressure on Harper’s government was increasing with the mandate from the Federal Court of Canada giving the government one week to ensure that Khadr’s constitutional rights to a fair trial were defended. In reply, the government reported that it would appeal the Federal Court’s rul ing citing a conflict with the Crown right to influence foreign affairs. (Angus Reid 2010) The government has maintained its direction while Canadians have maintained their opinions. But in the last poll of October 25 and 26, 2010 1,016 Canadians reported their unhappiness with the government’s management of Omar Khadr’s case. While Omar Khadr pled guilty, 48 per cent think that Khadr did so because it is in his best interests. Only 27 per cent of Canadians thought Khadr entered a guilty plea because he in fact committed the acts that he was accused of. Overall, Canadians continue their even divide, with 30 per cent reporting the process was fair, and 26 per cent unfair. A large proportion of respondents (44%) were undecided in this poll. Canadians were in agreement however with 38 per cent reporting their dissatisfaction with the way the Canadian federal government, and 39 percent U. S. government managed the case and close to 36 percent also found fault with the Department of Foreign Affairs and 33 percent faulted the opposition parties in the House of Commons. (Angus Reid 2010) Canadians, as demonstrated in the Angus Reid polls, have remained consistently divided on the Omar Khadr case despite the unending media reports, blog conversations, legal representations and protestations. The question arises as to why in this case have the opinions not changed as new information has been presented. A quick review of the political blogs following the Omar Khadr case reveals some very passionate responses to the changing scenarios faced by Mr. Khadr and the government. While these blogs cannot be considered as academic sources they do provide a window to view public opinion. There appears to be two common perspectives on the issues brought forward in response to the poll questions, those of right-wing conservatives and those of left-wing liberals. Steven Taylor, a political commentator and policy analyst describes his view as a cold, logical conservative, â€Å"I have always believed that right-wingers act on what they know to be true, whereas left-wingers act on what they feel to be true. †(Taylor 2008) Taylor suggests that a conservative review of the case using a ‘logical lens’ would include three facts: Omar Khadr is alleged to have thrown the grenade. He is a Canadian citizen. All persons in custody have a right to the due process of law. His solution would be that Khadr face American justice in an American court, not a court in Guantanamo Bay. This would support our basic presumptions of innocence until proven otherwise, due process and the rule of law. Taylor compares this position to the liberal view, which supports civil and political freedoms pointing out that it was during the liberal reign that Khadr was captured, interrogated and held. Given this fact there is an inconsistency with their current demand for Khadr’s return to Canada. Canada’s current policy concludes that any Canadian citizen found breaking US law, are tried for their crime on US soil, then a transfer to Canada is negotiated. Taylor 2008) Angus Reid Public Opinion has provided much recent information on the public opinion on the Omar Khadr case. A review of the polls completed over the past four years has clearly shown Canadians are evenly split in their beliefs regardless of the survey questions asked. The data suggests that there are two distinct schools of thought, those who are aligned with right wing Conservative principles as oppos ed to those with left wing Liberal values. Despite media coverage, that on occasion has contained graphic detail, the public’s opinion has not changed. Public opinion and public policy are connected when the public’s preferences are incorporated into policy. However the public must be clear in it’s response in order to affect change in policy. In the Omar Khdar case the public reply has been divided, and a status quo policy has prevailed with the ruling Conservatives continuing according to their party ideals. This demonstrates that public opinion does have an effect on public policy. Bibliography : Canadians Divided on Omar Khadr’s Fate. Angus Reid Public Opinion. Angus Reid , 25 April 2008. Web. 1 Nov 2010. . Canadians Divided on Omar Khadr’s Fate. Angus Reid Public Opinion. Angus Reid , 25 April 2008. Web. 1 Nov 2010. .. Angus Reid Public Opinion. Angus Reid, 14 March 2008. Web. 1 Nov 2010. . Canadians Evenly Divided on How to Deal with Omar Khadr. Angus Reid Public Opinion. Angus Reid, 02 Sept 2009. Web. 1 Nov 2010. Canadians Ponder Repatriation of Omar Khadr. Angus Reid Public Opinion. Angus Reid , 23 Nov 2008. Web. 1 Nov 2010. Canadians Remain Split on Guantanamo Inmate. Angus Reid Public Opinion. Angus Reid, 16 Jul 2010. Web. 1 Nov 2010. . Canadians Split Over Guantanamo Detainee. Angus Reid Public Opinion. Angus Reid, 12 June 2007. Web. 1 Nov 2010. Canada Split on Khadr After Interrogation Video. Angus Reid Opinion. Angus Reid, 23 July 2008. Web. 1 Nov 2010. Canadians Still Split on Omar Khadr’s Trial. Angus Reid Public Opinion. Angus Reid, 15 Jan 2009. Web. 1 Nov 2010. Dallaire, Romeo. 2010. They fight like soldiers, they die like children: the global quest to eradicate the use of child soldiers. Toronto: Random House of Canada Limited. Half of Canadians Think Khadr’s Guilty Plea Was a Strategic Decision. Angus Reid Public Opinion. Angus Reid, 28 Oct 2010. Web. 1 Nov 2010. . More Canadians Say Omar Khadr Should Face Trial in Guantanamo. Angus Reid Public Opinion. Angus Reid, 13 May 2010. Web. 1 Nov 2010. . Omar Khadr Case Still Divides Views in Canada. Angus Reid Public Opinion. Angus Reid, 04 Feb 2010. Web. 1 Nov 2010. Renka, R. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Public Opinion Polls. Southeast Missouri State University(2010): n. pag. Web. 1 Nov 2010. . Shephard, Michelle. Facts and fallacies of Omar Khadr case. Star 18 Jul 2008: n. pag. Web. 1 Nov 2010. . Shephard, Michelle. Interrogation video fails to sway support to Khadr, poll finds. Star 22 Jul 2008: n. pag. Web. 1 Nov 2010. . Taylor, Stephen. Omar Khar: try him, but not here. Stephen Taylor Blog (2008): n. pag. Web. 1 Nov 2010. .
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The disease of masturbation Essay Example For Students
The disease of masturbation Essay The Disease of Masturbation: Values and the concept of Disease by EngelhardtEnglhardt’s article The Disease Of Masturbation is an example of the ways in which values impact society’s definition of disease. I agree that it is possible that science is being, or has been, limited by the values within society. For science to conclude that masturbation causes such aliments as blindness and epilepsy it appears evident that science is being misguided by values of the time. I believe that science also realizes that values play a part in research conducted, otherwise there would be no need for blind and double blind studies. Blind studies are used to help eliminate bias brought on by the experimenter or the test subject. We will write a custom essay on The disease of masturbation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In the eighteenth and nineteenth century masturbation was thought to produce the signs and symptoms of a dangerous disease: â€Å"Disease is neither an objective entity nor a concept of a single definition, there is not, nor need be, one concept of disease (UWO, p.241).†The problem with Englehardt’s article is our health system is that of the biomedical model. The biomedical model does not recognize masturbation as a disease. It states that â€Å"disease is a biological deviation from the norm that can be explained scientifically†(Charland). Masturbation has not been proven to fit into either category. Masturbation may have been a deviation from the norm at one point in time, but I do not believe that it can be explained scientifically. Englehardt’s article says that masturbation was the cause of such illnesses as blindness and vertigo. But how were these conclusions drawn? Were these conclusions scientific in nature or gathered according to the views an d values of the times? Masturbation was turned into a disease, not with just somatic, but psychological dimensions.Tissot states that masturbating is even more debilitating than sex because of a loss of seminal fluid (1oz equals 40oz of blood). When seminal loss takes place in a position other than the recumbent position the effects are multiplied. Tissot successfully establishes that masturbation is associated with physical and mental maladies. Englehardt should stipulate how Tissot reaches this conclusion. There are also disagreements as to whether frequent sex is any different than masturbation. It is argued that the difference between masturbation and sex is the expenditure of nerve force that is compensated by the magnetism of the partner. Masturbation is worse because it is unnatural and therefore less satisfying. I think masturbation is natural, and has very likely been around as long as sex maybe longer. At first masturbating was thought to cause dyspepsia, constriction of the urethra, epilepsy, blindness, vertigo, loss of hearing, headaches, impantency, and loss of memory. As well as, irregular action of the heart, general loss of health and strength, rickets, leucorrhea in women, chronic catarrhal conjunctivis, nymphomania (more common in blondes and brunettes), and changes in external genitalia. Enlargement of superficial veins of hands and feet, moist clammy hands, stooped shoulders, pale sallow face with dark circles around eyes, draggy gait and acne, insanity, progressive loss of vigour, and causes heredity of insanity are also included on the list of health problems caused by masturbation. How a causal relationship was found between these illnesses and masturbation is unclear in Englehardt’s paper. Englehardt suggests that masturbation should be considered a syndrome rather than a disease, because syndromes have the running together of signs and symptoms into a recognizable pattern. Since masturbation is associated with disease it should also be associated with deaths (which have happened). Since people have also died from having sex, should sex be banned because of these dangers? Between the sexually transmitted diseases and the rare cases of people having heart attacks while having sex the possibility of death through sex is probably greater than it is from masturbation. .u578be65ceaa0994a35b5ef992287d416 , .u578be65ceaa0994a35b5ef992287d416 .postImageUrl , .u578be65ceaa0994a35b5ef992287d416 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u578be65ceaa0994a35b5ef992287d416 , .u578be65ceaa0994a35b5ef992287d416:hover , .u578be65ceaa0994a35b5ef992287d416:visited , .u578be65ceaa0994a35b5ef992287d416:active { border:0!important; } .u578be65ceaa0994a35b5ef992287d416 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u578be65ceaa0994a35b5ef992287d416 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u578be65ceaa0994a35b5ef992287d416:active , .u578be65ceaa0994a35b5ef992287d416:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u578be65ceaa0994a35b5ef992287d416 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u578be65ceaa0994a35b5ef992287d416 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u578be65ceaa0994a35b5ef992287d416 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u578be65ceaa0994a35b5ef992287d416 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u578be65ceaa0994a35b5ef992287d416:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u578be65ceaa0994a35b5ef992287d416 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u578be65ceaa0994a35b5ef992287d416 .u578be65ceaa0994a35b5ef992287d416-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u578be65ceaa0994a35b5ef992287d416:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: French and Indian War EssayThere was a struggle to develop a workable nosology it was placed under various categories and numerous nomenclatures called onanism and, onanysmus. Initally masturbation was under the heading of male disease of generative organs, then it had many other headings until 1906 when it changed to genito-urinary system diseases. The name changes probably indicate hesitation on the part of recorders as to nature of disease, recorders who were drawn in by the obviously psychological parts of the phenomenon to classify it as a functional disturbance. Through an examination of the parallels between what is good for one’s soul and what is good for on e’s health, one would expect to find that disease correlates with immoral sexual behaviour. Also, people’s inclinations to translate a moral issue into medical terms and relieve them. Jonathon Hutchinson described the etiological mechanism of the habit in question as one that may be injurious to the nerve-tone and likely originates and sustains illness which without it might have been avoided or cured. Effects were magnified during youth when such â€Å"shocks†threaten normal development. Freud wrote that sexual exhaustion could provoke neurasthenia. If sexual exhaustion fails to be achieved by it self it has an effect in the disposition of the nervous system, causing physical illness and depressive effects to be overworked and can no longer be tolerated without leading to neurasthenia in males it is acquired at puberty. Other models were based mainly on the signs and symptoms and the effects of the guilt associated with the act of masturbation. It was guilt, n ot excitation, that led to masturbation. Often religion and mental conditions caused men to become alarmed with the activity. ‘Masturbation is not a sin but a vice (UWO, p.243).†It’s bad signs and symptoms became viewed as the result of guilt and anxiety felt because of particular cultural norms. There is nothing particularly wrong with masturbation. Masturbation is inevitable under restraints of life and while avoiding any attitude of indifference. I agree that the signs and symptoms connected with masturbation must have in fact come from the guilt and anxiety brought on by the act since masturbation was thought of as a heinous thing to do. Different restraining devices were made: infibulation, circumcision, acid burns, clitoridictomy, vasectomy, castration, use of electrodes, and acupuncture. Some more tolerant approaches include hard work and simple diet changes, suggestion of the use of frequenting prostitutes. Imagine if our society thought that frequenting prostitutes was a cure for what ails you. HIV and AIDS would be even more prevalent. Active tonics such as cold baths at bedtime were suggested, and ‘Brownian’ proposed use of opium, and morphine sulphate. Englehardt’s use of masturbation is an example of the role of evolution in explanation. Englehardt uses many examples of how the values of society have influenced our picture of disease in many time periods. The Disease of Masturbation shows how much the many emotions and values of the time add stress and eventually bring on the symptoms that people reported to be associated with masturbation. Masturbation is the best possible example of the role of society’s values on health and disease. It, however, is not a realistic example because masturbation does not fit into the biomedical model’s definition of a disease. I do not feel that masturbation has been scientifically proven to cause all of the ailments listed in Englehardt’s article. Masturbation may have been a deviation from the norm but does this create the need to label it a disease?
Sunday, November 24, 2019
How Post-World War Ii Technology Changed America Essay Example
How Post How Post-World War Ii Technology Changed America Essay How Post-World War Ii Technology Changed America Essay How Post-World War II Technology Changed America 5/3/2012 AMH 2020- Yellow Class Angelika Vasquez Professor Brian Milner During the post-World War II era everything in our nation seemed to change. The post-World War II era had significant technological advances that changed politics, the economy, and the way people interacted with one another. Three of the biggest technological advances during this era were the introduction of the atomic bomb, television, and space race technology. 945 to 1949, the Atomic bomb changed politics and introduced the military industrial complex. Television, in the 1950’s, changed the way people thought. During the 1960’s there were many new space race technologies introduced that changed the way Americans received information. The atomic bomb, television, and space race technology significantly changed America. Atomic Bomb Cold War- Julius and Ethel Rosenberg After Dwight D. Eisenhower left office, he warned about the growing influence of th e military-industrial complex, in American government and life. The military-industrial complex was first coined by Eisenhower, during his farewell address in 1961. This complex defines the combined effort of big business and the military to press for an ever-increasing share of national resources for the development of new weapons. Many politicians during this time believed that the military-industrial complex promoted policies that were not in the best interest for America, and that the growth of the military-industrial complex could perhaps undermine American democracy. The Cold War had created a warfare state. Because of the atomic bomb, civil defense drills required people to crawl under their desks at work or school; high schools named their football teams The Atoms; and songwriters wrote about the end of the world. Movies warned of the dangers of the bomb or made grim jokes about the fate of humanity. In the late 1940’s, faced with the possibility of a nuclear war, Americans began building bomb shelters. Bomb shelters were built in either your backyard or your basement that were meant to offer substantial protection. Television By the late 1950’s, almost ninety percent of American homes had a television set. Television transformed the way Americans did politics. During the Kennedy versus Nixon election, television played a key role in their election campaigns. During the Kennedy-Nixon debates, Kennedy had more of an appeal than Nixon. Although campaigns were already relying less on political parties and more on money before the introduction of the television, television helped accelerate this idea. John F. Kennedy emerged with a disputable national vote plurality over Richard M. Nixon by a razor’s edge of . 7 percent in popular vote (49. 72% to 49. 55%) that converted into a 303 to 219 Electoral College victory. Some historians believe that without the television, Kennedy would not have won the 1960 election. In fact, John F. Kennedy himself stated that, â€Å"we wouldn’t have had a prayer without that gadget. †Besides affecting politics, television also transformed American cul ture. The average American viewer spent a little over five hours a day in front of a television screen. American television was paid for by private enterprise, unlike Europe’s government financed television. During the mid 1950’s advertisers spent an estimate ten billion dollars to push their advertisements on the air. Television transformed American culture into a consumer culture. Television also changed the way Americans live, and the ideology which Americans lived by. Popular television series, such as Leave It To Beaver, portrayed the ideal family as a male breadwinner, a woman full-time homemaker, and three or four children. On television, married women did not have paying jobs and depended on their husbands. Americans began getting married at a younger age and the birthrate soared. Space Race Technology Microwaves Cell Phones Home Computer Bibliography Atomic Culture. Social Culture. centennialofflight. gov/essay/Social/atomic_culture/SH23. htm (accessed May 3, 2012). Renka, Russell. The 1960 Kennedy v. Nixon Election. The Modern Presidency. cstl-cla. semo. edu/renka/ui320-75/presidents/kennedy/1960_election. asp (accessed May 3, 2012). Roark, James L.. Understanding the American promise: a brief history. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. [ 1 ]. Roark, James L.. Understanding the American promise: a brief history. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. 717. [ 2 ]. Atomic Culture. Social Culture. centennialofflight. gov/essay/Social/atomic_culture/SH23. htm (accessed May 3, 2012). [ 3 ]. Renka, Russell. The 1960 Kennedy v. Nixon Election. The Modern Presidency. cstl-cla. semo. edu/renka/ui320-75/presidents/kennedy/1960_election. asp (accessed May 3, 2012). [ 4 ]. Roark, James L.. Understanding the American promise: a brief history. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. 765. [ 5 ]. IBID, 764.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Critique Review of the Film The Pursuit of Happiness Movie
Critique of the Film The Pursuit of Happiness - Movie Review Example It goes to extra lengths to inspire its viewers even when it shows much of what happens when one does not have as opposed to how to get what everyone wants to have: that is moneyThe film has two key characters, Chris Gardner and his son. Chris Gardner is a character that goes to extra lengths to alleviate his family from poverty. He struggles so hard to make ends meet despite being evicted from the apartment (Muccino, 2006). Unlike the common conception where people struggle financially because they are school dropouts or drug addicts, Gardner is shown as a talented and bright young man who is unfortunate. Together with his son, they endure so many hardships including sleeping in shelters, subway, and hotel when he is lucky to get money during the day. From the look of how the characters dress, the film’s setting takes place at a time when America’s economy was under a recession. Research shows that the last few years of this century are not the worst hit by the economi c recession as compared to the early 1980s (Leonhardt, 2009). However, despite this, Gardner aims at showing the world that the poor do not need an army to fight poverty. All that a person needs are proper shoes as shown in several scenes and a positive attitude regardless of the problems at hand. As a viewer, it is also critical to note that Will Smith, who is Chris Gardner in the film, does an exceptional job at convincing viewers of the struggles that people face just to survive. There are not so many films that portray how people struggle financially and in relationships so convincingly. I believe that the film drives the point home allowing viewers to make note of its logos of the logic contained in its interesting display of characters’ behavior. Though Smith is only acting, this is a message that reminds all those who have the resources particularly the middle-income families that all this can go away.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Compare the differences and similarities in how stories are framed Assignment
Compare the differences and similarities in how stories are framed - Assignment Example There is a quote from the nuclear specialist who narrates his meeting after the disaster with his wife and children (MSNBC, 19 March 2011). By including this real life experience, the report gets more close to the human disaster rather than dwelling only on technical details. While reporting the radiation contamination of food items, Fox News has included crucial information that others have not- the tap water also has become contaminated with radiation (Fox News, 19 March 2011). This is important information and missing this does not go well with other news agencies. Fox News also has included the emotional account of the nuclear specialist about meeting his family (Fox News, 19 March 2011). Fox News has also given a brief history of the disaster by telling how it started and through which phases it developed (Fox News, 19 March 2011). It is a good practice to keep the viewers informed about the history of an event when it is a running story. CNBC has not made th food contamination a major headline and has given it as only a sub-heading to the main heading, ‘Japan Sees Some Stabilization in Nuclear Crisis’ (19 March 2011).
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Chinese popular culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Chinese popular culture - Essay Example Especially in immensely growing economies like China or India, college graduates are of pivotal importance. This is because college graduates are the source of talent for the countries. Due to unemployment for many reasons, the pool of talent at the college level is lost and their talents to ensure sustainable growth over the period of time go into the drain. In China, it is estimated that this year around 7 million students will pass out from colleges and universities. These numbers are the biggest since 2012, when 6.8 million students passed higher college or universities. Keeping this in view, unemployment rate in China will go above the current rate, i.e. 20%, as around 54% out of 7 million students would find it difficult to find a suitable job (Chan, 2010). In this scenario, where college graduates are still unemployed, the Chinese government has to step in and facilitate those students. Biggest advantage of unemployment that Chinese college graduates can receive is that, they are provided with funds by the government in order to empower them to start earning. But on the other hand, majority of the Chinese corporations and businesses are more leaning towards foreign talent than to trust their own pool of talent. As a result, this pool of talent is becoming a waste and the college graduates’ lifestyle has also gone below par. The perfect example of projecting this misery is that, Chinese unemployed graduates are forced to live in small colonies, where each apartment is filled with 8 to 9 college graduates. Despite of living difficulties these college graduates are facing, another dilemma they are indulging into is criminal activities. By adopting a wrongful path, these college graduates aim to make more money in a relatively less amount of time (Solinger, 1999). To meet their expenditures, these unemployed college graduates majorly depend upon the aid they receive from the government. This aid enables unemployed college graduates to fulfill their ex penditures for housing, education, food and travelling. But, due to increasing unemployment, the aid provided to the students is becoming a burden on national reserves. Chinese government reports millions of Yuan that are spent on the social security of these unemployed college graduates. On the other hand, other source of income for these unemployed college graduate is through criminal activities, purchase and sell of drugs, engaging into trash jobs which prevents the talent to reach at the top notch corporate level where the can prove to be more beneficial. Even if they find a job, it might be in the field for which they are not qualified or they do not have ambitions for. In this scenario, they fall victim to boredom at job place and their performance levels are decreased. Moreover, it causes severe depression and stress due to dissatisfaction form the job. Unemployed Peasant Laborers Peasant laborers are those laborers who work at a very basic level of country’s economy. These might include farmers and other self-employed basic level workers. These workers are considered as being the biggest victim of unemployment. This is because, these are the one who produce items of basic necessities and perform basic jobs that are pivotal for the growth of
Friday, November 15, 2019
Some Reasons For Unhappiness
Some Reasons For Unhappiness The true American dream of the pursuit of happiness might now directly change into the pursuit of material wealth because some people are becoming unhappy. I assume our immeasurable desires make us unhappy. Psychologists define unhappiness as a mental or emotional state of distress that is distinguished by negative or upset emotions fluctuating from contentment to intense misery. I started my journey reasons for unhappiness, by interviewing some Montgomery College students, and I continued interviewing many other people: my friends, co-workers and relatives. Then, I did some research and watched a great documentary film called HAPPY and some more videos from websites to strengthen my case. Next, I examined people different reasons and views for their unhappiness. The first reason is seriousness of their unhappiness. Some people are not happy because they have extra weight on their body, and others are unhappy because they lost someone they deeply love. Also, they have complex reasons from one another. Some people believe they hate their job because they dont have enough money to afford what they want to buy. Others are not happy because they dont have a job. Health is also another concerning reason. Some people are unhappy because they dont have good health and others are not happy because they dont have money to buy cigarettes. After I studied different types of unhappiness, I found out people can become unhappy in two different ways. One way to be unhappy is having bad relationships among families, co-workers and friends. Another way is having personal problem, such as health. There are also several ways to become happy. These can be reading the Holy Bible, traveling aboard and learning about different cultures, creating great social interaction with your neighbors, or building freedom of choices. Introduction Pressures we carried in our lives can produce destinations for our happiness or unhappiness, such as a final exam for a student, an interview for a job seeker, an experiment for a scientist, or a touchdown for a football player. These conditions are major deciders for our happiness or sadness. Even though it is obvious that every one of us seek a single outcome -joy, there are still many reasons for unhappiness. I believe our happiness can be achieved by feasible dreams or heart desires, but not unobtainable dreams that put us into miserable situations. My assumption is limitless desires for everything we could ask for and even more have made us to not appreciate life and to no be happy. During my study, I found several reasons and research papers about unhappiness, but I mainly focused the dimension, complexity or differentiate, and unhealthiness of unhappiness to support my hypothesis. In this trying research, my goal is study the danger of unhappiness and its consequences and to find recommendations that fulfill a person life with full of happiness. In addition, the purpose of this report is to scrutinize or avoid our unhappiness because I believe it may cause demise. I have included some people life experiences and interviews and expert analyses. Methods According to Ian Sample article, How to be happy? the Guardian newspaper in November 2003, most of us are born with a certain amount of happiness, and our happiness is a best way to achieve our goals. However, unhappiness has been an endless problem for most individuals. Thus, I started by interviewing to proof my assumption. I interviewed some Montgomery Community College students, my friends, my families, and my co-workers, and all the interviews was fun, and besides it helped me to get supportive evidences. After I had numerous interviews, I watched a one and half hour documentary film called HAPPY, directed and written by Roko Belic, on Netflix. The documentary has an extraordinary journey from small town India to the modern city Japan in pursuit of happiness. Also, it has actual life stories of individuals from around the world and influential interviews with some top experts and scientists. It also explores the secrets behind our most valued emotion, happiness. I watched the documentary many times, and I carefully took a note about why people are happy or unhappy. Next, I composed some information about happiness from different website articles, such as the Guardian daily newspaper. In addition, I watched several videos, on, about happiness and unhappiness, which help me to prove my hypothesis come up with strong conclusion and recommendation. Results Depths of unhappiness Nancy Etcoff, a professor of the science of Happiness at Harvard university, in her talk, Happiness and its Surprises on, explained that humans are very sensitive of negative things; hence, they can easily be unhappy. During my study, I mainly focused on the profundity of unhappiness because some people unhappiness was a slight lower-amid gloom. For instance, they were unhappy because they got a parking ticket while parking in No Parking! areas. I tried to avoid this common and ordinary unhappiness, which have easy solutions. For instance, if someone is unhappy about his weight, he can exercise. Also, it was pretty difficulty for me to record consultations about unhappiness. While I was fully concerning to get a negative life experience, some people I interviewed were giving me a commonplace sadness because they concerned about protecting their depressed stories. In general, the majority of my interviewer stories were very common unhappiness. They were simply unhappy in particular situations and overlooked it right away. However, some have emotionally wounded for long period of time, which allowed me to see how unhappiness deeply affected people lives. One of my good friends told me about his agonizing marriage story, and how it affected his life. He told me that he found his wife cheating; however, he has been willing to keep his relationship for the sake of his children. Even though he is still unhappy about it, he mentioned that he fears if he wanted a divorce, he will lose his children. As a result, he chooses to be unhappy and lives with his children than getting divorce. Complexity of unhappiness In my study, I also found that unhappiness can have a different involvedness between ages and situations. For instance, My nephew, age 10, want to play game during weekend if he didnt allowed to play a video game in weekends, he would be unhappy. And, some college students believe that they are not happy because of some bad professors. Their repulsions are even though they have a good or bad grade, they are not happy by the way they are learning in some classes. However, some other college students have different ideas, they believe that the reason why college students are unhappy because of stressful college course, which has various pressures and expectation, and most time these prevent students to earn good grades. Also, my co-workers have different explanation for their unhappiness. Most of my co-workers think they are not happy because of low payment in the company. In contrast, my unemployed friends feel miserable because they couldnt find a job. How unhappiness impact a person health? During my interviews, some people give me feedback of unhappiness concerning to heath. They said that when they feel like there are too many pressures or demands on them, they become stressful. For instance, when they are worrying about tests and schoolwork, they might lose sleep. When they have busy schedules, they might eat on the run. Also, everyone experiences stress at times; adults, teens, and even kids, but there are ways to minimize or to manage those health problems. However, not like the following story. Markus, my co-worker in JCP, told me a poignant story of his ex-girlfriend. He told me that his ex-girlfriend became drug addicted because she was unhappy in her life. When she took drugs, she felt false happy. Thus, she continued to use drugs because if she didnt take drugs, she believed she would have a stressful day. Markus was unhappy by her situation and he tried to stop her for several months. However, she couldnt listen to him. Finally, she ended up death while taking drugs. Discussion During my study of reasons for unhappiness, I found out about two ways of unhappiness which support my hypothesis: one there is dependent unhappiness, and there is independent unhappiness. Dependent unhappiness is unhappiness that we feel when we lost what we had. For instance, if suppose we keep expecting from others: friends and co-workers including our relatives, we finally end up unhappy because people are capable of making mistake. Daniel Kahneman on his talks, The Riddle of experience vs. memory on, explained even though every one of us want to make happy one and another, still people are becoming unhappy because what other people did to them. Independent unhappiness is melancholies that happen when we have desire that has never-ending. For instance, when we comparing ourselves to others. When we want more of something things weather it is bad or good. We are not pretty skillful about thinking quickly before we act, so we need not be disgraceful about our own deeds. If we can solve problems in our life then there is no need of worry, but we still deeply stressed and become unhappy plus hurt our health with the thing we cant solve. During my studies, I have perceived whether it is dependent or independent unhappiness, people are becoming unhappy because they dont have a limit for things. Most of our unhappiness came from the unrestricted desire of achievements. We should have to know our capabilities and potential what wed, and has to keep little expectations from others as much little as possible also from ourselves. Even though our unhappiness is bring those various types of problems and different reasons. Some reasons are depth and some are easy, and some reasons are complex and have health issues. Recommendation to become happy They are many recommendations for our unhappiness. J.D. Roth, a founder of award-winning website Get Rich Slowly, in his article, The Psychology of Happiness: 13 Steps to a Better Life, on, has recommended how to avoid unlimited desires and some step for a better life. Also, he mentioned that people should not compare physically or socially to one another, and to focus to their personal goals. In addition, getting away of unhappiness might have different recommendations, but all have the same impact, which is becoming happy again. No one ever found happiness alone, gazing at his navel. Happiness is not personal. It is relational. If we improve our relationships, we will surely boost our happiness. Thus, traveling aboard and exploring new things, becoming closely connected or associated with neighborhoods are some of freedom of choice: doing what someone loves to do and knowing limitation: avoiding life pressures can help us to get away from unhappiness. Work cited: Sample, Ian. How to Be Happy. The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 19 Nov. 2003. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. . The Psychology of Happiness: 13 Steps to a Better Life. Get Rich Slowly à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Personal Finance That Makes Sense. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. . Nancy Etcoff: Happiness and Its Surprises. TED: Ideas worth Spreading. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. . 2005, World Values Survey. Happiness Net Statistics Countries Compared. NationMaster, n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. . Daniel Kahneman: The Riddle of Experience vs. Memory. TED: Ideas worth Spreading. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. . Happy. IMDb., n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2012
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Lymphatic System Essay examples -- essays research papers
The Lymphatic System      The Lymphatic System is very important. It helps with the Cardiovascular system, and our immune systems. The Lymphatic System is made up of two semi-independent parts. One is a network of lymphatic vessels. The other part is various lymphoid tissues and organs all over the body. The functions of the Lymphatic System transporting fluids that have escaped from the blood vascular system, and the organs house phagocytic cells and lymphocytes.      Lymphatic vessels are an elaborate system of drainage vessles that collect the excess protein-containing fluid and returns it to the bloodstream.. Once an interstitial fluid enters the lymphatics it is called lymph. The lymphatic vessels form a one way system in which lymph flows only towards the heart. This entire transport sytem starts in the lymph capillaries. These are very commmon, usually occur in the places blood capillaries occur. Lymph capillaries are not found in bone, teeth, bone marrow, and entire central nervous system. Lymphatic capillaries are very permeable. The endothelial cells that make up the walls of the capillaries are not tightly joined. Filament anchor the endothelium cells so they can expand. Pathogens can spread through the body through the lymphatic stream.      There are many cells in the lymphoid tissue. One type is lymphocytes, which are reffered to often as T or B cells. Plasma cells are antibody-produci...
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Computer Science Essay
â€Å"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful†. My academic performance has been consistently above average, which was duly recognized by the College when I was presented the Good Result for my performance in the PUC. My Pre University(PU) course played a key role in laying a Accounting which enabled me to develop a puc courses oriented outlook and encouraged me to pursue Undergraduate education. I stressed on acquiring basic knowledge during my Pre University (PU) studies to strengthen my belief that a concrete foundation is essential for a prosperous career. I yearned to equip myself with cutting edge Business and Accounting concept in order to deal with enormous and multifaceted growth Business and Accounting. The mercurial growth in the communications has been fascinating me right from my pre university days. I always found it very interesting to untangle the complex web of communications, fiber optics. A career in communication is something that, I have always dreamt of. As it absolutely necessary for everyone to be acquainted with computers, I have earned the knowledge of ‘C’ and ‘C++’. My field of interest lies in communication, fiber optics. Though right now I am applying for the Undergraduate program, I would like to continue my study in this field to attain my goal in your esteemed university. In college, I have given seminars in my class on various topics. This experience convinced me that I have good communication skills. I have participated in youth festivals and college fetes which have enhanced my ability to effectively get into a team, but at the same time retain individuality. With this ambition I am confident that my academic capability and analytical skills coupled with my perseverance and single minded devotion will see me through to this goal. Given a chance, I am confident that my potential will be reflected in my Undergraduate studies and I will live up to high standards of your Undergraduate program. I am really interested in Chester University as it is one of the renowned Universities in UK. It offers excellent programmes bridging the gap between theory and practice. The opinion of its learned faculty on wide ranging topics is sought globally. Strong links and regular interaction with industry and business enables it to offer teaching latest global trends and needs. So I believe the confidence and exposure which I would acquire from my education in UK will help me to be more successful in today’s business world. Its simulating environment will provide me ample scope for over all developments and bring out the best in me.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe known as the blonde bombshell was the beautiful star of the 1950’s. Close friend Eve Arnold said,†Many people followed her career and life†â€Å"Most people felt like they knew her†(â€Å"Marilyn†2000 pg.1) In fact most people had no idea what really influenced her Marilyn’s life and career. Marilyn Monroe's life was greatly influenced by her need for attention. Marilyn's actions and decisions throughout her life reflect on her great need for attention. As a child Marilyn was starved for attention. Marilyn’s childhood was filled with drama filled stories to fo-fill her need for attention. Day to day Marilyn would create and over exaggerate stories so that she would receive attention. She did this throughout her childhood. Marilyn's first strive for attention was at the early age of eight. One day Marilyn ran crying uncontrollably throughout the hall of her orphanage. She ran into her room and slammed the door. Alarmed the superintendent came in and asked her what was wrong. Marilyn told her a very fabricated story. She told her that she was sitting on her bed alone in her room, when her grand mother entered. She then said that her grandmother violently pushed her head against the bed and tried to smother her with a pillow. (Rollyson, Carl 1897, pg.10) The superintendent new the story was a lie but comforted her anyway. Clearly Marilyn made this story up. Her Grandmother Della was an old fragile lady, and was thought to be ve ry friendly. Marilyn had made up the story in an act to receive attention. She told this story throughout out her childhood, changing it now and then. Marilyn embellished in this story. Author Rollyson refers to Marilyn's story as â€Å" Such traumatic events it was worthy of inclusion in a Dickens novel. Yet another story Marilyn managed to fabricate for attention was one of rape. Marilyn at age nine was living in the foster home that also took in boarders. There was an old man that the ... Free Essays on Marilyn Monroe Free Essays on Marilyn Monroe Marilyn Monroe known as the blonde bombshell was the beautiful star of the 1950’s. Close friend Eve Arnold said,†Many people followed her career and life†â€Å"Most people felt like they knew her†(â€Å"Marilyn†2000 pg.1) In fact most people had no idea what really influenced her Marilyn’s life and career. Marilyn Monroe's life was greatly influenced by her need for attention. Marilyn's actions and decisions throughout her life reflect on her great need for attention. As a child Marilyn was starved for attention. Marilyn’s childhood was filled with drama filled stories to fo-fill her need for attention. Day to day Marilyn would create and over exaggerate stories so that she would receive attention. She did this throughout her childhood. Marilyn's first strive for attention was at the early age of eight. One day Marilyn ran crying uncontrollably throughout the hall of her orphanage. She ran into her room and slammed the door. Alarmed the superintendent came in and asked her what was wrong. Marilyn told her a very fabricated story. She told her that she was sitting on her bed alone in her room, when her grand mother entered. She then said that her grandmother violently pushed her head against the bed and tried to smother her with a pillow. (Rollyson, Carl 1897, pg.10) The superintendent new the story was a lie but comforted her anyway. Clearly Marilyn made this story up. Her Grandmother Della was an old fragile lady, and was thought to be ve ry friendly. Marilyn had made up the story in an act to receive attention. She told this story throughout out her childhood, changing it now and then. Marilyn embellished in this story. Author Rollyson refers to Marilyn's story as â€Å" Such traumatic events it was worthy of inclusion in a Dickens novel. Yet another story Marilyn managed to fabricate for attention was one of rape. Marilyn at age nine was living in the foster home that also took in boarders. There was an old man that the ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Virgin train crash Essay Example
Virgin train crash Essay Example Virgin train crash Essay Virgin train crash Essay On Friday 23 February 2007 a virgin train going from London to Glasgow derailed and crashed at grayrigg, near Kendal killing one individual and wounding five. The company in the imperativeness conference was positive, complimentary and dignified. It is common phenomenon the different attack of an issue from different journalists in magazines, newspapers or even Television and wireless programmes. This subject is really of import. I searched in 4 different beginnings: a ) B ) degree Celsius ) vitamin D ) A ) ( 2009 ) In this article defines that Sir Richard Branson turned a potentially reputation-damaging incident into an illustration of best pattern crisis communications. During a PR conference, the independent editor Simon kellner described Branson s handing of the crisis as genius PR He besides added that Branson took the narrative off from being an institutional and public catastrophe and made it on about the gallantry of the train driver The article describes the good communicating of the company with the media with efficiency and accurate manner. It says that the president of the company was really emotional but did nt take the clang as his company s mistake. He even made the driver of the train as a hero. He besides point that if the train was older the accident would be worst with more deceases and more hurts. He even commended web rail for being dignified in accepting duty for the accident. B ) ( 2007 ) In this article the writer talk more about the incident that the statements of the company and other factors. The articles focus more to the 180 people that was onboard, the clip that the incident occurs and how many were the hurts. Include some statement of constabulary A train has crashed between Oxenholme and Tebay, but that is all we know at the minute. We have got two autos going at that place now and local constabularies are go toing , some statement of ambulance At the minute, we have studies of assorted hurts, from leg hurts to endorse hurts and caput hurts, runing from child to rather serious From the deliverance squad besides It s our apprehension there are a figure of people injured on the train. We think there are legion hurts and a statement merely of the president of virgin company that says that he come from his vacations to the site and did a imperativeness conference. He stated that virgin train Pendolino was built like a armored combat vehicle and believed t he path was to fault. He besides praised the train driver that tried to halt the train alternatively of go forthing the cockpit. C ) ( 2007 ) Here we have the official articles and statements of the virgin company. The imperativeness office foremost introduces the accident on 24 February at 2 oclock and province that they investigate the grounds of the accident. Later on with a new imperativeness release they praised the driver and his astonishing occupation Mr Sir Richards said. He assumes that the train was built like a armored combat vehicle and it is the safer train you can be in. He besides states that he went to the infirmaries and saw some physicians and people that were in the train. After 2 yearss the driver negotiations about the accident but he do nt state anything about it in the same it. He province merely the support from the company during the accident, He besides states his unhappiness about the one dead and the hurts. At the same twenty-four hours the laminitis of virgin rail group makes some more statements. He says that the probes move rapidly, that his greater concern is the people that are in the inf irmaries. He speak about some more hints during the accident and at last he province that they are non the 1s that must be blamed. D ) Michael Regester, A ; Judy Larkin ( 2008 ) In this article we have the full narrative and all the statements. They talk about the accident but focal point on the probe besides, he acquire a clear position off the factors that caused the accident. Sir Richard Branson took his hat off to Network rail for accepting the duty for the accident. He besides said It is non for us to fault but instead work closely to guarantee that this neer happens once more. He was careful non to knock Network rail, therefore keeping their working relationship. The writers province that he would hold significantly perpetuated what is perceived to be a national job alternatively of railroad care. The writers criticise laminitiss crisis technique that was rather good, The fact that he left a household vacation to see the clang and his hailing of the train driver as a here touches the human calamity. They besides say The now good documented hardiness of the trains used by Virgin, coupled with Branson s superb stakeholder relation direction, has meant t hat Virgin clients have non been deterred. Decision We have four articles speaking about the same accident. Some of them are rather common. The first one except the description makes some remarks about the laminitis of Virgin and it appears the laminitis as intelligent and with good crisis techniques. The 4th bash besides the same, plus have a deeper image of the accident with more elements and statements. The 3rd one, the official imperativeness of the company talks about the accident and provinces their company crisis policy that they have nil to make with the accident and they should nt be blamed. They talk rather retaining and they try to be supportive. In the 2nd article the writer does nt travel in inside informations and he remains more in the narrative of the makes. It seems more an information beginning and nil more. The credibleness of the office imperativeness and from the book seems more accurate, the first is the official releases of the company and the 2nd a good overall research for the accident. The writers seem to co gnize really good the incident. The 3rd article credibleness exists because its general information that released. In the first article the writer seems believable for the information but he expresses his sentiment besides. All four articles helped me to hold a more general attack in the issue. Some of them provided me with extra information and some with debris information. After understanding what those four articles say, one think that I know rather good the issue. ( 2009, June 29 ) . Masters of catastrophes: Virgin trains. Retrieved November 10, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: // option=com_content A ; view=article A ; id=326: masters-of-disasters A ; catid=44: currentissue A ; Itemid=113 ( 2007, February 23 ) . Virgin Train clangs in England. Retrieved November 10, 2009 from hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 2007, February 26 ) . Grayrigg derailment statement from virgin trains ( 1 ) A ; ( 2 ) . Retrieved November 10, 2009 from hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 2007, February 26 ) . Brave train driver praised by Sir Richard Branson. Retrieved November 10, 2009 from hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 2007, February 26 ) . Statement from Iain Bl ack, driver at virgin trains. Retrieved November 10, 2009 from hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 2007, February 26 ) . Virgin Trains welcome prompt publication of Rail Accident Investigation Branch s initial study on Grayrigg derailment. Retrieved November 10, 2009 from hypertext transfer protocol: // Michael Regester, A ; Judy Larkin ( 2008 ) . Risk Issues and Crisis Management in Public Relations: CASE STUDY: VIRGIN TRAIN CRASH ( pp 188, 190, 191 )
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Strategic Plans of Pfizer Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Strategic Plans of Pfizer - Case Study Example Pfizer Inc. is one of the largest Pharmaceutical companies in the world with a huge range of products which are determinant in its success in controlling a major stake of the pharmaceutical industry. It has state-of-the-art research facilities across the world and does spend considerably in this field in pharmaceuticals. These facilities are constantly discovering and developing new quality products for the industry and are spread across over 150 countries and are striving to discover new market needs specific to each area or globally. Pfizer has four major divisions of businesses and they are the pharmaceutical sector, consumer healthcare, global R&D and the animal health sector and have within a short span been successful in creating a benchmark in these different groups and industries. In the pharmaceuticals industry, Pfizer's medicines are extensively used to treat cardiovascular or lipid lowering, infectious diseases, central nervous system disorders, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, allergies, diabetes, and women's health. In consumer healthcare sector, the company has leveraged its R&D advantage and has successfully created a niche for itself in over-the-counter medicines in the market. It realized the trend in the over-the-counter preferences of the consumers and developed the same and aggressively marketed the various products under different brands and is used for treating illnesses ranging from upper respiratory tract sicknesses to eye care. Apart from these over-the-counter products, Pfizer also is a l eader in providing high quality generic medicines for the consumers. Pfizer's global R& D is the largest in the pharmaceutical industry and is located in New London, CT. it has been successful in breakthrough R&D in the areas of depression, erectile dysfunction, high cholesterol, HIV infection, hypertension and systemic fungal infections along with the most intractable diseases like cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis and stroke. The company has also entered the animal healthcare and has four dedicated plants for making animal products. It is the leader in this market with vaccines, anti-parasites, anti-inflammatories, anti-infectives, medicines and new therapies for a range of problems and diseases in animals. The Competitive Intelligence Report would cover the four major market segments for research and analysis of the competition to Bayer AG which is also among the largest Pharmaceutical companies along with Pfizer Inc. A strategic plan will be charted out based on the findings in the report for these four major sectors particularly, the pharmaceuticals and consumer healthcare (, 2008). Data Collection - As on September 30, 2008, a total of 114 products were in the pipeline by Pfizer varying across 10 therapeutic areas which are Allergy and Respiration, Cardiovascular, metabolic and endocrine Diseases (CVMED), Gastrointestinal and Hepatology, Genitourinary/Sexual Health, Infectious Diseases, Inflammation, Neuroscience, Oncology, Ophthalmology and Pain . These are the result of new medicinal development efforts around the world and the products are in four various phases of
Friday, November 1, 2019
Simulation and design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Simulation and design - Essay Example The crucial aspect of the aspect is to emphasis the position of the audience. For a project to succeed, the outcomes will influence the decision. An accurate and detailed simulation model, eye grabbing data, and robust statistical analysis need to be delivered to the correct person. The paper therefore, creates the process simulation of a wiki. Wikis have great way in communicating and working on a project with other audience. First, it is important signing an account with Google before a wiki is created with the Google site. After creating the Google account, a create site button to begin creating the Wiki. Specify a term that describes the purpose of the wiki. We can make an engaging Wiki with a choice of themes. Google gives the option to share the Wiki publicly with people that we work with. Adding the members and collaborator in the Wiki is simple. Select the â€Å"Share Site†from the dropdown actions and input the email addresses of the collaborators. People can be invited to collaborate on the Wiki through email invitations. We can give varied permissions to every person who is invited to edit the Wiki. Many customization can be done with the Wiki. Begin by accessing the management editor by selecting the Manage Site menu. The site editor customises the theme, color, fonts, and site layout. The site background, font colors, image, and header can be changed by clicking the color and fonts. Keying in other Page parameters; Google sites are tightly integrated with variousGoogle products like spreadsheet, presentation, document, and Picasa. To start inserting the elements into the Wiki, start by clicking the button named Edit page or Create page. Click the insert button and select the Google product that is found favorable to incorporate into the Wiki (Banks, 2007). The good thing about the site is that the Google documents can be put into any site
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