Thursday, August 27, 2020
Responsibilities and Relationships in Lifelong Learning free essay sample
Having no encouraging experience to begin with this was an extremely overwhelming possibility and moreover, the students will themselves be qualified educators. The PTTLS course appeared the conspicuous spot to begin preparing. In this proposed new position, the teacher’s job is impart ‘areas’ of ICT preparing at an appropriate level with the goal that all the taking an interest students will have full comprehension of the topic. The educator ought to be proficient of the subject and encourage the meeting in a manner to connect with the students, inspiring them to learn. The instructor should utilize clear language and show eagerness for the subject and an enthusiasm for the students. It will be the teacher’s and the school’s obligation to guarantee this learning happens inside a sheltered and steady learning condition. An educator must know about the Health and Safety Act 1974 (HASAWA) and furthermore of any approaches or rules identifying with this that the school/association additionally has set up. We will compose a custom article test on Duties and Relationships in Lifelong Learning or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page This could incorporate : * Being mindful of fire methods and familiarizing yourself with fire exits and meeting focuses * Checking the study hall for likely perils and knowing the technique for eporting these, for instance trailing wires or flawed ICT gear. Ensure you and the students can move around the room openly * Be mindful of what to do in case of an Accident, acquaint yourself with where the First Aid supplies are or how to contact the named First Aider whenever required. The educator might know about any ailments or handicaps, for example, Epilepsy or Diabetes inside the gathering and in this manner by aware of what to do in case of a student falling ill. * A basic thing yet significant, you may wish to move a work area or furniture. This ought not be done alone, it is critical to demand the guardian to revamp a room for your sake when meetings they will be prepared in manual lifting, or approach somebody for help! The educator must think/plan ahead of time to make nature ok for the two students and the instructor as well, this will be evaluated all through the meeting in case of a mishap or episode happening. The educator should be particularly careful when instructing ICT to students of the Data Protection Act (2003) as there will be times when ‘live’ information will be utilized to show to the students how the database functions or how to control information. This information may contain understudy scholarly information just as understudy individual information, for instance on the off chance that they are a Looked After Child; when utilizing scholastic information as a preparation device the instructor ought to guarantee the students’ names are supplanted with numbers and show with this changed information just, for instance, student1, student2 and so on. Keeping records on your students ought to be subjective and utilized with the end goal of : a record of participation, for appraisal of learning and following advancement, demonstrating criticism to the students and the association (verification of the meetings achievement) and are to be held for no longer than should be expected. The educator should check with the association the approach for record keeping and filing and ought to cling to these. When utilizing assets from the web or from booklets or test papers the educator ought to know about the Copyright Designs and Patents Act (1988) and the schools permit to copy certain measures of assets and furthermore guarantee the assets are recognized. The Legislations referenced above are not thorough and it is simply the obligation of the instructor to acclimate themselves with the associations own Policies and Procedures as well, the vast majority of which can be found on the school site or paper duplicates are held in the Head’s PA’s office. 1. 2 Analyze own duties regarding advancing fairness and esteeming decent variety In this proposed new position, the teacher’s job is impart ‘areas’ of ICT preparing at an appropriate level so all the taking an interest students will have full understanding. The instructor ought to be educated of the subject and encourage the meeting in a manner to connect with the students and propel them to learn. The educator should utilize clear language, show energy for the subject and enthusiasm for the students. The educator will know about and agree to the Equality Act 2010 and comprehend that the learning supplier has an obligation to give Inclusive Learning. This ought to be reflected in the showing style and the use of fitting assets. There are presently nine secured qualities: AgeDisabilityGenderGender identityRaceReligion and conviction Sexual orientationMarriage and common partnershipMaternity and pregnancy The instructor should challenge others and realize what to do should any sort of segregation emerge during meetings, the school has a strategy set up for detailing any separation with respect to these regions both to governors and to the neighborhood authority. The instructor has a duty to advance comprehensive learning and treat all students similarly and reasonably, to be non-judgemental, to challenge any separation, to regard and acknowledge one another and not force their own perspectives or convictions onto others. Every one of these qualities ought to be advanced by both the educator and the gathering and can be worked into the ‘Contract’ , concur this with the students toward the start of the meeting/s and make known your desires from them. As per Gravells (2012) â€Å"Equality is about the privileges of understudies to approach, join in and take an interest in their picked learning experience. This ought to be paying little mind to age, capacity as well as conditions. Assorted variety is tied in with esteeming and regarding contrasts in understudies, paying little heed to age, capacity and additionally conditions. In the event that you have at least two understudies you will encounter assorted variety. Comprehensive Learning is tied in with including all understudies, rewarding them similarly and decently, without straightforwardly or in a roundabout way barring anybody. A few students could feel barred during the meeting if their specific needs were not met. †There should as of now be arrangements set up to advance Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Learning as the educator should as of now have distinguished the requirements of the students before the meeting initiating. This is a significant initial phase in educating, distinguishing the necessities of your students. It will be a vital part that will influence all aspects of the Teaching and Learning Cycle from that point, arranging, encouraging, surveying the students and assessing the meeting and making changes where essential. The cycle stages are appeared in figure 1. 1 underneath. Figure 1. 1 The Teaching and Learning Cycle : Gravells (2012) The instructor may wish to begin a conversation which will get the students discussing rules and the requirement for them and in any event, arranging these principles and making these piece of the ‘contract. This ought to be done toward the beginning of the meeting/course and can be added to or corrected whenever. A leaners needs could change at whenever so the educator ought to consistently be set up to take a gander at the Teaching and Learning Cycle once more, for instance, a student breaks their leg and now needs wheelchair get to Identify the necessities and plan and so on 2. Comprehend the connections among educators and different experts in deep rooted learning 2. 1 Analyze the limits between the showing job and other expert jobs The educator will consistently have proficient limits whatever association they work for and it is significant that hese are built up and authorized from the beginning of the meeting/course with the students. The educator must keep up fitting norms consistently and know about over acclimation with students. There ought to be no bias or unequal help offered to students. Instructors are debilitated not to be ‘friends’ with students on Social Networking locales and it is a smart thought to check with Line Managers or the association what their arrange ment or view is on this. The teacher’s fundamental obligation is to the students despite the fact that all through the showing cycle the educator may need to liaise with others. This could essentially include speaking with staff inside the school or association e. g. ICT professionals and overseers who help with the setting up of your study hall to outer organizations, for example, Ofsted investigators who may visit the school. The instructor ought to stay proficient consistently. Ann Gravells (2012) shows that most limits or limitations to educating can fit under the fundamental headings of the Teaching and Learning Cycle See figure 1. 1 above. A few instances of these are underneath : Identify Needs : Demands from supervisors and understudies Subsidizing limitations or absence of IT hardware or assets Lack of data about understudy prerequisites Organizational approaches and methodology Planning Learning: Capability of understudies to accomplish Health and security guidelines Lack of access to PCs Unsupportive associates Facilitating learning: Ability of understudy e. g. absence of English Broken or defective hardware Student’s absence of inspiration, requests or exclusive requirements own issues , e. g. kid care issues Assessing learning: Data insurance and secrecy Demands of desk work and organization Complying with time constraints and targets Quality Assurance and Evaluation: Organization targets and requests Lack of time to finish own CPD and preparing occasions Further data on educator limits, Codes of Practice and what is anticipated from the instructor can be found here on the Institute for Learnings (IfL) site. http://www. ifl. air conditioning. uk/enrollment/proficient guidelines/code-of-proficient practice 2. 2 Review purposes of referral to address the issues of students Inclusive Learning was referenced in 1. 2 prior and it is all stomach muscle
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Coming Home
They state that there’s no spot like home, and I would state not a lot approaches. Individuals here, there and wherever dream of a spot, abroad or locally to go to. In any case, for individuals like me who grew up at the region and are currently concentrating in a better place, we think back the occasions we were with the individuals who we grew up with. Indeed, the spot I might want to visit is my old neighborhood of GeneralSantosCity. The spot that I will perpetually love in my recollections In the days preceding the semestral break, a companion asked me, â€Å"Are you going to return to Gensan? †and I said â€Å"yeah†. At that point she asked me for what valid reason, from the outset I didn’t truly comprehend what to state. I simply had this mind-boggling feeling all semester that â€Å"I need to go back†. To return to the spot I went through sixteen years of my life, the spot that formed my being, that shown me so much and gave me such a great amount to carry with me here in Cavite. My snappy answer obviously was â€Å"because it was the place I developed up†, at the time I felt it was adequate at the same time, as I considered it more, I understood it was an entirely shallow answer. That is to say, who doesn’t need to return home? In any case, on the other hand what is a home? For some it doesn’t even exist, and for some they state it’s only a memory. Some state it is where you grow up needing to leave and develop old needing to return. Still others state it is the place we have a place, it's anything but a physical structure yet rather for me it is a feeling of prosperity. You simply feel right, when you’re there, I don’t know, I don’t have the insight to expand further, yet I’m sure there’s a spot where you’ve felt it as well. For me, its only extraordinary there, I feel so quiet, so loose, so calm, so at home, it’s the spot I believe I can allow my watchman to down. Well it isn't so much that I didn’t have issues while I was in Gensan. Trust me, there were things that I lamented doing there up to this point. Ang rami ko ngang kapalpakan noon†as I state in our local language. In any case, in the wake of managing my new condition here, sentimentality is an invite guest. As the verses of a tune says:†I'm returning home, I'm coming home,Tell the? world I'm getting back home, Let the downpour wash away, all the torment of yesterday,I realize my realm anticipates and they've excused my mistakes,I'm coming home,I'm coming home,Tell the world I'm coming†¦ â€Å". Since you see as time passes by you will come to snicker at the most severe of recollections, even the most frightful, in light of the fact that I accept there will come when all we will have is our dear lives and our bombing recollections.
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Find the Best English Composition Essay Samples
How to Find the Best English Composition Essay SamplesOne of the first questions that most English composition students ask when taking their composition classes is how to find the best English composition essay samples. While there are many methods of selecting these essays, many students have trouble finding the information they need to select a suitable essay for their college course. You should know that when you begin your search, it will be necessary for you to look at several different essay samples.This process can help you see what types of writing are right for your college writing course and how you may want to customize the entire essay for your class. If you are not sure how you will write an essay for college, you should understand that essays are usually an extended sequence of writing and research. The essay that you choose for your course will reflect the kind of student that you are and will be representative of the personality that you are trying to portray.Because there are so many essays out there, it can be difficult to decide which ones to use in your search for the best English composition essays samples. Students often find that it is easier to select one particular essay sample than to attempt to sift through all of the essay samples available. However, you should be aware that while it is easy to select one, the process of selecting one can be a bit more difficult. It will be important for you to take the time to make a list of essays that are suitable for your specific course.If you are unable to come up with a list, you may be able to ask your instructor for the list of essays that he or she has used for his or her students in the past, as well as any others that he or she has seen. This will allow you to obtain the appropriate list of essays from the essay writers for your college course. You should realize that the ability to access a comprehensive list of essays can prove useful in your quest for the best English composition essa ys samples.As you begin your search for the best essay samples for your college writing course, it will be helpful if you have some idea of what you will be writing about. When you know what it is that you will be covering in your English composition course, you will be better able to select the best essay samples. It is also important to remember that the best essays for your college writing course will be representative of the style of writing that you will be doing.Although there are many different types of essays, there are a few basic guidelines that are used to select the best English composition essay samples. Some of the most common guidelines include creating a unique argument that provides a new viewpoint, developing an idea and presenting the idea in a clear manner. All of these are essential parts of making a good essay.As you begin your search for the best English composition essay samples, it will be helpful if you review the many choices that are available. You should recognize that there are not a lot of differences between many of the essays that are available in the college writing courses that you might be taking. Therefore, you should be able to use this information to narrow down your options as you begin your search.When you are reviewing the best English composition essay samples, it will be helpful if you take the time to look for some of the best essay writers from a variety of disciplines. Many of the essay writers will focus on one area of the writing course and some will specialize in a specific area of the class. By having an idea of what type of essay that you would like to write and what areas of the class you want to cover, you will be able to narrow down your choices.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Binge Drinking on College Campuses Essay - 992 Words
Binge Drinking on College Campuses High school is over and it is your first time away form home, what are you going to do? The typical college student wants to party! Of the people that were surveyed over half believed that the legal drinking age should be lowered. [O’Kane 1] The legal age to drink in the United States is now 21 years old; college freshman, sophomores, and some juniors are not of the legal age to drink. This causes a problem on many campuses; several students are experiencing their first time away from parental care in a setting sinonomus with drinking and clubbing. Some feel pressure from family and friends to receive excellent grades while attending school, sometimes the pressure is too much and going out and†¦show more content†¦[O’Kane 1] The problem of binge drinking is here, no matter what one may think drinking in obscene amounts does happen on this campus, the evidence is clear. Those that participate in binge drinking do it for many different reasons, a bad test grade, roommate arguments, celebration for a job well done, peer pressure, or simply because it is the weekend. No one is saying that it is wrong to go out and have a few drinks but when students go out and just drink to get drunk, actions must be taken to stop such activity. According to the graph on the next page done by the Harvard Public School of Health it is clear that a majority of students drink to simply get wasted. [Colorado State University 1] The number of binge drinkers may not have gone up in 1999 compared to 1997, for every five students two are binge drinkers, or 44%. [Wechsler #2, 1] However, the intensity of drinking has increased, when students are going out they are having more to drink. [Wechsler #2, 2] In recent years many universities have begun asking themselves, what can we do to solve the problem? Central Michigan University has alcohol policies for those that live in the dorms, first time that you are found drunk or alcohol is found in your room a fine of $100Show MoreRelatedBinge Drinking On College Campuses1459 Words  | 6 PagesMr. Paul October 28, 2014 Binge Drinking On College Campuses Over the past few years, there has been this big debate about whether the drinking age should be lowered to 18 or if it should stay at 21. Those in favor of lowering the drinking age to 18 argue that someone who is old enough to serve their country should be allowed to have a drink. Those who are in favor of keeping the minimum legal drinking age at 21 because of consequences regarding psychological developmentRead MoreBinge Drinking On College Campuses1536 Words  | 7 PagesDr. Yacob Ali 30 November 2015 Binge Drinking on College Campuses Approximately four out of five college students drink alcohol ( Although alcohol does not have immediate negative effects, over consumption can lead to serious consequences. For example, 1,825 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 die each year from alcohol-related unintentional injuries ( alcohol-related injuries and accident are a result of binge drinking. The National Institute on AlcoholRead MoreEffects Of Binge Drinking On College Campuses1038 Words  | 5 PagesSince 1997, binge drinking has been increasing each year (Wechsler, Lee, Kuo. 2010). Binge drinking is no stranger to San Jose State University as well as college campuses nationwide (Police Department, n.d.). Binge drinking has been on epidemic on college campuses and continues to grow over the course of time with alarming numbers of incidents that occur while under the influence. Since binge drinking is common on most college campuses, about 60% of students nationwide h ave stated that they haveRead MoreStopping Binge Drinking on College Campuses726 Words  | 3 PagesFact or Fiction â€Å"Getting Serious about Eradicating Binge Drinking,†a text written Henry Wechsler was first introduced to me in my English 102 class. In this Essay Wechsler brought to the reader’s attention that binge drinking was major problem on many college campuses. Wechsler aims to convince readers that binge drinking is a problem that needs to be stopped. Some of Wechsler’s statements made in this text were persuasive while others were opinions. Wechsler begins this essay by introducingRead MoreThe Effects Of Binge Drinking On College Campuses901 Words  | 4 Pagescorrelation between binge drinking and loneliness to which he refers as due to the lack of friends and being unfamiliar to school grounds led him to join a fraternity. For instance, his claims are supported based on personal experiences and personal observations such as students having difficulty of making a new group of friends, desperate to belong and academic background. Unlike Weschler, Bruffee does not use scientific studies, real examples and realistic solutions to adequately connect binge drinkers andRead MoreEffects Of Binge Drinking On College Campuses846 Words  | 4 Pagesconsumption occurs in the form of Binge Drinking, which experts say peaks at the age of nineteen.†(qtd by Listfield). Binge Drinking is the consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol in a short period of time. The author, Emily Listfield, defines that the standard alcoho l consumption over a two hour period is considered to be four beers for women and five beers for men. This has become a great distraction for college students nationwide and a major dilemma on college campuses. Nearly two hundred thousandRead MoreEffects Of Binge Drinking On College Campuses1202 Words  | 5 Pages1997, binge drinking has increased each year (Wechsler, Lee, Kuo. 2010). Binge drinking is no stranger to San Jose State University as well as college campuses nationwide (Police Department, n.d.). Binge drinking has been on epidemic on college campuses and continues to grow over the course of time with alarming numbers of incidents that occur while under the influence. Since binge drinking is common on most college campuses, about 60% of students nationwide have stated that they have binge drankRead MoreThe Effects Of Binge Drinking And Sexual Assault On College Campuses1411 Words  | 6 PagesThe United States is a country of freedom. Most of people can find thei r lives which they want. Especially, the college students can join in some activates and clubs. Their campus lives are always fulfilling. However, there are still some dangers among the campus, and most is from the students themselves. Recent survey estimates provided by Fisher, Cullen, and Turner (2000) revealed that for every 1,000 women attending institutions of higher education, there may well be 35 incidents of rape in aRead MoreIs There a Link between the Misconception that There is Binge Drinking on College Campuses and the Presence of Alcohol Related Content on Social Media1135 Words  | 5 Pages A popular misconception when it comes to college life is that almost every college student parties on the weekends and participates in binge drinking. Angela K. Fournier, Erin Hall, Patricia Ricke, and Brittany Storey performed this study to identify if there is a link between this misconception and the presence of alcohol-related content on social media such as Facebook and Twi tter. One of the theories that Fournier, et al. (2013, p.86) discuss in the article is the Social Norms Theory. TheRead MoreBinge Drinking vs the Drinking Age Essays829 Words  | 4 Pages2013 Binge Drinking VS the Drinking Age Presidents of college campuses around the nation face issues of underage drinking and binge drinking on a regular basis and realizes that it is a danger and a problem. â€Å"Alcohol consumption is the third leading cause of death in the U.S., a major contributing factor to unintentional injuries, the leading cause of death for youths and young adults, and accounts for an estimated 75,000 or more deaths in the United States annually†(Wechsler 2010). Binge drinking
Friday, May 15, 2020
Chronological List of Medieval Popes
This table will let you see the progression and frequency of pontiffs through the Middle Ages, from its generally-accepted starting point in the 5th century into the 17th century. List of Medieval Popes 468-483: Simplicius483-492: Felix III492-496: Gelasius I496-498: Anastasius II498-514: Symmachus 514-523: Hormisdas523-526: John I526-530: Felix IV530-532: Boniface II533-535: John II 535-536: Agapetus I536-537: Silverius537-555: Vigilius556-561: Pelagius I561-574: John III 575-579: Benedict I579-590:Pelagius II590-604: Gregory I (the Great)604-606: Sabinian607: Boniface III 608-615: Boniface IV615-618: Deusdedit619-625: Boniface V625-638: Honorius I640: Severinus 640-642: John IV642-649: Theodore I649-655: Martin I655-657: Eugene I657-672: Vitalian 672-676: Adeodatus (II)676-678: Donus678-681: Agatho682-683: Leo II684-685: Benedict II 685-686: John V686-687: Conon687-701: Sergius I701-705: John VI705-707: John VII 708: Sisinnius708-715: Constantine715-731: Gregory II731-741: Gregory III741-752: Zachary 752: Stephen II752-757: Stephen III757-767: Paul I767-772: Stephen IV772-795: Adrian I 795-816: Leo III816-817:Stephen V817-827: Paschal I824-827: Eugene II827: Valentine 827-844: Gregory IV844-847: Sergius II847-855: Leo IV855-858: Benedict III858-867: Nicholas I (the Great) 867-872: Adrian II872-882: John VIII882-884: Marinus I884-885: Adrian III885-591: Stephen VI 891-896: Formosus896: Boniface VI896-897: Stephen VII897: Romanus897: Theodore II 898-900: John IX900-903: Benedict IV903: Leo V904-911: Sergius III911-913: Anastasius III 913-914: Lando914-928: John X928: Leo VI929-931: Stephen VIII931-935: John XI 936-939: Leo VII939-942: Stephen IX942-946: Marinus II946-955: Agapetus II955-963: John XII 963-965: Leo VIII964: Benedict V965-972: John XIII973-974: Benedict VI974-983: Benedict VII 983-984: John XIV985-996: John XV996-999: Gregory V999-1003: Sylvester II1003:John XVII 1003-1009: John XVIII1009-1012: Sergius IV1012-1024: Benedict VIII1024-1032: John XIX1032-1044: Benedict IX 1045: Sylvester III1045: Benedict IX (again)1045-1046: Gregory VI1046-1047: Clement II1047-1048: Benedict IX (yet again) 1048: Damasus II1049-1054: Leo IX1055-1057: Victor II1057-1058: Stephen X1058-1061: Nicholas II 1061-1073: Alexander II1073-1085: Gregory VII1086-1087: Victor III1088-1099: Urban II1099-1118:Paschal II 1118-1119: Gelasius II1119-1124: Callistus II1124-1130: Honorius II1130-1143: Innocent II1143-1144: Celestine II 1144-1145: Lucius II1145-1153: Eugene III1153-1154: Anastasius IV1154-1159: Adrian IV1159-1181: Alexander III 1181-1185: Lucius III1185-1187: Urban III1187: Gregory VIII1187-1191: Clement III1191-1198: Celestine III 1198-1216: Innocent III1216-1227: Honorius III1227-1241: Gregory IX1241: Celestine IV1243-1254: Innocent IV 1254-1261: Alexander IV1261-1264: Urban IV1265-1268: Clement IV1271-1276: Gregory X1276: Innocent V 1276: Adrian V1276-1277: John XXI1277-1280: Nicholas III1281-1285: Martin IV1285-1287: Honorius IV 1288-1292: Nicholas IV1294: Celestine V1294-1303: Boniface VIII1303-1304: Benedict XI1305-1314: Clement V 1316-1334: John XXII1334-1342: Benedict XII1342-1352: Clement VI1352-1362:Innocent VI1362-1370: Urban V 1370-1378: Gregory XI1378-1389: Urban VI1389-1404: Boniface IX1404-1406: Innocent VII1406-1415: Gregory XII 1417-1431: Martin V1431-1447: Eugene IV1447-1455: Pope Nicholas V1455-1458: Callistus III1458-1464: Pius II 1464-1471: Paul II1471-1484: Sixtus IV1484-1492: Innocent VIII1492-1503: Alexander VI1503: Pius III 1503-1513: Julius II1513-1521: Leo X1522-1523: Adrian VI1523-1534: Clement VII1534-1549: Paul III 1550-1555: Julius III1555: Marcellus II1555-1559: Paul IV1559-1565: Pius IV1566-1572: Pius V 1572-1585: Gregory XIII1585-1590: Sixtus V1590: Urban VII1590-1591: Gregory XIV1591: Innocent IX1592-1605: Clement VIII There are 187 medieval popes. Of them, only a handful are considered important by historians. That handful -- Gregory I, Gregory VII, Innocent III, Nicholas I, Clement VI, Urban II -- has been included in our resource. Some of the rest is quite interesting; most achieved little of note; still, others reigned so briefly that very little is known about them. It would take, quite literally, years to add them all to this resource. We recommend that if you require information on one of the more obscure popes who have yet to be included here, please look him up in The Catholic Encyclopedia or the nearest offline resource.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Technology And Its Impact On Society - 1198 Words
Technology is used on a daily basis to accomplish specific tasks or interests. Modern technology increases human capabilities and this technology has evolved with years. Technology simplifies life in so many ways and everyone defines technology in their own way. They’re new types of technology on the market, this technology simplifies our daily lives. They’re endless demands as consumers of technology, people use technology to accomplish simple tasks every day. Technology’s used in business, education, communication, healthcare, entertainment and so much more. There’s an unquestionable impact of technology on society. Whether considering the plow, vaccinations, or the internet, technology has had a huge impact on society. While not every advance benefits society, there’s many positive effects of technology. Modern technology makes life more convenient now more than ever. Modern technologies like broadband internet makes it possible to access relevan t information at any time anywhere. Today’s technology makes it simple for students to learn from anywhere through online education and mobile education, which improves the education system. It also improves the health system, most hospitals have implemented modern technology in surgical rooms, which may reduce the number of mistakes made by doctors. Modern technology’s more convenient than when it was simpler because, it provides an easy way to access information, improves the education system, and it improves the health system.Show MoreRelatedTechnology And Society : Impact Of Technology On Society1511 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Technology has impacted people, businesses and society as a whole. The roles that technology has played on communication, business and education have been more than impactful. As the power of computers continue to increase with help from databases, social networking and businesses, it adds an increase to office productivity compared to using typewriters, and filing cabinets. Although there are plenty of good things about technology, the way we use it determines if it impacts are positiveRead MoreImpact Of Technology On Society : Technology1281 Words  | 6 PagesImpact Of Technology On Society Technology, without a doubt has an impact on society. As a matter of fact, we experience this impact in our daily lives. The evolution of technology has dramatically changed the way we think, with the rapid new advancements being made with each passing day, to the tremendous opportunities it provides us with. It has an effect on the growth of our culture, living standards and our economy. At the end of the day technology plays a significant role in almost all fieldsRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On Society1302 Words  | 6 Pages Technology Dominates Society How has technology affected the everyday life of society today? Is society as social as it use to be before everyone had access to an abundance of technology? Many people believe that the answer to those questions are that society is less social and technology has had a negative impact on humans today. As technology progresses bounteously society begins to rapidly decline. The ways society is negatively impacted socially mentally and emotionally will be analyzed. Read MoreThe Impact Of Technology On Society1291 Words  | 6 PagesSociety has always been impacted by technology. Each invention has affected how people relate to one another and how cultures have expanded or ended. Technology impacts how cities grow, where people live, and who owns what. Technologies are the reason a few people are very rich, that people are more social, and that teaching, and learning is changing. We are at a crucial time in history where educators can make a difference in how our students interact with one another and make a place for themselvesRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On Society1087 Words  | 5 PagesTechnology is one of the biggest advancement in the history of our universe, and the powers of it are good and bad. People mainly gain from the use of technology and its many uses. Without technology today, the world would be a much, much different place because of the major setback in communication and other activities and resources. The things that technology impacts are family, education, and health. Family is one area technology impacts life in general. â€Å"88% of Americans adults haveRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On Society1343 Words  | 6 PagesFrom over ten thousand years ago to what is now the Information Age, technology has grown significantly and affected not just one individual, but the whole world. The creations of technology have rapidly evolved to where humans depend on technology. They use it for their daily needs and this evidence shows these creations are a stepping-stone for future endeavours. The innovations that several people have created revolutionised the world in a major way from a light bulb and crossbows to an airplaneRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On Society1525 Words  | 7 PagesThe technology is creating a generation capable of communication and understanding different cultures and belief. The technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purpose. It machinery and equipment developed from such as scient ific knowledge. Humans have lived for thousands of years without any technology in small hunter gatherer communities, but now we have all of this technology and the population on Earth has exploded and will not stop anytime soon. â€Å"Society seems enthralledRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On Society1596 Words  | 7 PagesSociety has become dependent on technology and it now plays an important role in many people’s lives. Try imagining your life without technology. If the internet, mobile devices, and games were taken away from us, how would we feel? Many people would feel like a part of their lives are missing due to technology now being a necessity in their everyday life. It would be very different from what we are comfortable with today. The truth is, many people rely on technology to get them through the dayRead MoreTechnology and Its Impact on Society1082 Words  | 5 PagesTechnology and its impact on society In this paper I will talk about the topic that technology will eventually destroy the entire civilization, since people are greedy and the revenge of nature. Technology s advantages and disadvantages are a subject of constant discussion. Those who are against technology have the opinion that technology harms people and will ultimately ruin human civilization. Threats to the environment are pollution, resource depletion, greenhouse gas, and nuclear power abuseRead MoreTechnology Impact On Society1356 Words  | 6 PagesThe technology used in society is regularly changing and developing in a way that forces a push of usage in all aspects of life. This technological growth happening in the world is increasingly rapid, with new advancements being made with each passing day. It has become an integral part in almost every person’s live, whether they realize it or not. Many find these technological advances to be beneficial and necessary to life, while some see it as simply a dist raction. Whatever opinion held, it can
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Assignment Final Research Proposal
Questions In this assignment you will finalize your research proposal through including sections on possible data sources and limitations. 1. Introduction2. Research question3. Literature Review4. Methodology 5. Data Collection6. Limitations7. Works Cited Answer: 1. Introduction: Studies are very important aspect of human life, and talking about the studies of children going to school or pursuing higher education is an important topic of discussion. What leads a person to studies is the motivation he gets for it. This motivation can be from someone near to him or can originate from his inner self, but this is the most important thing which drives a person towards education. This essay will focus on various factors that facilitates or de-facilitates the motivation part in a students life, and will help the people working in or associated with the field of education can better understand the needs and drive them more with proper motivation. This will also help them to understand the students mental state and to pre judge when they are going to fall in their studies. (Kamauru, 2000). Lumsden (1994) in his research has found that the zeal to learn new things and study faces a remarkable decline with the growing age, many of the student lose their interest in stud ies and are in the schools more out of compulsion than by their own will, this makes them present physically in the classroom but mentally they are not present there. This is the main reason of large number of youth leaving education before graduation. Motivation is the key ingredient, required for a student to like and pursue education. By the time various researchers have gone through this topic, about what motivates a student and what not. In this process various definitions have been used for the term motivation, as it directly effects the students overall performance. For example Lumsden, (1994) worked on the field of students involvement in education and the role of motivation in it. Marshal (1987) found motivation as a force beneficial to the learners. Ames (1990) was of the opinion that motivation is a long term process, and is linked with the quality of education provided. Most of the theorist form the opinion that learning requires motivation at every step, and it is very difficult to do anything learned without this factor. Considering student as a customer in the system of education, then the customer satisfaction, i.e. the satisfaction to students is the top most priority of all educational institutions. The idea of assuming student as a customer in the educational system is not at all new. Aldridge Rowely (1998) were also of the opinion that things are carried out more efficiently when some sort of feedbacks are collected from the students, but is also important at the same time to collect feedbacks from the academic staff too, because the study of both can only solve the puzzle of overall performance (Aldridge Rowely, 1998). In short we can say that motivational factors are precursors to education. This essay will focus on the intrinsic and extrinsic factors involved in the process of motivation. It is interesting to see that the performance of students who are motivated by themselves, i.e. intrinsically score high and have a constant performance, whereas on the other hand, student who are motivat ed with external forces, i.e. extrinsically perform low and are also not consistent in their studies. 2. Research question: Question 1: How intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors influence on academic performance? 3. Literature Review: As per Babar Kashif, regarding the effects of teaching and student motivation, it is said that student motivation to learn is actually to acquire the competence that is developed by the basic experience rather than stimulated directly by the expectations communication, modeling, and through socialization and direct instructions through the others mainly teachers and parents (Broussard Garrison, 2004). Motivation implies the reasons, which underlie the behavior, which is actually characterized through the willingness as well as volition (Broussard Garrison, 2004). It is noted that intrinsic motivation is actually animated through the interest, personal enjoyment, and pleasure. Extrinsic motivation is actually governed through the contingency reinforcement (Broussard Garrison, 2004). Motivation includes the constellation of the related perceptions, actions, beliefs, interests, as well as values. Motivation in individuals is actually different all across the various areas of subject s, and this domain mainly enhances with age (Broussard Garrison, 2004). Motivation as a child predicts motivation in the later life and it also helps in bringing the stability within the relationship for the purpose of strengthening with age (Broussard Garrison, 2004). Previously, educators try to consider the intrinsic motivation to get more describe and in result of that it consider better results of learning in place of extrinsic motivation (Broussard Garrison, 2004). In general, most of the children seem to appear to enter school with a high intrinsic motivation level, although this motivation tends towards declining as the children tries to progress in the school (Broussard Garrison, 2004). It is noted that various research has suggested that motivation could be easily manipulated by the specific practices of instructions, although studies has tried to demonstrate the positive as well as negative impacts (Broussard Garrison, 2004). The reward usage might either try to encourage or might get reduced in motivation, relying over the various types of rewards and the context in which it could be offered (Broussard Garrison, 2004). Teachers can also try to provide students with the control over their own style of learning which permits them to make decisions and simultaneously use collaborative as well as approaches of cooperative learning (Eccles Wigfield, 2002). Along with this, teachers can also try to create an environment of a supportive classroom in respect to the structure of goal, external evaluation, as well as attributions (Eccles Wigfield, 2002). Researchers has also tried to made various recommendations over the educators who are interested in helping student motivation by covering up the limited reward usage, or using the rewards for offering the information related to competence, enhancing the autonomy of students and their selection, or using the cooperative methods of learning, and creating the environment of supportive classroom in context of the goal structure, external and attribution evaluation (Eccles Wigfield, 2002). For instance, the literature over the impact of the extrinsic rewards over the motivation of students suggests that teachers should be sparing in giving rewards and should try to use various reward types within the classroom (Eccles Wigfield, 2002). Specifically, tangible rewards holds importance and might have negative impacts on both the behavior of free choice or it is self-reported interest as compared with intrinsic rewards, although when the rewards are actually expected, they tend not to hold the effects of decreasing motivation (Eccles Wigfield, 2002). When the rewards are quite contingent in the activity, in spite of the students excel in the task, the negative impact of the tangible reward over the free selection behavior importantly higher for the children in comparison to the students of the college (Eccles Wigfield, 2002). While it is noted that events can dramatically alter the motivation of the students towards learning and this can positively impact over every student, it is significant to acknowledge that motivation of student is quite dynamic (Eccles Wigfield, 2002). Through ones own behavior, or through the teaching practices and course design, one can try to create the conditions of classroom, and can even try to encourage the motivation and engagement towards learning at various levels (Eccles Wigfield, 2002). Therefore, through implementing the various strategies that could fit into the classroom environment or in the teaching style, one can easily try to sustain the motivation of students towards learning in the classroom or in the overall matter of subject (Eccles Wigfield, 2002). Along with the motivational resources, the schools can even organize the workshops all throughout the year over student motivation, classroom management, and various styles of learning and engagement of student (Eccles Wigfield, 2002). 4. Methodology: 4.1 Data Sample collection The sample was collected from the some of the renowned universities in Delhi, India. The dataset was of 342 students in total. The questionnaire was about the level of motivation they feel in their university experience and what actually motivates them. The survey was carried out on both boys and girls. There were 82% male and 18% female students in the survey and their average age was 20 years. 4.2 Instrumentation and Measurement Survey was carried out using TUSMSQ2 instrument developed by Neill and containing 30-items. The questions focus on measuring both the Intrinsic and Extrinsic factors of motivation for students. In total there occurred two intrinsic factors of motivation, i.e. Self-exploration and Altruism and four extrinsic motivators were found, i.e. rejection of Alternative options, career and qualifications, Social enjoyment, and Social pressure in the questionnaire. The questions were based on five point Likert scale. For each item, students rated themselves on a scale of 1 to 5; 1 being Very False, towards, 5 being Very True. 4.2.1 TUSMSQ Questionnaire Background Information (Write or circle the best answer) Office Use ID 1. Gender: Male / Female 2. Age:________ years 3. Overseas Student? Yes / No4. Name of Degree enrolled in: _______________________________________________5. Enrolment Status: Part-time / Full-time 6. % of degree completed (approx): ______7. GPA: ________ 8. UAI: _________ 9. Accommodation: With Parents / Ressies / Other10. Relationship Status: Single / Partner / Other 11. Number of Dependent Children: _____12. Average hours per week in paid employment: _________13. How likely is it that you will complete your current degree? Definitely wont finish 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Definitely will finish 14. What have been the main motivations for you to attend university? Please describe up to 3 key reasons for why youve chosen to be a university student?1.2.3.Student MotivationListed below are several motivations for going to university. Please rate the extent to which each motivation is accurate for you, using this scale. Circle the best answer for each item. FALSE NOT LIKE ME TRUE LIKE ME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 This statement doesnt describe me at all; it isnt like me More false than true More true than false This statement describe me very well; it is very much like me I attend university False True 1 Because I dont know what else to do. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 To understand myself better. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 To gain valuable skills for my career. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 Because its fun place to be. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 Because others expect me to get a degree. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 Because I genuinely want to help others. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 Because its a better alternative than working. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 Because I want to explore new ideas. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 To enhance my job prospects. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 Because I enjoy the social life. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 Because other people have told me I should. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 Because I want to contribute to society. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 13 To avoid being unemployed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14 Because I want to challenge myself. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 In order to get the qualification. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 Because I enjoy the social environment. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 17 Because it would disappoint other people if I didn't. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 18 Because I want to help solve society's problems. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 19 Because it gives me something to do. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 20 For my personal growth and development. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 21 Because it will help set up my future career. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 22 Because of the social opportunities. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 23 It seems to be the recommended thing to do. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 24 Because I want to improve the world situation. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 25 Because I dont have any better options. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 26 Because I love learning. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 27 So I can get a better job. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 28 Because its a great place to develop friendships. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 29 Of social expectations from those around me. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 Because I want to be more useful to society. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Student Satisfaction We are interested to learn more about students satisfaction with their university experience. 1. Please describe what aspect of this university have you been most satisfied with? 2. Please describe what aspect of this university have you been least satisfied with? Listed below are several aspects of students university experience. Please honestly rate your level of dissatisfaction-satisfaction by circling an answer for each item: 1 2 3 4 5 Very Dissatisfied (VD) Dissatisfied (D) Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied (N) Satisfied (S) Very Satisfied (VS) My satisfaction with VD D N S VS 1 Library resources. 1 2 3 4 5 2 Opportunities to make friends. 1 2 3 4 5 3 Professionalism of my lecturers tutors. 1 2 3 4 5 4 Lecture theatres, tutorial rooms laboratory facilities. 1 2 3 4 5 5 Social events provided for students. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Level of knowledge of the staff who teach me. 1 2 3 4 5 7 Availability of computers technology. 1 2 3 4 5 8 Opportunities to develop close friendships. 1 2 3 4 5 9 Quality of the education I am receiving. 1 2 3 4 5 10 Extra campus facilities (e.g., banks, cafes, childcare, parking, bookshop, etc.). 1 2 3 4 5 11 Chances to pursue my social interests. 1 2 3 4 5 12 Quality of the staff who teach me. 1 2 3 4 5 13 Places to study on campus. 1 2 3 4 5 14 Quality of the social life at this university. 1 2 3 4 5 15 Interest that teaching staff take in my progress. 1 2 3 4 5 16 Student support services (e.g. student union, academic assistance, counseling, etc.). 1 2 3 4 5 17 Chances to spend enjoyable time with other people. 1 2 3 4 5 18 Teaching ability of my tutors lecturers. 1 2 3 4 5 19 Overall quality of the campus facilities. 1 2 3 4 5 The following items contain the key to sources of motivation mentioned in the survey:- Intrinsic Extrinsic Self- Exploration 2, 8,14,20,26 Rejection of Alternative options 1, 7,13,19,25 Altruism 6, 12,18,24,30 Career and Qualifications 3, 9,15,21,27 Social enjoyment 4, 10,16,22,28 Social Pressure 5, 11, 17, 23, 29 4.3 Procedure The survey questionnaire was distributed among the students of various disciplines, studying in different years of their university randomly, and the data was collected. Data was then analyzed using SPSS for Windows (version 17.0) for the accuracy of analysis and results. Analysis included regression analysis, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). 5. Result The report begins with the results of the students information on segments like gender and languages. This study revealed that 82.4% respondents are male while 17.6% female, participating in this survey. Responses of the females were so minimal to be called as significant. This study reveals percentages of languages: Language Percentage Punjabi 34.5 Sindhi 8.6 Hindi 10.8 Tamil 6.5 Urdu 33.5 English 0.7 Marathi 5.4 Different languages are spoken across the entire country, but in a university, students from different background, cultures and places of origin come to study under the same roof, so consideration for language was also done. Some prominent languages and few local languages were selected for the survey to happen. Now we have a clear picture of the respondents answers regarding student motivation and student performance, as shown in the table: The results reveal that the model is significant (p.10) and there is a strong relationship between independent and dependent variables. The independent variables of the study show strong relationship with the dependent variable. The variables when compared on an individual basis, all variables are insignificant (p05). The results of regression analysis with the values of R-Square=0.80 and the F-statistics= 16.010. Option Regression Coefficient Rejection Alternative 0.713 Career Qualification 0.088 Social Enjoyment 0.069 Social Pressure 0.035 Self Exploration 0.100 Altruism 0.112 The regression coefficient for Rejection Alternative Option is 0.173, and signifies that students performance is sensitive to Rejection Alternative Option and increase by 17% due to it. The regression coefficient for Career Qualification is 0.088, signifying that students performance is sensitive to Career Qualification and increase by 08% due to it. The regression coefficient for Social Enjoyment is 0.069, bringing out that students performance is sensitive to Social Enjoyment and increase by 07% due to it. The regression coefficient for Social Pressure is 0.035, which signifies students performance is sensitive to Social Pressure and increase by 03% due to it. The regression coefficient for Self Exploration is 0.100, meaning to students performance is sensitive to Self Exploration and increase by 10% due to it. The regression coefficient for Altruism is 0.112, pertaining to students performance is sensitive to Social Pressure and increase by 11% due to it. This result is self-explanatory to describe the students performance with both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The results of regression analysis with the values of R-Square=0.79 and the F-statistics=24.585 are as follows: The results bring out that the model used for survey is significant (p.05) and there exists a strong relationship between independent and dependent variables. The variables when compared on an individual basis, both the variables are insignificant (p Regression Coefficient Percentage Performance Intrinsic motivation 0.237 increase by 34% Extrinsic motivation 0.342 decreases by 23% The regression coefficient of intrinsic motivation is 0.237 in this model and remarkably significant, it means that students performance is decreased by 23%. The model is overall significant (p.05) and both independent and dependent variables are important to student performance, with varying degree of importance. 6. Findings Rejection of alternative options, career and qualifications and social pressure are the factors responsible for degradation in the academic performance. Same way, intrinsic motivation is achieved through altruism, and self-exploration. This survey researches factors of student motivation and their impact on student academic performance. Student performance is found to get increased between 23 to 34 percent due to extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. The survey and its findings reveal R-square is 80 percent which signifies the strong relationship of students motivation with their performance. Academics performance is found to increase by 34 percent due to extrinsic motivation whereas academic performance is found to increase by 23 percent due to intrinsic motivation. Every student is unique and comes from a completely different background, with differences in the various factors in the environment leading to various level or type of motivation in him. Some student who had best schooling options available with them are found to have abundance of skill due to the reason they were grown up in a better environment to grow. It also depends on the capability of the teacher teaching in the classroom to make the subject much more interesting to gain students attraction and make him learn it by himself. There is no miraculous formula available to judge the performance of a student, other than the method of intrinsic and extrinsic questionnaire. 7. Conclusion and Recommendations The study examined various factors involved in the process of motivation to the student, whether intrinsic or extrinsic. It was observed that there exists a relationship between the various factors of motivation and overall performance. It was seen that students who were better motivated performed better, and those student who performed good were motivated easily. From the above findings it can be concluded that intrinsically motivated students show a better performance academically than extrinsically motivated students. Students who are extrinsically motivated, might deliver a good job or perform well to achieve a certain reward, but it does not keep them motivated for long-term and overall performance does not change or is consistent. They might perform very well in one semester or quiz to achieve a certain reward or goal and then next semester might show poor performance because the reward did not exist anymore. Their performance does not remain constant as a result. Students who are intrinsically motivated take up tasks or perform well academically for their own interest and for their own learning. These kinds of students are truly interested in learning and in achieving high goals. This shows in their overall consistent performance. From the above results as well as analysis, this study comes to a conclusion that performance in academics is positively affected by intrinsic motivation and also negatively influenced by extrinsic motivation. References 1. Ames, C. A. (1990). Motivation: What Teachers Need to Know? Teachers College Record, Vol. 91(3) pp. 409-421.2. Blank, W. (1997). Authentic instruction. In W.E. Blank S. Harwell (Eds.), Promising practices for connecting high school to the real world. FL: University of South Florida. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 407 586). pp. 15-213. Bomia, L., Beluzo, L., Demeester, D., Elander, K., Johnson, M., Sheldon, B. (1997). The Impact of Teaching Strategies on Intrinsic Motivation. Champaign, IL: ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education.4. Bowen, W., Bok, D. (1998). In the shape of the river: Long term consequences of considering race in college and university relations. Academic Outcomes. pp. 53-90.5. Brophy, J. (1986). On Motivating Students. East Lansing, Michigan: Institute for Research on Teaching, Michigan State University. pp. 73.6. Condry, J., and J. Chambers. (1978). Intrinsic Motivation and the Process of Learning. In the Hidden Costs of Rew ard, edited by M.R. Lepper and D. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. pp. 61-84.7. Deborah J. Stipek, Karen B. Givvin, Julie M. Salmon and Valanne L. MacGyvers. (1999). In the Eyes of the Beholder: Students and Teachers Judgments of Students Motivation. University of California, Los Angeles.8. Dev, P.C. (1997). Intrinsic motivation and academic achievement: What does their relationship imply for the classroom teacher? Remedial and Special Education. Vol. 18(1). pp. 12-19.9. Ericksen, S. C. (1978). The Lecture. Memo to the Faculty, no. 60. Ann Arbor: Center for Research on Teaching and Learning. University of Michigan.10. Huitt W. (2000). Motivation to Learn: An Overview, Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta State University.11. Kamauru R. J. (2000). Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Predict Academic Performance of College Students. More house College.
Monday, April 13, 2020
What Is Abnormal Psychology What Is Normal Psycho Essay Example For Students
What Is Abnormal Psychology? What Is Normal Psycho Essay logy? What is Psychology? In my research of Psychology and its meaning I have come up with many definitions. To sum all of the definitions into one its the study ones feelings, thoughts, and their way of thinking and using all of there senses rather its cognitive, physical, or mental. Some other questions that came to mind during my research are what is normal psychology and what is abnormal psychology? What is normal psychology? Most people consider one to be normal if they seem We will write a custom essay on What Is Abnormal Psychology? What Is Normal Psycho specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now to have no problems physically or mentally. Are you O.K. the way you are? Should you be different? Most of us tend to roles that are acceptable behavior in society. Society expects us all to play certain roles. Health and science guide says that normality is only questioned when there is a conflict between roles. Why do we conform to these roles? We do it because in most societies, including ours, there are rewards for conformity. People tend to treat us with respect when we play roles that others are comfortable with. What is abnormal psychology? I think it could be the study of mental illness as some journals stated. Overall its the study of mental illnesses and of how people with mental illnesses can be treated. Stated in Health and Science guide mental illness is a much-debated topic in the world of psychology to which a lot of research is still needed. Problems usually come up when people try to define what is normal. Sigmund Freud was considered to be the father of Psychoanalysis, said there was no such thing as a normal person. Mental illness is considered to be an illness of the mind, which makes it difficult for people to carry out a normal, productive lifestyle. Mental illnesses range from depression to schizophrenia (a very serious mind disorder). It is important to remember that people with such disorders ate stricken with an illness. They have no more control over their illness than when a person gets flu or a cold. When I am sick with a fever or flu I would either try or treat with an over the counter product or go to a doctor. A person with a mental disorder may go to a medical doctor, or to a psychiatrist (a medical doctor who specializes in treating mental problems through therapy and medication) or to a psychologist (who is not a medical doctor, but who treats mental and emotional problems through therapy). He or she also may consult other therapist, such as a social worker of psychiatric nurse. In Health and Science guide its said the recent speculation and discoveries are relating mental illnesses to chemical imbalances in the brain and /or body. Beginning in the 1950s a new class of drugs put on the market allowed many people with mental illnesses who otherwise would have been hospitalized to be treated outside of hospitals, and to live much more normal lives. Other research has shown that if a person has a history of family members who have mental illnesses, he or she may be Monroe likely to contract the illness. Present genetic research should soon allow us to better control many frustrating mental illnesses. Although people with mental illnesses might feel alone in dealing with their problems, like most us do when dealing with problems whether its classes, test, family, or whether you are going to pass your PSYCHOLOGY CLASS it still affects a lot of us as a society. On November 17, 2000 I spoke with a professor of Psychology at Oklahoma State University Dr. Thathcher gave me some shocking statistics: Mental illness affects one in five americans and 20 percent of the population and is second to heart disease in causing premature deaths and lost of productivity. .u848089af03b21b23d227fb6004780dca , .u848089af03b21b23d227fb6004780dca .postImageUrl , .u848089af03b21b23d227fb6004780dca .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u848089af03b21b23d227fb6004780dca , .u848089af03b21b23d227fb6004780dca:hover , .u848089af03b21b23d227fb6004780dca:visited , .u848089af03b21b23d227fb6004780dca:active { border:0!important; } .u848089af03b21b23d227fb6004780dca .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u848089af03b21b23d227fb6004780dca { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u848089af03b21b23d227fb6004780dca:active , .u848089af03b21b23d227fb6004780dca:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u848089af03b21b23d227fb6004780dca .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u848089af03b21b23d227fb6004780dca .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u848089af03b21b23d227fb6004780dca .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u848089af03b21b23d227fb6004780dca .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u848089af03b21b23d227fb6004780dca:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u848089af03b21b23d227fb6004780dca .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u848089af03b21b23d227fb6004780dca .u848089af03b21b23d227fb6004780dca-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u848089af03b21b23d227fb6004780dca:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Wilson's Disease Essay Despite more than a century of study, the mind still seems to resist our best efforts to find its secrets. While weve learned much about certain functional aspects of mental illness, anxiety and depression are ones we still dont know causes mental problems. Although many people have many fears, conflicts, anxieties, and desires we have learned to manage them by using behaviors we have adapted to defend ourselves in our . What Is Abnormal Psychology What Is Normal Psycho Essay Example For Students What Is Abnormal Psychology? What Is Normal Psycho Essay logy? What is Psychology? In my research of Psychology and its meaning I have come up with many definitions. To sum all of the definitions into one its the study ones feelings, thoughts, and their way of thinking and using all of there senses rather its cognitive, physical, or mental. Some other questions that came to mind during my research are what is normal psychology and what is abnormal psychology? What is normal psychology? Most people consider one to be normal if they seem We will write a custom essay on What Is Abnormal Psychology? What Is Normal Psycho specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now to have no problems physically or mentally. Are you O.K. the way you are? Should you be different? Most of us tend to roles that are acceptable behavior in society. Society expects us all to play certain roles. Health and science guide says that normality is only questioned when there is a conflict between roles. Why do we conform to these roles? We do it because in most societies, including ours, there are rewards for conformity. People tend to treat us with respect when we play roles that others are comfortable with. What is abnormal psychology? I think it could be the study of mental illness as some journals stated. Overall its the study of mental illnesses and of how people with mental illnesses can be treated. Stated in Health and Science guide mental illness is a much-debated topic in the world of psychology to which a lot of research is still needed. Problems usually come up when people try to define what is normal. Sigmund Freud was considered to be the father of Psychoanalysis, said there was no such thing as a normal person. Mental illness is considered to be an illness of the mind, which makes it difficult for people to carry out a normal, productive lifestyle. Mental illnesses range from depression to schizophrenia (a very serious mind disorder). It is important to remember that people with such disorders ate stricken with an illness. They have no more control over their illness than when a person gets flu or a cold. When I am sick with a fever or flu I would either try or treat with an over the counter product or go to a doctor. A person with a mental disorder may go to a medical doctor, or to a psychiatrist (a medical doctor who specializes in treating mental problems through therapy and medication) or to a psychologist (who is not a medical doctor, but who treats mental and emotional problems through therapy). He or she also may consult other therapist, such as a social worker of psychiatric nurse. In Health and Science guide its said the recent speculation and discoveries are relating mental illnesses to chemical imbalances in the brain and /or body. Beginning in the 1950s a new class of drugs put on the market allowed many people with mental illnesses who otherwise would have been hospitalized to be treated outside of hospitals, and to live much more normal lives. Other research has shown that if a person has a history of family members who have mental illnesses, he or she may be Monroe likely to contract the illness. Present genetic research should soon allow us to better control many frustrating mental illnesses. Although people with mental illnesses might feel alone in dealing with their problems, like most us do when dealing with problems whether its classes, test, family, or whether you are going to pass your PSYCHOLOGY CLASS it still affects a lot of us as a society. On November 17, 2000 I spoke with a professor of Psychology at Oklahoma State University Dr. Thathcher gave me some shocking statistics: Mental illness affects one in five americans and 20 percent of the population and is second to heart disease in causing premature deaths and lost of productivity. .ubc6b25f081d866089978f3f215c126fd , .ubc6b25f081d866089978f3f215c126fd .postImageUrl , .ubc6b25f081d866089978f3f215c126fd .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ubc6b25f081d866089978f3f215c126fd , .ubc6b25f081d866089978f3f215c126fd:hover , .ubc6b25f081d866089978f3f215c126fd:visited , .ubc6b25f081d866089978f3f215c126fd:active { border:0!important; } .ubc6b25f081d866089978f3f215c126fd .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ubc6b25f081d866089978f3f215c126fd { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ubc6b25f081d866089978f3f215c126fd:active , .ubc6b25f081d866089978f3f215c126fd:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ubc6b25f081d866089978f3f215c126fd .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ubc6b25f081d866089978f3f215c126fd .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ubc6b25f081d866089978f3f215c126fd .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ubc6b25f081d866089978f3f215c126fd .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubc6b25f081d866089978f3f215c126fd:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ubc6b25f081d866089978f3f215c126fd .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ubc6b25f081d866089978f3f215c126fd .ubc6b25f081d866089978f3f215c126fd-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ubc6b25f081d866089978f3f215c126fd:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Abnormal Psychology Essay Despite more than a century of study, the mind still seems to resist our best efforts to find its secrets. While weve learned much about certain functional aspects of mental illness, anxiety and depression are ones we still dont know causes mental problems. Although many people have many fears, conflicts, anxieties, and desires we have learned to manage them by using behaviors we have adapted to defend ourselves in our .
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Banglore essay Essays
Banglore essay Essays Banglore essay Essay Banglore essay Essay 1) Traffic 2) no place to park 3) dirty roads with pits and holes 4)pollution 5) decreasing of trees and raise of temperature 6) costly lifestyle 2) Irregular garbage collection 3) Underground drainage problems 4) Transport facility 5) Water scarcity 6) Pastic waste 7) Loss of green cover Bangalore is witnessing an alarming depletion of wetland areas and vegetation cover. There is an increase of 1 to 1. 5 degree in temperature due to intense urbanization. Here are some of the eco issues that could cripple Bangalore Bangalore is among the most successful cities in India and the developing world. Its opulation growth has been dramatic and it has generated vast amounts of wealth and prosperity. Bangalores economic success reflects the ability of cities to connect smart people who then work together and learn from one another. But however the development path adopted by Bangalore is neither sustainable nor equitable. And its leading to widespread degradation of environment. On the tip of the iceberg of environmental issues facing Bangalore today are impacts of climate change, water pollution and rapid unplanned urbanization. These are some of the pressing challenges that Bangalore is facing and that will hamper its rush for growth. Plastic Waste Bangalore generates 2500 tonnes of solid waste every day, and this waste is often disposed off in a very unscientific manner. And this worsens the situation in the polluted garden city. Once upon a time, walkers in the famous Cubbon Park and Lal Bagh used to enjoy the fresh air during their walks. Today, a majority of them are forced to wear pollution masks during their morning and evening walks. Rapid industrialization and a surge in the number of vehicles have made Bangalore explode into metropolitan nightmare. Due to the unscientific disposal of waste, pollution levels have risen to unprecedented levels in Bangalore. Experts point out that apart from the industrial and vehicular pollution, the waste disposal management by hospitals too is in a pitiable condition. The Karnataka State Pollution Control Board has found that several industries and hospitals do not have a proper solid waste management system Pollutlon Statistics show that the ambient air quality in Bangalore is deteriorating rapidly. The amount of nitrogen oxides in the air is 34 micrograms per meter cubed of air, which is quite high. The amount of suspended particulate matter is 200 microns per meter cubed of air, also high. There are also 44 microns of nitrogen oxides , suspended articulate matter Sulphur Dioxide per meter cubed of air, another high statistic. Every year the numbers seem to go higher and higher and the average person inhales more and more impurities. In his study, Urban Vehicular Pollution Control-Focus Bangalore, environmental engineer Ameer Ahmed lists out some of the most polluted spots in the city where suspended particulate matter (SPM) is high. These include areas around Victoria and Bowring and Lady Curzon hospitals, Jayadeva Institute of Cardiology and roads close to Bishop Cotton Girls School. Tumkur Road, Mysore Road and K. R. Market also recorded high SPM levels. It is a question of reducing pollutants emitted from different types of vehicle engines and of trapping the pollutants. Using cleaner grades of conventional fuel such as petrol and diesel, burning them efficiently and neutralizing the pollutants before they are released are all part of the Bharat II emission norms already followed by automobile manufacturers. Water Scarcity With a population of 5,686,000, Bangalore is Indias fifth largest city. As per the estimates of the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB), the total demand of water is 840 million litres per day (MLD). Bangalore is prominent among he Worlds fastest growing cities. Due to unorganized and un-scientific growth over the last few years drinking water problem has crossed danger limits. Bangalore gets water from three main sources. Major source among them is Kaveri River. Everyday around 810 MLD kaveri water is channeled to Bangalore. This Journey of water over 120 Km, costs nearly 500 crore rupees per year for electricity alone. The other two sources for water are T. G. Halli Tank and Underground Water Resource. Around 120 MLD from T. G. Halli and 50 MLD from underground water resource is used up by Bangalore everyday. Of later however, T. G. Halli water has considerably educed and the chances of complete drying up of resource are foreseen. According to a study conducted by the Centre for Symbiosis of Technology, Environment and Management (STEM), a Bangalore-based research group, the demand supply gap is met by groundwater exploitation. It is estimated that 40 per cent of the population of Bangalore is dependent on groundwater. Loss of Green Cover Bangalore could soon become concrete city. Bangalore has lost around 50,000 trees in recent years to infrastructure development and nearly 300 more will soon go for the Metro rail project. Environmentalists and citizens fear that rampant felling could ost tne clty ts green nerltage tag. I nelr Tear Is supported Dy neaps 0T logs 0T axed trees and tree stumps dotting roads across Bangalore. As many as 279 more trees will soon be axed down for Namma Metro the upcoming metro rail in central Bangalore, especially near the legislative assembly building Vidhana Soudha and Central College roads. In the past two to three years alone, Bangalore has lost around 50,000 trees, felled for developmental activities, states a report of the Environment Support Group (ESG). Also, not only has the citys green beauty been destroyed due to developmental works, but the loss of green over is also harming the Karnataka capitals climate. Bangalores weather is changing fast and is no more pleasant as it was earlier. If trees continue to be chopped off rapidly, the citys average temperature will rise by two-three degrees Celsius in the coming years. Urbanization Many of the lakes in the city have disappeared along with their water-spreads due to the rapid and unbridled urbanization here, a study said. The study, published by city-based Institute for Social and Economic Change (SEC), paints a grim scenario with further worsening of the water-bodies if the State government fails to get its act ogether. The report also points out that there has been an increase in flooding. Reclamation of lakes for various developmental activities has resulted in the loss of inter-connectivity in Bangalore district, leading to higher instances of floods even during normal rainfall. Many lakes were encroached for illegal buildings (54%). Field surveys (during July-August 2007) show that nearly 66% of lakes are sewage fed, 14% surrounded by slums and 72% showed loss of catchment area. Lake catchments were used as dumping yards for either municipal solid waste or building debris.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Giving adice to another student how well to do on test,why it is Essay
Giving adice to another student how well to do on test,why it is important it is to do well - Essay Example First of all, I advise that you study your lessons first thing, early in the morning while your mind is well rested and free from any worries. This will allow you to easily grasp information and remember them because your brain is not yet worked up. Moreover, the silence in the early morning allows your mind to work more efficiently without the disturbances or distractions noise and other things could bring. Secondly, it would be most helpful if you plan what you study starting from what is most difficult for you. Subjects you are having difficulty with requires more efforts to understand than those you usually enjoy so while your brain is still freshly rejuvenated, take the chance of devouring and understanding information which are difficult. Lastly, study your own notes because it is easier to remember things that you have written yourself. Of this demands that you take notes during lectures and that you have to listen well so you know the important information you need to jot
Friday, February 7, 2020
Archaeologys Scientific Exposition of Pompeii Essay
Archaeologys Scientific Exposition of Pompeii - Essay Example Furthermore, as Professor Milner writes in a second article, the location of Pompeii was confirmed in 1595 when excavations for a new aqueduct unexpectedly led to the discovery of Pompeian coins and artifacts (263-4). However, further excavation was rendered impossible due to the fact that the ancient city was buried deep in molten lava, ash and mud which had hardened into over sixty feet of rock. Over the centuries, the gradual evolution of science and technology enabled not only the excavation of Pompeii but an accurate reading of the volcanic eruption and the history of this ancient people.13 While historical journals have popularly set the date of Vesuvius' eruption and the subsequent destruction of Pompeii at 79 AD, geological and scientific data has not been able to establish this as fact. As the geologists and archeologists, Sigurdsson et al. (1985) explain, the dating of the eruption is ascribed to Pliny the Younger who, as an eyewitness to the event, recorded its occurrence as having taken place on 24th August 79 AD. Science, however, has been incapable of conclusively proving the stated since carbon dating technologies, while relatively precise, provide readings within an acceptable margin of error (89). Hence, while carbon dating of the debris proved the eruption to be at least 2000 years old, it has been unable to conclusively establish it at 79 AD (90). Consequently, for the sake of scientific accuracy, the research shall refer to the eruption as having approximately occurred around 79 AD. The evolution of excavation tools led to the resumption of efforts to uncover Pompeii in 1755. However, as explicated by the archeologist, Prof. Wilhelmina Jashemski, the excavation soon stalled and was really unable to cover much, both due to the fact that Pompeii was buried deep in hardened lava and mud and because archaeological tools and know-how were, at that time, underdeveloped and incapable of fulfilling the defined task. A second excavation in 1814 had, due to the evolution of archaeological tools, greater success. It was, at least, able to uncover the southern wall of the Pompeii amphitheater (69-70). However, it is necessary to point out that despite the fact that, within the context of the time, the excavation was considered a success, its results were critically limited. As important as the uncovering of the southern section of the wall was, it was hardly capable of allowing archaeologists to uncover the city's culture and history or recreate the eruption. It was not until the twentieth century that archaeological tools and scientific technology had sufficiently evolved to enable the excavation of this ancient city. By the mid-twentieth century, excavation projects aimed at uncovering the remainder of the amphitheater successfully concluded. Between December 1954 and May 1955, the entirety of the amphitheater was uncovered and the structure that lay beneath the tonnes of hardened mud and lava, held a wealth of information about the city and its culture (Jashemski 69). The
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Rulers That Followed the Prince by Machiavelli Essay Example for Free
Rulers That Followed the Prince by Machiavelli Essay Niccolà ² Machiavelli suggested in The Prince that a ruler should behave as both a fox and a lion, being both loved and feared. There are clever rulers who were strategic, courageous rulers who were effective, and successful rulers who possessed both qualities. Elizabeth I of England and Henery IV of France were two great rulers from Europe that were able to personify Machiavellis advice. Elizabeth I of England was able to act as a fox by preventing England from being torn apart over matters of religion. By repealing The Catholic Legislation of Mary Tudors reign, she was able to make the New Act of Supremacy which dsignated her as the supreme govenor of spritual and temporal affairs. Also she restored the church service of the Book of Common Prayer, but was clever enough to make some revisions to make it more acceptable for Catholics. With keeping her subjects out conflict, she also made sure that her power within England remained preserved. She didnt marry anyone, because if she did, the real power would then belong to the king. Maintaining her power outside England ment keeping Spain under control. The Sea Beggars were an international group of anti-Spain pirates. Elizabeth made a secret alliance with the Sea Beggars, and sent them to the Netherlands to fight the Spainish. To make sure she was exempt from international problems because of her tie with the Sea Beggars, she immediately diassociated England from the doings of the Sea Begggars. With doing clever and sniky things to maintain Englands power, she added courageous things to her list of accomplishements. One of her greatest challenges was her cousin, Queen Mary of Scots. Being that she was next in line to the English throne, Mary was a huge threath to Elizabeths power. After fleeing from Scotland to England, she was put under house arrest by Elizabeth. In 1587, Mary was finally excuted after being caught in a plot to over throw Elizabeth. This direct action kept Elizabeth out of threat within England. But the execution of Mary, sparked a Spanish Armada invasion in England. Under the guidances of Elizabeth, the swift English ships were able to batter out Spanish and be victorious. Elizabeth showed much leadership and strength in defeating the Spanish. She heeded Machiavellis advice and was able to drive England towards a prosporous Golden Age of wealth and power. Henry IV of France was able to act as a fox by evaluating what mattered more to him. When Henry converted to Catholosism out of being a Hugenot during the Saint Bartholomews Day Massacre, it was clear that he valued his own life over religion. Even when he coverted back to Calvinism afterwards, he soon relized his valued of being in power over religion would cause him to convert, once again, back into Catholism. â€Å"Paris is worth a Mass, he said as he gave into the Roman Catholic Church for the leadership of France. This value of state over religion made him a politique, believing that no religious truth was worth the ravages of cicil war. He kept France from futher civil war by issuing the Edict of Nantes which acknowledged Catholicism as th official religion of France but guaranteed the Hugenots the rights to worship. He was wise to recognize that tolerance can help establish peace in his nation and also to convert to Cathalosism because of their bigger population in France. Along with being able to weigh out which decisions would help maintain a peaceful France, he was also able to roll in more power for himself. Appionting The Duke of Sully as his finance minister was a major step in gaining power and wealth. Sully reformed the tax collection system to make it more equitable and efficient, improved transportation, stimulated trade and industry, and fostered prosperity. These economic improvment gave Henry power. With his power under stable condition, Henry looked to forgien affairs. Henry saw the Religious Wars as an opportunity to divide up the Holy Roman Empire so he attacked, but since he was a politique he battled over politics and not religion. Though he instilled fear in his subject, he was able to gain the popularity of people because of his informal dress and a strong wit and charm. He had many things to take care of in and out of France, however, he took this bold move because knew his power would remain if people liked him. By Elizabeths creation of the Act of Supremacy and Act of Uniformity, her refusal of marriage, her secret alliance with the Sea Beggars, her execution of Mary, and her victory over the Spanish Armada, she was able to bring England to a Golden Age. By Henrys adoption of the Edict of Nantes, appointing of The Duke of Sully, munipilzing the Religious Wars to his needs, and being friendly with his subjects, Henry was able to secure France as a power in Europe. By following the advice of Machiavelli, Elizabeth I of England and Henry IV of France were able to strengthen their countries, with Elizabeth being a little better at it than Henry.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Mobilize Leaders to Accelerate Results :: essays research papers
Mobilize Leaders to Accelerate Results      In this article coauthors, Brian Brittain, John Swain and Janice Simpson outline three tactics that have succeeded in unleashing productive energy and accelerating business results for organizations that have used them in a conscious and disciplined manner. Moreover, the ideas discussed in the writing are heavily related to the concepts confered by Chapter 12 in the textbook referring to strategic leadership. Specifically, Figure 12.4 shows a diagram of an exercise for gaining effective leadership. The author's ideology for their 3 common practices of strategic tactics known as; Beyond the cascade, Live the Story, and Implement a Sustaining Leadership Strategy are easily reflected by the materials are similar to the 3 directions of the exercise.      In the fast-changing global workplace, there is no longer one organizational structure that can be used universally to increase organizational performance. Change is the only constant in today's global, knowledge-based economy. Leaders need skills necessary to think and act strategically in translating mission into objectives, developing plans and programs to accomplish objectives, and to implement plans and programs. Each organization, department, and division must define the best systems and structures for its specific vision, mission, strategies, and competencies. The leader must get input and support from the experts who are busy doing the work of the organization and create alignment with customers and stakeholders. The International manager/executive as well as public sector executives and manager should create a road map to build organizational systems that are dynamic, flexible, and outcome focused that are successful in creating high performance. Some pra ctical results I found to be important include:      1) Link organizational competencies to outcomes and results defined in your           strategic plan.
Monday, January 13, 2020
The Impact Of Personality And Gender Of Branding Decisions
Personality and gender have an impact on branding decisions and reactions by consumers. Therefore, it would serve businesses well if products and services are shaped around customer preferences, knowing their unique and particular needs, and their sense of aesthetics. An evidence to support this contention is a study called ‘visual marketing’ in which participants were shown a slide containing stimuli for testing while an eye-tracking equipment monitored their eye movements. Afterwards, they were asked to indicate how much they liked/disliked the stimuli.Results showed that there is a clear correlation between the number of fixations on an image and subsequent spontaneous and prompted recall of that stimulus. There is also a better recall of images the participants had liked. This means, therefore, that when advertising or branding a product, the emphasis should be the need to know and understand the target audience, and what they like to see. Factors like space, color, imagery or details were found to have an effect on the beholder.For example, children would associate dark colors with negative emotions while happy emotions for bright ones. They would also prefer large figures to smaller ones. While the marketing rule stipulates that the costumer should always be the focus, however, the factor of the creator and the â€Å"production aesthetic†may deter the accomplishment of this end. Creatives tend to impose their personalities in their creations. Each creative has his/her own sense of self which always, consciously or unconsciously, come out through the work.Behind the brands out there in the market could be the reflection of personalities of the creatives who made them. An implication of this is that creatives will tend to produce work that reflects their own career aspirations, creative impulses, ethics and beliefs. They would produce advertising that appeal to themselves. They would produce work that they find appealing and interesting to them instead of to the consumers, contradictory to the marketing idea that the consumer preferences should take precedence over that of the creatives.Aside from aesthetic preferences, the gender of the creative also affects the branding of products. Gender affects the graphic expression of the individual. One’s shape, color, detailing and perspective preferences are usually associated with the gender one belongs to. To ensure that the product or service appeals to the target consumer, the ‘production aesthetic’ and the ‘preference aesthetic’ should be the same.The personality and gender of the creatives should be aligned with the consumers. Recruiters should hire marketing staff members whose personalities and genders are congruent to the external stakeholders. In an era of high competition, delivering products that appeal to specific customer segments is a high priority. Reference for the journal: Authors: Moss, Gloria Source: The Journal of Bra nd Management, Volume 14, Number 4, 1 April 2007 , pp. 279-300 Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Impact Of Poverty On Children s Development And Early...
FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Miami, Florida AN ANALYSIS OF ARTICLES RELATED TO: The impact of poverty on children’s development and early childhood programs A literature review submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the course SPS6805 To Dr. Phil Lazarus by Jessica R. Rothman Fall 2014 The purpose of this literature review was to review articles examining the influence poverty may or may not have on young children. Additionally, after determining risks children living in poverty face, a review of literature studying early intervention preschool programs and how they may aid in reducing some of the risks for those children. Most research is consistent with suggesting that early†¦show more content†¦Clear associations between nutritional deficiencies and psychosocial effects have been made. However, the results of the study indicated malnutrition impact on development of infants and toddlers was unknown, but malnutrition in children led to iron-deficiency anemia (Skalicky et al., 2006). An additional study focused on the iron-deficiency concern that exists among low-income toddlers in the United States (Crowel et al., 2005). Even though the prevalence of iron-deficiency anemia has declined in the last three to four decades, it continues to be a major health concern for low-income infants and toddlers in the United States (Crowel et al., 2005). Research has connected iron-deficiency in early childhood with an increased risk for developmental delays (Crowel et al., 2005). Most clinicians reported that all parents were advised to orally give medication to children with anemia; however for low-income families administering iron was not a priority (Crowel et al., 2005). Iron deficiency anemia was seen as a minor issue for many low-income parents, because it is a struggle for them to even financially support their families and ultimately parents regularly have the means to provide the medication for their children (Crowel et al., 2005). Not only does research support that iron deficiency causes delays for young children, but some previous research also suggests other health risks may link to development. Welsch,
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