Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Nationalism in German History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Nationalism in German History - Essay Example And this was the nationalism period of Germany. The Congress of Vienna restored a Germany comprising thirty-nine states. Before 1789 these states had numbered over two hundred. At first glance it seemed that the 1815 arrangement was a move towards simplification and unity, but this was only an appearance (Hagen & Sarah 1991, pg. x). For one thing, many of the thirty-nine states were in possession of more territory after 1815 than they had ever had before, and they were far more interested in maintaining these gains than in any schemes for a single German government in which their own identity might be lost. Germany after 1815 was still a much divided country (pg. xi). This division of Germany exactly suited the aims of the Austrian Chancellor, Metternich, who had a decisive voice in the settlement. Austria could control a disunited Germany far more easily than a united one. While the German princes were divided by political jealously and distrust, the Austrians would have no united opposition to their policies and could exert a decisive influence in the affairs of Germany. An assembly for the whole Germany was created after 1815, but this was by no means an effective German parliament. It represented the princes, not the people, of Germany, and was not in any way elected by popular vote (Martin 2000, pg. 49). The Diet of the German Confederation met at Frankfurt and consisted of 17 members (pg. 50). Eleven of the big states had one member each, and various groups of the smaller states each had one member. Metternich secured the permanent presidency of the Diet for Austria, a position to be discussed and the procedure to be adopted (pg. 39). The Diet did discuss in 1816 the creation of a single Germany, but nothing came of these discussions, mainly because of jealousy between the states, and especially between the two largest states, Austria and Prussia. A scheme for the building of Federal fortresses for the defence of Germany was also abandoned. Lastly, whenever fundamental laws of the Confederation or the Federative Act itself were to be enacted, th e Diet was expanded into a General Assembly of 69 members (pg. 30). Those elements in Germany who had looked forward to real unity, the Nationalists, were intensely disappointed by this state of affairs. The Liberals, who had hoped at least for elected parliaments and governments responsible to the people in each of the German states, leading on to a united Liberal Germany, were also frustrated. A certain number of the German princes did introduce more liberal forms of government, especially in Bavaria where in 1818 a parliament was set up which represented the peasants, townspeople and nobles, and also in Baden, Wurttemberg and Saxe-Weimar (James 1990). But the great majority of thirty-nine states were governed by their princes in alliance with a highly privileged class of nobility, and politically the middle and peasant classes were ignored (James 1990). It must not be thought that the majority of German people were clamouring at this time either for Liberalism or Nationalism in Germany (James 1990). There were scarcely interested. Liberalism had its strongest hold amongst the intellectual class of writers, poets, scholars, university professors, lecturers and students. In the universities of Germany a number of student movements developed in these years, such as the Gymnastic Clubs and Students' Unions or Burschenschaften2,
Monday, October 28, 2019
Healthy Living Report Essay Example for Free
Healthy Living Report Essay Healthy livingâ€Å" Campaign report 1. Background research to the issue To find the way linked to my group topic and target made us to meet many times and discuss about social issues among students and young people. It made my group to think a lot what topic for campaign would be interesting to us – while working for this, and similarly what would be interesting for other people especially for students in Middlesex University. First of all, everyone in my group pay attention on unhealthy food and ingredients which make daily food able to be fresh for long term and even dangerous. My group decided to start doing campaign â€Å"tricky food†and we all fell into research on dangerous ingredients in popular supermarkets’ food. As we published in our Wiki page â€Å"Unhealthy substitutes used in food production†had to be our campaign stage. (Wiki, ResearchS08G1). From long list of various chemicals and acids which are used in food our group made a decision to focus on Aspartame the most. Aspartame is artificial sweetener which is 200 times sweeter than sugar and commonly used in food industry. In the internet is not difficult to find many articles and discussions about it, some people claim that it is very dangerous to human’s health because of its force to cause cancer, nerve disorders, birth defects and other healthy imbalances. From the other side of view, probably from the business side, some people are ready to prove that aspartame is not so bad, the right amount of it in food is not dangerous and it is cheaper to use in food industry than sugar. However, this sweetener is widely used and found in drinks such as diet coke, energy drinks and even some juice. In the United States aspartame is regulated by FDA – Food and Drug Administration which has set the ADI (acceptable daily intake) for aspartame 50mg/kg and similarly in the European Union – by European Food Safety Authority ADI is 40mg/kg. (American Cancer Society, Learn About Cancer 2011). Well, when the national administration has set the secure quantity of this sweetener it became allowable to use it in food widely. Due to that my group decided that there are no argues with food industry and during our campaign it is hard to change sweeteners usage in nourishment and we made another decision: to change campaign topic and target substantially. Every one of us is surrounded by bright adverts and slogans to be eco-friendly, to eat healthy food, to avoid junk food, to choose food without any preservatives and so on. My group and I also decided to join in those who are providing healthy living style. We started to do another research linked to it, to search what vitamins human need to recover healthy organism after winter and which fruit and vegetables have beneficial vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Also very important issue that UK is on the leading position in regards to obese citizens in Europe (Wiki, ResearchS08G1). Regarding to New York Times (2010, The World is Fat) in almost half of developed countries, one out of every two people is overweight or obese. In the figure is clearly visible that England was and will be second nation after United States which has overweight, till 2020 it can reach 70 per cent limit! These facts made us to take care for obese issue in United Kingdom. As a united group of different countries: two Lithuanians, Polish and two English we see our target to start informing students about this growing problem by providing healthy eating habits and healthy life style including exercises and view of it. 2. Process of campaign planning Firstly, we had chosen to run the campaign about â€Å"tricky food†and especially aspartame but as I mentioned in the first part of report, during the research we found facts that aspartame is legal sweetener and the right amount of it is not dangerous to human’s health. With our campaign we would be having too less force and evidence in order to avoid this sweetener use in food industry. Regarding to this, we left the idea about tricky food and during more than two meetings we were discussing about many topics which could be interesting and worthy to pay attention. It was not easy part of planning our campaign because we all understood that to find the topic with strong target and serious attitude it is difficult. We mentioned points such as how we could include more people to our team, how we could represent information for them and for our university, should we stay only in university or shall we go further: inform people about issue in our living areas, in the social websites, etc. how we could do our event and what to do so as to attract an attention. We were sure that we will have leaflets with useful information, that we will set up facebook page for our campaign and we will do our event in the university. In our meeting we had not have one person as a chairperson, we all were equivalent and we all were suggesting our ideas. My idea was to look deeper how we are living, what are ours daily diet, daily routine – are we healthy enough or should we change something in our lives. While suggesting the topic Healthy living I also had an idea to raise the charity fund. Even more, to visit children schools or other meeting places and inform them about our campaign and targets. Unfortun ately, I had not got any assent from my team members for this action. However, I sent some emails to charities such as British Red Cross and Save the Children. I informed them about our campaign and targets, mentioned that we would like to do our campaign as a charity. While giving healthy food (fruit or veg) in university my team could collect some donation for one of the charities and later we could collaborate by doing volunteering jobs or events providing healthy living. I have got an answer from British Red Cross, they were interesting in our action and targets. Unfortunately, I had got that answer too late because we were already doing our campaign on ourselves without any outside organizations. 3. Work as a group From my view at this point I am quite happy while working with my group. As in every team work we faced with some advantages and disadvantages but the final result was nice. The best times and really strong team work were when all group members were attending the meetings. Sure, it had happen only few times, however, those meetings were pretty good. We had never have any argues or complaints, our discussions were always polite and with respect to each other. We always listened to each other’s ideas and discussed them together with giving some agreements or reasoned rejections. Usually our meetings were with three attended group members. Nevertheless, we were able to consider what would be the next step, what research we had to do until next meeting and all jobs or duties were apportion between every team member equally. Even more, if we were having enough spare time after meeting, some of us were going to library to do research together or to write down the minutes into the wiki page. For more questions or advice we were chatting online, by sending emails we arranged for the next meeting. On the other hand, this low attendance made some difficulties to organize all team work, it always takes time to text messages to inform other members about further actions. Because everyone has jobs it was difficult to find right times in order to meet all together, some group members were paying more attention for their jobs than to studies and especially for this campaign. Due to these issues our campaign was small and weak, its background were just two people who pay more attention to every organizing step. 4. Your action I value my action in the group as big part of whole campaign. The background and topic of Healthy living was my idea suggested in the group meeting. I came with the wide idea of it and I had some plans how to reach the main aim. As I mentioned above, I offered to do a campaign as a charity: while providing fruit or vegetables for students we can collect donation for a charity, later collaborate with that organization and hope for getting some support. Personally I always like to communicate with organizations such as charities or other help centres, I have previous experience by searching the support for some events that is why I feel free and confident while asking others to promote my plans. This time I had asked some charities but unfortunately I have not got any help from them. First of all, I think I had to call them straight away and reject sending emails and waiting for answers, second , I think I had to let them know more about my action, about our campaign, purpose and all details so as to make them interesting enough to support us. Finally, if I would be able to have enough force to influence others I would have asked other my group members to help me and to pay more attention on our campaign because I felt too weak to take this huge part alone. Anyway, at the end of March and beginning of April I was communicating with Community Fundraiser from British Red Cross. She replay to my email a bit too late than I was expected but it is always nice to let other communities know about my actions and attitude. I can be brave to say that I was that person in my group who was the most enthusiastic about campaign planning and actions. It was not difficult to take care and organize the event during which we were giving free apples, apple shaped stickers and leaflets with interesting information about fruit. In order to get apples each of us asked local shops to support us by giving some apples. I am living Hendon, so here I found many local shops where I am shopping almost every day and I visited them with my special request. First of all, while talking to the manager of the shop I let him know who I am and what I am doing, later I asked him to support our campaign and in the same way I made him sure that he is making big help not only for my group but also for some students who maybe will start thinking more about healthy life style. Some shops rejected my request but I did not give up and went ahead. Finally, I found one shop near to the Hendon Central Station which was very helpful and polite. People who are working there wished me luck and even know they look at me as at friendly shopper. 5. Supporting other campaigns Our group was working alone without any collaborate with other campaigns from our module. As we all got the topic food almost all campaigns were linked to healthy products. Some of them had chosen specifically one product (energy drink, junk food – hamburgers, etc. ) and they run campaigns in order to change people attitude and inform them how dangerous it is. Differently, we had not chosen any products – we looked into whole lifestyle which includes food, exercises and attitude. I really appreciate other people job, how they did their campaigns, how they had represented their ideas and what targets they had. Only one thing what I might to change could be the way how they did their events. Most of all campaigns were too silent, working only on social websites such as Facebook or Twitter, I would rather do it loudly in the centre of our university. References: Wiki, S08G1 â€Å"Healthy Living†, research 2012 [online], http://mcs1000campaigns. middlesex. wikispaces. net/ResearchS08G1 American Cancer Society, Learn about cancer 2011. [online], http://www. cancer. org/Cancer/CancerCauses/OtherCarcinogens/AtHome/aspartame The New York Times, The World is Fat 2012, [online], http://economix. blogs. nytimes. com/2010/09/23/the-world-is-fat/
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Eric Fischl: A Journey Through His Life. Essay -- Art
The beauty of art really is in the eye of the beholder. Art is a diverse as the people who create it. Some of the most famous art comes from some of the least expected places and people but, their journey is what seems to make it incredible. From the suburbs of Long Island, New York to Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco during the Hippie movement in the 1960’s brought about one of the most influential, internationally acclaimed artists, Eric Fischl. This paper will go through his dysfunctional upbringing, his art education and teaching, his many accomplishments and how he became one of the most famous figurative artists of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Eric Fischl was born in 1948 in New York City. His own biography states â€Å"Fischl’s suburban upbringing provided him with a backdrop of alcoholism and a country club culture obsessed with image over content.†(Eric Fischl: Biography) In an interview with Fischl, when asked about his upbringing and he states â€Å"I grew up in an upper, middle class, American family in the suburbs of long island. My father was a salesman and went to the city every day. My mother was a housewife who had a severe drinking problem and so the family was in a dysfunctional state when I was growing up.†(Davis) Although he dropped out of high school and lived the hippie lifestyle for a while he eventually moved to Arizona and attended college in Phoenix. (Davis) In 1972, Fischl went back to California to attend the California Institute for the Arts from which he earned a bachelor’s degree in fine arts. Two years later he ended up in Halifax, Nova Scotia teaching painting at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. After just a year, in 1975, he had his first show at Dalhousie Art Gallery. Three years la... ...Print. Fischl, Eric. Bad Boy. 1981. Eric Fischl: Early Paintings. Eric Fischl Studios, 2010. Web. 23 Mar. 2012. . Fischl, Eric. Krefeld Project: Bathroom Scene 2. 2003. Eric Fischl: Krefeld Project. Eric Fischl Studios, 2010. Web. 23 May 2012. . Fischl, Eric. The Bed, the Chair, Jetlag. 2000. Eric Fischl: The Bed, the Chair... Eric Fischl Studios, 2010. Web. 23 May 2012. . HUGHES, ROBERT. "Art: Discontents of the White Tribe." Editorial. TIME 30 May 1988. Time Magazine. Time, 30 May 1988. Web. 20 Mar. 2012. . Louise Blouin Media. "In the Studio: Eric Fischl." Art+Auction 11 Jan.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Philly Fans: City of Brotherly Love Essay
â€Å"A true Philadelphia fan learns to boo before he learns to speak.†A quote that is not as exaggerated as it seems. In Philadelphia people are outspoken and live by the way they cheer, brutal. Philadelphia â€Å"fanatics†are the most rowdy fans in all of sports. This is proven by events such as throwing snowballs at Santa Claus, booing Michael Irving after a career ending injury, and the installment of a court inside the Eagles late Veterans Stadium. One example as to why people across the nation believe Philly fans to be the worst fans in sports is the legendary pelting of jolly old St. Nick. In 1968, Eagles fans booed and then pelted a man dressed as Santa Claus who was part of a halftime ceremony. Stories vary on the legendary incident as to why it happened. In 2003, the same man was asked to appear in the same Santa suit at a Sixers game, and as before, he was booed again. Another famous event that shows the rowdiness of dedicated Philadelphians is on October 11, 1999, when Cowboys receiver Michael Irvin suffered a career-ending neck injury at â€Å"the Vet†. Fans cheered as Irvin was crumpled on the ground. This goes to show if you’re a future hall of famer, but you happen to play for Dallas, you will still get booed. Although booing someone is all a part of sports, Philly fans seem to do it at the most unnecessary of times which give them the persona of rowdy. Another huge example as to why Philly fans have the reputation they do is because of the extremes of what happens at the sporting events. From time to time a game could go from having fun drinking a couple beers chanting â€Å"asshole†to the next Redskins fan you see walking by, to a huge brawl in the infamous 700 level at Veterans Stadium. The common occurrence of violence during Eagles’ games became so bad that Philadelphia installed a court, judge and jail inside Veterans Stadium. If being so passionate about your team leads to booing a crippled hall of famer, pelting Santa with snowballs, and the installment of a court system in your football team’s stadium means you’re rowdy. Every person wearing a green jacket on Sunday, waving a rally towel at Citizens Bank Park, or booing opposing teams at the Wells Fargo Center will gladly accept the â€Å"rowdy†nickname. What others take as rowdiness Philadelphians take as passion for their city and teams.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Second Foundation 12. Lord
Of all the worlds of the Galaxy, Kalgan undoubtedly had the most unique history. That of the planet Terminus, for instance, was that of an almost uninterrupted rise. That of Trantor, once capital of the Galaxy, was that of an almost uninterrupted fall. But Kalgan- Kalgan first gained fame as the pleasure world of the Galaxy two centuries before the birth of Hari Seldon. It was a pleasure world in the sense that it made an industry – and an immensely profitable one, at that – out of amusement. And it was a stable industry. It was the most stable industry in the Galaxy. When all the Galaxy perished as a civilization, little by little, scarcely a feather's weight of catastrophe fell upon Kalgan. No matter how the economy and sociology of the neighboring sectors of the Galaxy changed, there was always an elite; and it is always the characteristic of an elite that it possesses leisure as the great reward of its elite-hood. Kalgan was at the service, therefore, successively – and successfully – of the effete and perfumed dandies of the Imperial Court with their sparkling and libidinous ladies; of the rough and raucous warlords who ruled in iron the worlds they had gained in blood, with their unbridled and lascivious wenches; of the plump and luxurious businessmen of the Foundation, with their lush and flagitious mistresses. It was quite undiscriminating, since they all had money. And since Kalgan serviced all and barred none; since its commodity was in unfailing demand; since it had the wisdom to interfere in no world's politics, to stand on no one's legitimacy, it prospered when nothing else did, and remained fat when all grew thin. That is, until the Mule. Then, somehow, it fell, too, before a conqueror who was impervious to amusement, or to anything but conquest. To him all planets were alike, even Kalgan. So for a decade, Kalgan found itself in the strange role of Galactic metropolis; mistress of the greatest Empire since the end of the Galactic Empire itself. And then, with the death of the Mule, as sudden as the zoom, came the drop. The Foundation broke away. With it and after it, much of the rest of the Mule's dominions. Fifty years later there was left only the bewildering memory of that short space of power, like an opium dream. Kalgan never quite recovered. It could never return to the unconcerned pleasure world it had been, for the spell of power never quite releases its bold. It lived instead under a succession of men whom the Foundation called the Lords of Kalgan, but who styled themselves First Citizen of the Galaxy, in imitation of the Mule's only title, and who maintained the fiction that they were conquerors too. The current Lord of Kalgan had held that position for five months. He had gained it originally by virtue of his position at the head of the Kalganian navy, and through a lamentable lack of caution on the part of the previous lord. Yet no one on Kalgan was quite stupid enough to go into the question of legitimacy too long or too closely. These things happened, and are best accepted. Yet that sort of survival of the fittest in addition to putting a premium on bloodiness and evil, occasionally allowed capability to come to the fore as well. Lord Stettin was competent enough and not easy to manage. Not easy for his eminence, the First Minister, who, with fine impartiality, had served the last lord as well as the present; and who would, if he lived long enough, serve the next as honestly. Nor easy for the Lady Callia, who was Stettin's more than friend, yet less than wife. In Lord Stettin's private apartments the three were alone that evening. The First Citizen, bulky and glistening in the admiral's uniform that he affected, scowled from out the unupholstered chair in which he sat as stiffly as the plastic of which it was composed. His First Minister Lev Meirus, faced him with a far-off unconcern, his long, nervous fingers stroking absently and rhythmically the deep line that curved from hooked nose along gaunt and sunken cheek to the point, nearly, of the gray-bearded chin. The Lady Callia disposed of herself gracefully on the deeply furred covering of a foamite couch, her full lips trembling a bit in an unheeded pout. â€Å"Sir,†said Meirus – it was the only title adhering to a lord who was styled only First Citizen, â€Å"you lack a certain view of the continuity of history. Your own life, with its tremendous revolutions, leads you to think of the course of civilization as something equally amenable to sudden change. But it is not.†â€Å"The Mule showed otherwise.†â€Å"But who can follow in his footsteps. He was more than man, remember. And be, too, was not entirely successful.†â€Å"Poochie,†whimpered the Lady Callia, suddenly, and then shrank into herself at the furious gesture from the First Citizen. Lord Stettin said, harshly, â€Å"Do not interrupt, Callia. Meirus, I am tired of inaction. My predecessor spent his life polishing the navy into a finely-turned instrument that has not its equal in the Galaxy. And he died with the magnificent machine lying idle. Am I to continue that? I, an Admiral of the Navy? â€Å"How long before the machine rusts? At present, it is a drain on the Treasury and returns nothing. Its officers long for dominion, its men for loot. All Kalgan desires the return of Empire and glory. Are you capable of understanding that?†â€Å"These are but words that you use, but I grasp your meaning. Dominion, loot, glory – pleasant when they are obtained, but the process of obtaining them is often risky and always unpleasant. The first fine flush may not last. And in all history, it has never been wise to attack the Foundation. Even the Mule would have been wiser to refrain-â€Å" There were tears in the Lady Callia's blue, empty eyes. Of late, Poochie scarcely saw her, and now, when he had promised the evening to her, this horrible, thin, gray man, who always looked through her rather than at her, had forced his way in. And Poochie let him. She dared not say anything; was frightened even of the sob that forced its way out. But Stettin was speaking now in the voice she hated, hard and Impatient. He was saying: â€Å"You're a slave to the far past. The Foundation is greater in volume and population, but they are loosely knit and will fall apart at a blow. What holds them together these days is merely inertia; an inertia I am strong enough to smash. You are hypnotized by the old days when only the Foundation had atomic power. They were able to dodge the last hammer blows of the dying Empire and then faced only the unbrained anarchy of the warlords who would counter the Foundation's atomic vessels only with hulks and relics. â€Å"But the Mule, my dear Meirus, has changed that. He spread the knowledge, that the Foundation had hoarded to itself, through half the Galaxy and the monopoly in science is gone forever. We can match them.†â€Å"And the Second Foundation?†questioned Meirus, coolly. â€Å"And the Second Foundation?†repeated Stettin as coolly. â€Å"Do you know its intentions? It took ten years to stop the Mule, if, indeed, it was the factor, which some doubt. Are you unaware that a good many of the Foundation's psychologists and sociologists are of the opinion that the Seldon Plan has been completely disrupted since the days of the Mule? If the Plan has gone, then a vacuum exists which I may fill as well as the next man.†â€Å"Our knowledge of these matters is not great enough to warrant the gamble.†â€Å"Our knowledge, perhaps, but we have a Foundation visitor on the planet. Did you know that? A Homir Munn – who, I understand, has written articles on the Mule, and has expressed exactly that opinion, that the Seldon Plan no longer exists.†The First Minister nodded, â€Å"I have heard of him, or at least of his writings. What does he desire?†â€Å"He asks permission to enter the Mule's palace.†â€Å"Indeed? It would be wise to refuse. It is never advisable to disturb the superstitions with which a planet is held.†â€Å"I will consider that – and we will speak again.†Meirus bowed himself out. Lady Callia said tearfully, â€Å"Are you angry with me, Poochie?†*** Stettin turned on her savagely. â€Å"Have I not told you before never to call me by that ridiculous name in the presence of others?†â€Å"You used to like it.†â€Å"Well, I don't any more, and it is not to happen again.†He stared at her darkly. It was a mystery to him that he tolerated her these days. She was a soft, empty-headed thing, comfortable to the touch, with a pliable affection that was a convenient facet to a hard life. Yet, even that affection was becoming wearisome. She dreamed of marriage, of being First Lady. Ridiculous! She was all very well when he had been an admiral only – but now as First Citizen and future conqueror, he needed more. He needed heirs who could unite his future dominions, something the Mule had never had, which was why his Empire did not survive his strange nonhuman life. He, Stettin, needed someone of the great historic families of the Foundation with whom he could fuse dynasties. He wondered testily why he did not rid himself of Callia now. It would be no trouble. She would whine a bit- He dismissed the thought. She had her points, occasionally. Callia was cheering up now. The influence of Graybeard was gone and her Poochie's granite face was softening now. She lifted herself in a single, fluid motion and melted toward him. â€Å"You're not going to scold me, are you?†â€Å"No.†He patted her absently. â€Å"Now just sit quietly for a while, will you? I want to think.†â€Å"About the man from the Foundation?†â€Å"Yes.†â€Å"Poochie?†This was a pause. â€Å"What?†â€Å"Poochie, the man has a little girl with him, you said. Remember? Could I see her when she comes? I never-â€Å" â€Å"Now what do you think I want him to bring his brat with him for? Is my audience room to be a grammar school? Enough of your nonsense, Callia.†â€Å"But I'll take care of her, Poochie. You won't even have to bother with her. It's just that I hardly ever see children, and you know how I love them.†He looked at her sardonically. She never tired of this approach. She loved children; i.e. his children; i.e. his legitimate children; i.e. marriage. He laughed. â€Å"This particular little piece,†he said, â€Å"is a great girl of fourteen or fifteen. She's probably as tall as you are.†Callia looked crushed. â€Å"Well, could I, anyway? She could tell me about the Foundation? I've always wanted to go there, you know. My grandfather was a Foundation man. Won't you take me there, sometime, Poochie?†Stettin smiled at the thought. Perhaps he would, as conqueror. The good nature that the thought supplied him with made itself felt in his words, â€Å"I will, I will. And you can see the girl and talk Foundation to her all you want. But not near me, understand.†â€Å"I won't bother you, honestly. I'll have her in my own rooms.†She was happy again. It was not very often these days that she was allowed to have her way. She put her arms about his neck and after the slightest hesitation, she felt its tendons relax and the large head come softly down upon her shoulder.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Downward Path To Wisdom--A Review Essays - Knowledge
The Downward Path To WisdomA Review Essays - Knowledge The Downward Path To WisdomA Review The Downward Path to Wisdom was, to put it simply, a very confusing story for me to read. I am not exactly sure what message or meaning the author was hoping to pass on to the reader, but it does seem to make the reader feel much pain for little Stephen. Stephen seems to be a resilient young lad. He goes about his daily routines even though he is called dumb and is told how bad and mean he is. Perhaps he doesnt totally understand what his mother and grandmother say, but I know I could understand quite a bit when I was his age. I think he did, but it is not until the end when he sings about hating his family that the reader realizes how smart he actually is. I must say it did surprise me. Another thing that confused me was the time period of the story. It could be a story that takes place in the present, but it also could go back a hundred years, or possibly more. From the dialect, I assume it takes place within the last twenty years or so. Also, I doubt that parents were so cruel to there children many years ago; that is a current problem. Even though The Downward Path to Wisdom was very confusing, I still thought it was a good piece that evoked much emotion within me. [emailprotected]
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free PDF Library for Delphi Developers
Free PDF Library for Delphi Developers Are you developing a Delphi application with a task to do PDF document manipulations? Portable Document Format, PDF, is a file format created by Adobe for document exchange. While there are many (commercial) Delphi libraries designed to help you create PDF and/or manipulate PDF documents, if you only need to load an existing PDF document, get the information from it (number of pages, security, is it linearized) and even write some information to it (set page size, add text, add graphics), you might want to take a look at the Quick PDF Library Lite version. Quick PDF Library Lite offers a subset of the functionality found in Quick PDF Library - a royalty-free PDF developer SDK. Whats more: Quick PDF Library Lite is available as an ActiveX component and works with C, C, C#, Delphi, PHP, Visual Basic, VB.NET, ASP, PowerBASIC, Pascal or any other language that supports ActiveX. Heres a short list of the supported functions in Quick PDF Library Lite (names would give you the clue of the actual usage): AddImageFromFile, AddLinkToWeb, AddStandardFont, DocumentCount, DrawImage, DrawText, FindImages, GetInformation, HasFontResources, ImageCount, ImageHeight, ImageWidth, Linearized, LoadFromFile, NewDocument, NewPage, PageCount, PageHeight, PageRotation, PageWidth, RemoveDocument, SaveToFile, SecurityInfo, SelectDocument, SelectedDocument, SelectFont, SelectImage, SelectPage, SetInformation, SetOrigin, SetPageSize, SetPageDimensions, SetTextAlign, SetTextColor, SetTextSize. Note: the Lite version of Quick PDF Library comes as an ActiveX component. You need to register the ActiveX library with Windows, using the following command:regsvr32 \QuickPDFLite0719.dll Next, heres a simple usage example: uses ComObj;procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);var QP: Variant;begin QP : CreateOleObject(QuickPDFLite0719.PDFLibrary); QP.DrawText(100, 500, Hello World!); QP.SaveToFile(c:\test.pdf); QP : Unassigned;end;
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Shrimp Treadmill - How Much it Cost Taxpayers
Shrimp Treadmill - How Much it Cost Taxpayers The famous shrimp treadmill study (video), conducted by researchers at Pacific University and College of Charleston, came under scrutiny during debates over the federal deficit and wasteful spending in 2011. Yes, the shrimp treadmill research cost taxpayers more than $3 million over the course of a decade. That includes a $559,681 grant for research into Impaired Metabolism and Performance in Crustaceans Exposed to Bacteria. But dont blame Congress, as the AARP did in a major television ad buy in 2011. The decision to fund the research actually came from the National Science Foundation. Shrimp Treadmill Grilled The AARP suggested the shrimp treadmill was but one of many examples of wasteful spending in a commercial it ran in the spring and summer of 2011, as Congress debated ways to trim the nations debt. The ad read: If Congress really wants to balance the budget, they could stop spending our money on things like a cotton institute in Brazil, poetry at zoos, treadmills for shrimp. But instead of cutting waste or closing tax loopholes, next month Congress could make a deal that cuts Medicare, even Social Security. I guess its easier to cut the benefits we earned than to cut pickle technology. AARP was not the first to cast the shrimp treadmill in a harsh light, though. About the Shrimp Treadmill Study The shrimp treadmill and National Science Foundation were initially targeted as an example of pork by U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma in 2011, though the research had begun years earlier. As a practicing physician and a two-time cancer survivor, I have a very personal appreciation for the benefits of scientific research, Coburn wrote in a report titled The National Science Foundation: Under the Microscope. Investing in innovation and discovery can transform and improve our lives, advance our understanding of the world, and create meaningful new jobs. He added, though: The theory in Washington all too often tends to be if you throw enough money at a problem, you can solve all our nations problems. But when Congress commits the nation to significant increases in spending, Congress owes it to the U.S. taxpayers to pay careful attention to how those dollars are being spent. Researchers developed the shrimp treadmill to test whether sickness would impair the mobility of the crustaceans. It remained unclear, however, what the practical impact of such research would be. Sick shrimp have more limited mobility, which may mean they are less likely to avoid being eaten. A decrease in performance may mean the difference between life and death, Scholnick was quoted as saying. About the National Science Foundation The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense†¦ Under its congressional mandate, the NSF funds fundamental research and education in all fields of science and engineering. With a budget of just over $7.5 billion in fiscal year 2017, the NSF funds about a fifth of all federally supported basic research conducted at U.S. colleges and universities. NSF funding for research is distributed through grants, and cooperative agreements to more than 2,000 colleges, universities, K-12 school systems, businesses, informal science organizations and other research organizations throughout the United States. Of the more than 48,000 competitive requests for funding it receives every year, the NSF awards about 12,000 new research grants. At the time, the NSF responded to Sen. Coburns criticism of the â€Å"Shrimp on a Treadmill†study by pointing out that the projects it funds have advanced the frontiers of science and engineering, improved Americans lives and provided the foundations for countless new industries and jobs. About the National Institutes of Health As another major source of congressionally authorized research funding, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), agency of the cabinet-level U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), bills itself as nation’s medical research agency. Currently, the NIH awards nearly $32.3billion in grants annually for medical research in support of its stated mission of seeking â€Å"fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and the application of that knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability.†Almost 50,000 research studies funded by NIH grants are being conducted by over 300,000 researchers at more than 2,500 universities, medical schools, and other research institutions in every state and around the world.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Fungal genetics assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Fungal genetics assignment - Essay Example Some of the fungi are a good source of food, like some mushrooms. At the same time out of these mushrooms are very poisonous and an individual who eats these mushrooms s/he may end up to death if untreated appropriately. At universal level, as fungi are found almost in all types of environment and so they are an imortant component of the ecosystem where they take part in the decomposition of the deaying material. Initally, fungi were placed in the plant kingdom because of their resemblance. Later on, it was found that they are closer to animals instead of plants. But they have been separately grouped in their own kingdom (Fungi, 2006). The Ascomycota also known as sac fungi or ascomycetes because of their morphological resemblance. Mmbers of this division form meiotic spores called ascospores, which are enclosed in a special sac-like structure called an ascus. Sseveral ascomyctes have been used for elucidating principles of genetics and heredity, one member of the group is Neurospora crassa. In 1927, Shear and Dodge gave a very comprehensive account of fungus Neurospora. They called it with this name because of its resemblance to nerves; the striations which develop on the wall of ascospore are like nerves. They discovered the mating types A and a of this genus Neurospora and further described the life histories of three species, two eight-spored heterothallic species named N. crassa and N. sitohila and one four-spored homothallic species N. tetrasperma. (Perkins, 2002) Their explanation of the characteristics related to thallism was based on their work on nucleus of these species. In fact, there is programming of ascus development in N. tetrasperma in a way that each of the four ascospores encloses two nuclei of the opposite mating type. So there is self-fertilization of single-ascospores (Raju, 2003). While in eight-spored N. crassa, the situation is a bit different and which is expected, as it is eight-spored as compared to the four-spored species. In N. crassa, the ascospore pairs are aligned themselves in linear fashion and exhibit genetic events during the process of meiosis. The process of crossover, which occurs at the four-strand stage during the meiotic division, becomes visually obvious. In N. crassa, the segregation of alleles during meiotic division is not fixed but it varies depending upon the relation between the gene marker and the centromer
Friday, October 18, 2019
Soil strengthening of age-old-designed railway tracks Research Paper
Soil strengthening of age-old-designed railway tracks - Research Paper Example Superstructure consists of rails, fastening, and sleepers, and sub-structure consists of ballast, sub-ballast, and sub-grade. This research assignment studies the functions of substructure in track operation. Railroad substructure receives dynamic load from train movement and behaves according to the principles and laws of soil mechanics. Soil performance under loading in soil mechanics is governed by two characteristics: strength and deformation (STRATIGRAPHICS n.d.). Strength refers to the shear strength properties, and deformation refers to settlement. The proper functioning of substructure is characterized by the bearing capacity which implies that shear stresses caused by the cyclic loading has to be lower than the soil’s undrained shear strength value, and at the same time settlement will not develop plastic behavior in the soil. After a number of years of operation, instability of both super and sub structures is caused by the shear failure and plastic settlement of sub -grade. There are many factors that may contribute to the loss of soil-strength. Among them, poor drainage, and trapped water in ballast pockets play significant roles. According to Harry Cedergreen, drainage represents a significant issue for railroad construction and maintenance; stability and low maintenance cost can only exist when adequate drainage is provided (Cedergren 1989, p. 364). Sub-grade failure in railroad jargon is called â€Å"soft track†(Australian Rail Track Corporation a 2001). Soft track includes ballast failure, top formation failure, shallow sub-grade failure, embankment failure, and landslide failure. Water is one of the several contributors that cause these failures. The scope of this assignment is to study methods... The response to the cyclic loading of rail track is an interaction of superstructure and substructure. Ballast, sub-ballast, and sub-grade relates to substructure. Decades of operation bring structural changes of substructures. The sub-grades of the old existing rail tracks require rehabilitation to satisfy proper functioning and meet current technical operational standards. The scope of this assignment is to find the rehabilitation approach for the existing tracks of Australia. The solution must account that improvement of substructure by dismantling the railways is not an option due to the transport collapse, which is accompanied by financial losses. Rehabilitation of the existing railway is not a sheer issue that relates to Australia only; it is also a significant issue for the European countries, Canada, and USA. CSX Rail Line in Milstead, Alabama, USA faced excessive ballast settlement and soil pumping problems due to the poor sub-grade conditions. Moreover, Tallapoosa River run s parallel to the rail line. The rehabilitation of the track included raising the track, undercutting and removing the existing ballast, and use of filter fabric over the exposed sub-ballast, which was followed by a layer of Geogrid
The Posthuman Condition by Bill McKibben Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Posthuman Condition by Bill McKibben - Essay Example Bill McKibben has implied in his arguments that most of the technologies such as life extension strategies, nano-medicine and choice technology that are proposed or sustained by trans-humanists are actually not humanist approaches. He has claimed that it is morally wrong for human beings to experiment with the basic aspects of life in attempts to achieve objectives that are higher than what is imposed by universally acknowledged human limitations. Human beings have no moral or ethical right to experiment with the gift of life relative to aspects such as susceptibility to aging, maximizing life span and biological limitations pertaining to cognitive and physical abilities. If humans make attempts to improve their conditions through manipulating with the natural process, they would remove the boundaries providing the essential basis relative to experiencing meaningful human choices. Bill McKibben has logically raised issues and explained that human life cannot be perceived as being mea ningful in an environment in which such restrictions could be removed through technology. He goes to the extent of claiming that even the objectives of utilizing germinal choice technologies relative to only therapeutic objectives should be done away with because such practices invariably create temptation whereby unwarranted tampering is done with issues such as the cognitive capacity of human beings. In supporting his contentions, Bill McKibben has provided credible evidence in terms of the examples of the Amish, the Tokugawa in Japan and the Ming in China. He has satisfactorily put forth arguments in holding that societies can benefit a great deal by relinquishing some particular technologies, which was done by the Amish, the Tokugawa in Japan and the Ming in China. The author is focused in claiming that tampering with genetics has threatened to put an end to so many important things that give meaning to life. He is in agreement that the meaning in human life has been declining s ince long, from the early ages. However, in regard to the modern world, the quality of human life and the meaning attached with it started declining more rapidly in the last five centuries. Bill McKibben is a very strong critic of trans-humanism and has argued on the possible socio economic adversities that may occur in societies whereby disparities and gaps amongst the rich and the poor will start increasing rapidly. In appealing to human emotions he has suggested that the human enhancement technologies that are now making many to feel excited; will actually be available on a disproportionate basis to only those that have higher levels of financial resources. This will obviously increase the gaps amongst the rich and the poor, thus leading to a genetic divide. Thinking further, as per logic, it is apparent that such methods will lead to the creation of a two tier society in which there will be divisions in terms of haves and have-nots because under such circumstances there is every likelihood that social reform initiatives will not be taken up in the true spirit and human enhancement technology will be allowed to be implemented in widening the gaps. The basic issues raised by Bill McKibben pertain to whether the laboratory will take the place of nature. Here, Bill McKibben has
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Model for the Up-gradation of the E-mail System Essay
Model for the Up-gradation of the E-mail System - Essay Example You would agree that a large project management team definitely requires managerial capabilities. The model again fails to address soft skills which again is a necessity for any management function. There are other project management bodies like the PMI, each with their own body of knowledge. Currently there is no shared version of bodies of knowledge among them and there could exist conflicts among these models. "The intent in making these points is not to argue that one BoK is "better" than another - hopefully the different models will slowly converge - but that as it stands the PMI model is unnecessarily, and even dangerously, delimiting the scope of the discipline." (Morris, P.12). These are three major shortcomings attributed to the PMBOK model. As you may be aware, the model was introduced in 1987 and due to its inadequacy, again modified in 1988 under the guidance of Professor Alan Stretton. Even this model has not been found to be satisfactory be the Project Management Instit ute. Newer and more efficient models have been developed in the last decade and two of them are discussed here. This model was developed by Kevin Forsberg, Hal Mooz, and Howard Cotterman in the late 1990's. This model was developed in consultation with hundreds of project managers and consultants. The advantage of this project is that concepts of management are also integrated into the model, something which was lacking in the PMBOK model. A graphical representation of the model is given here. (Project management models in the new century). It can be seen that almost all aspects that go into a project is represented here. It also shows that executive support is essential by showing this aspect as the platform on which the whole project is resting. The model is shown as a wheel with and axle. Four essential elements are incorporated into the model. "These four elements are: a common vocabulary, teamwork, the sequential project life cycle, and management elements." (Project management models in the new century). The wheel has the following elements namely, Project Requirements, Organizing Options, Project Team, Project Planning, Opportunity and Risk, Project Control, Project Visibility, Project Status, and Corrective Action. Leadership is given an important role and is shown as the rim of the wheel. In other words, it is the leadership rim that holds the project together. The concept here is that, as the wheel rotates, it moves forward on the axle. The axle contains the following elements namely, User, Concept, System, Plan, Sourcing, Implementation, Deployment, Operations, and Deactivation. This is the actual process by which a project will move forward. So as the project wheel turns (begins) it moves along the process until it is completed (deactivation). Three more essential elements are shown in the axle namely Technical, Business, and Budget aspects of the project. Another important feature of this model is that the axle and the wheel rest on two pillars teamwork and common vocabulary. As mentioned earlier the whole structure rests on the platform of executive support. Almost all respects of a project is shown here in simple and lucid manner. Most importantly this model
The topic should be in the area of Applications of IT in general and Essay
The topic should be in the area of Applications of IT in general and software in particular - Essay Example the customers and stakeholders are coming in close connection and linkage with each other and there is more room for getting in touch with one another, thus enhancing the chances of working in unison and earning multiple times over and over. However the drawbacks are also apparent in such an undertaking but from a global perspective these seem to take a back seat when there is a comparison of the benefits with the disadvantages, the former ruling roost over the latter in this case. For the understanding related with the discussion at hand, the focus will be on making a clear cut basis for the role of globalization in the finance industry and the manner in which IT has played a key role at speeding up things when it comes to working within the global domains. Globalization in the coming times will leave a lasting impression in the different spheres of life than is present at the moment. In an economic zone, globalization plays a significant role at increasing trade on an international front which as compared to the global economy, is much faster and ahead of its time. Furthermore, we can predict an increase in the flow of capital that has been coming from the global regimes which might include for the foreign direct investment as being one part of it. Then there are the agreements which are signed on a global scale that eventually lead to world bodies like the World Trade Organization (WTO) and others. Global financial systems also come to light as their developmental work gets thumbs up. International transactions speed up as the world bodies like WTO, WIPO, IMF and the like play their role in a more coherent and active manner. Economic practices like global sourcing or outsourcing as we know of it, off-shoring and others increase court esy the multinational concerns. (Berberoglu, 2005) Since this discussion is also on understanding what the future holds for the globalization regimes in terms of the Information Technology’s undertakings, there is a need to
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Model for the Up-gradation of the E-mail System Essay
Model for the Up-gradation of the E-mail System - Essay Example You would agree that a large project management team definitely requires managerial capabilities. The model again fails to address soft skills which again is a necessity for any management function. There are other project management bodies like the PMI, each with their own body of knowledge. Currently there is no shared version of bodies of knowledge among them and there could exist conflicts among these models. "The intent in making these points is not to argue that one BoK is "better" than another - hopefully the different models will slowly converge - but that as it stands the PMI model is unnecessarily, and even dangerously, delimiting the scope of the discipline." (Morris, P.12). These are three major shortcomings attributed to the PMBOK model. As you may be aware, the model was introduced in 1987 and due to its inadequacy, again modified in 1988 under the guidance of Professor Alan Stretton. Even this model has not been found to be satisfactory be the Project Management Instit ute. Newer and more efficient models have been developed in the last decade and two of them are discussed here. This model was developed by Kevin Forsberg, Hal Mooz, and Howard Cotterman in the late 1990's. This model was developed in consultation with hundreds of project managers and consultants. The advantage of this project is that concepts of management are also integrated into the model, something which was lacking in the PMBOK model. A graphical representation of the model is given here. (Project management models in the new century). It can be seen that almost all aspects that go into a project is represented here. It also shows that executive support is essential by showing this aspect as the platform on which the whole project is resting. The model is shown as a wheel with and axle. Four essential elements are incorporated into the model. "These four elements are: a common vocabulary, teamwork, the sequential project life cycle, and management elements." (Project management models in the new century). The wheel has the following elements namely, Project Requirements, Organizing Options, Project Team, Project Planning, Opportunity and Risk, Project Control, Project Visibility, Project Status, and Corrective Action. Leadership is given an important role and is shown as the rim of the wheel. In other words, it is the leadership rim that holds the project together. The concept here is that, as the wheel rotates, it moves forward on the axle. The axle contains the following elements namely, User, Concept, System, Plan, Sourcing, Implementation, Deployment, Operations, and Deactivation. This is the actual process by which a project will move forward. So as the project wheel turns (begins) it moves along the process until it is completed (deactivation). Three more essential elements are shown in the axle namely Technical, Business, and Budget aspects of the project. Another important feature of this model is that the axle and the wheel rest on two pillars teamwork and common vocabulary. As mentioned earlier the whole structure rests on the platform of executive support. Almost all respects of a project is shown here in simple and lucid manner. Most importantly this model
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Pseudophryne corroboree Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Pseudophryne corroboree - Assignment Example A species recovery program was implemented to identify the processes that threaten species and formulate a definite strategy to properly address such threatening process and execute recovery actions. In March 1997, three P. corroboree populations were chosen for population augmentation: Dargal Range (Site A) population with 32 calling males, Jugumba Range (Site B) population with 13 calling males, and Round Mountain Range (Site C) population with 2 calling males. These sites were inspected after the breeding season to collect clutches for captive rearing at the Amphibian Research Center (ARC) in Melbourne. Sixteen nest out of 25 male nests in the three sites contained eggs. From the 16 nests, 374 eggs were gathered for captive rearing while 324 left in their respective nests for filed comparison. The highest level of mortality in the three field sites was observed during the over-winter stage, with total mortality in site B. For the captive-reared tadpoles, the highest rate of mortality was observed in the post-winter tadpole stage. The percentage of captive-reared animals survived was higher than the percentage survived at Site B, while there was no significant difference between the rate of survival for Site A and captive-rearing. Thirty-eight percent of the eggs collected from Site A survived through to metamorphosis as compared to 31% survival in the field (Hunter, Osborne, Marantelli, and Green 161). Fifty-three percent of the captive-reared animals survived through to metamorphosis, while Site B has no survivorship. Seventy percent of the captive-reared that was collected from S ite C has survived through to metamorphosis and only 13% of eggs left in the field survived (Hunter, Osborne, Marantelli, and Green 162). During the post-winter stage, the field tadpoles had higher rate of survival than the captive-reared animals, in which early release tadpoles exhibited higher survival rate than the
Monday, October 14, 2019
Arthur Millers finest work Essay Example for Free
Arthur Millers finest work Essay The Crucible was written in 1952, and is considered to be Arthur Millers finest work not only because of the captivating story and impressive dramatic techniques but also because of the subtle parallels it draws with the events of the time. In the USA in the 1950s, the country was terrified of communism. This prompted the McCarthy era, in which anyone suspected of holding communist views or sympathies could suffer nasty consequences, including losing their job, or being excluded from certain places. The play is set in 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts during the height of the mass hysteria surrounding witchcraft. At the start of act three, Martha Corey is accused of reading fortunes. In this scene, we get a good look at each of the court officials. Both Hathorne and Parris are desperate to be part of the proceedings. Hathorne repeatedly calls for witnesses to be questioned or held in contempt, only to be ignored by Danforth. This shows the audience that Hathornes opinions mean nothing, but it also shows us the power Danforth wields, not only over the population of Salem, but also over his own partners. There are many moments in the play when Hathorne and Parris get ignored or disrespected by Danforth, but early on in act three Hathorne asks Giles Corey Are you gone daft, Corey? Corey replies Youre not a Boston judge yet. Youll not call me daft! This shows the difference in standing between the two men, as Danforth would never stand for being scolded in such a way. Reverend Parris is shown similar disrespect by Danforth, as he is continually interrupted. This is also done by Giles Corey when he cuts Parris off mid-sentence and says I am asked the question, and I am old enough to answer it. This is also the first time in the act we see Hales attitude begin to waver. When Danforth refuses to hear Coreys evidence Hale pleads Excellency, he claims to have hard evidence for his wifes defence. I think that in all justice you must- He is then cut off by Danforth.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Effect of WWII and Pearl Harbor on the US
Effect of WWII and Pearl Harbor on the US In David Halberstam’s book, The Powers that Be, he states the following quote about World War II and Edward R. Murrow: â€Å"WWII was special and he was special.†World War II was special because it established the United States of America as one of the world’s superpowers, while the events at Pearl Harbor provided an example of how isolationism and detachment can lead to ignorance and subsequently, vulnerability. Murrow was also special, as he united the nation by detailing his experiences in the war front and setting forth a shift towards public transparency and enlightenment. The significance of the World War II and Murrow was their inspiration to achieve a level of awareness of foreign affairs in order to avoid a repeat of the events at Pearl Harbor and the wars influence on the rise of the United States. The hope for the United States to not get involved with World War II was never a realistic option. The conflict between the Axis Powers (Imperial Japan, Nazi Germany, and Fascist Italy) and the Allied Powers (Great Britain and France) were as much ideological as it was territorial. While the ultimate goals of each of the Axis Powers were different, they agreed on the desire to expand and to stop capitalism and democracy. When the United States signed the Lend-Lease bill in 1941, this brought more motivation for the Axis Powers to attack the United States. Later that year, Imperial Japan conducted a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, leading to the United States’ entry into World War II and ending American Isolationism. Not only was the idea of isolationism foolish, but it left the United States unprepared and unwary of an attack by Imperial Japan. The surprise attack on Pearl Harbor highlighted the importance of maintaining a strong military whether or not the United States were in war. The significance of the attack on Pearl Harbor is not the attack itself but that it was such a shock and that we were unprepared for it. â€Å"The Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor decisively shattered the illusion of invulnerability that Americans had enjoyed ever since the end of the Napoleonic Wars of the early 19th century.†(Chafe et al, A History of our Time, page 9). Two lessons military strategists took from this experience was that â€Å"the nation’s military power must never again be allowed to atrophy†and that â€Å"technology and air power had so contracted the globe that America’s vaunted two-ocean barrier no longer afforded sufficient protection from external assault.†(Chafe et al, A History of our Time, pages 9-10). This episode of World War II not only drew the United States into the war but al so serves as a reminder of how past impartiality and ignorance left the United States vulnerable. While World War II left all the other participating countries devastated financially, territorially and militarily, the United States emerged relatively unscathed and actually stronger. â€Å"Of the major wartime combatants, only the United States emerged from the war stronger than when it began. The United States was the most powerful nation in the world.†(Chafe et al, A History of our Time, page 1). The total war nature of the war had brought together the people and citizens of the United States for the sole goal of victory. There was no separation between men, women, and children. Preparation of war helped boost the economy and eventually lead us out of the Great Depression. â€Å"The nation’s gross domestic product doubled between 1941 and 1945, bestowing the wonders of a highly productive, full-employment economy on a citizenry that had become accustomed to the deprivations imposed by a decade-long depression.†(Chafe et al, A History of our Time, page 8-9) . World War II had caused a breakdown of the European Empires and had established the United States as one of the new superpowers of the world. During World War II, a reporter by the name of Edward R. Murrow was broadcasting his first-hand experiences to the people of the United States. Unprecedented in broadcast journalism, Murrow put him and his team on the front line and in the action of the war. When Murrow caught wind that Adolf Hitler was going to Vienna to proclaim Anschluss with Austria, he flew to Vienna personally to cover the reaction of the people of Vienna in a March 13th 1938 broadcast. Murrow was also right there in the action during the dangerous times, such as the London Blitz. â€Å"I’m standing on a rooftop looking out over London For reason of national as well as personal security, I’m unable to tell you the exact location from which I’m speaking. Off to my left†¦ I can see just the faint red angry snap of antiaircraft bursts against the steel-blue sky†¦ Now you’ll hear two bursts a little nearer in a moment. There they are! That hard, stony sound.†(Murrow | M atusow, The Evening Stars, page 53). Murrow’s innovative broadcasts allowed the people of the United States to become aware of what was going on in the war, such as the London Blitz in the United Kingdoms, while America continued to exercise isolationism. Murrow’s ability to captivate the attention of and unify the American people stems from his mastery with words and his keen eye for talent. Murrow prepared his scripts by dictating them, as opposed to writing them, which made listeners feel like he was having a conversation and not just reading something. The details in his reports were stunning and provided listeners with strong visual images. â€Å"He had a flair for those small details that make a scene come alive; once he illustrated the eerie silence between air raids by putting his microphone next a pierced can of peaches, catching the sound of the syrup falling drop by drop.†(Matusow, The Evening Stars, page 52). Murrow connected to the American people by talking about the people they can relate to, the little people. â€Å"But I found that one bombed house looks pretty much like another bombed house. It’s about the people I’d like to talk, the little people who live in those little houses, who ha ve uniforms and get no decorations for bravery.†(Murrow, August 18th 1940). In addition to his prowess as a reporter, Murrow was also an excellent scout who surrounded himself with a strong staff. â€Å"Besides his gifts as a writer, reporter, and dramatist, Murrow was a superb judge of talent in others†¦ He looked for university graduates with a good, solid, print background. He didn’t care much what his recruits sounded like; they had to be able to think, and they had to be able to write.†(Matusow, The Evening Stars, page 53). Through his reporting, the people of America were able to become aware of the events of World War II despite the United States’ initial lack of participation. Murrow understood that the role of the press was to raise the level of awareness in the United States. He believed that news broadcasting was supposed to inform, not to just entertain. â€Å"This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and it can even inspire. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends. Otherwise its nothing but wires and lights in a box. There is a great and perhaps decisive battle to be fought against ignorance, intolerance and indifference. This weapon of television could be useful.†(Murrow, RTNDA Speech, 1985). Murrow was special because he knew the importance of being well informed and he made sure to do that throughout his career as a reporter. World War II and Edward R. Murrow were significant because they helped contribute to the rise of the United States while highlighting the need for awareness of foreign affairs. While the United States ended up benefiting the most and losing the least from the war, the surprise attack by Imperial Japan on Pearl Harbor is still disturbing. American insistence on isolationism should not have left the United States so vulnerable to the surprise military strike. However, this event will go on to remind us never to allow ourselves be that ignorant again and to always be aware of foreign affairs. Murrow’s role in reporting also inspired America to be more aware of foreign affairs. His ability to captivate his American audience and articulate the details of the war front allowed the people of the United States to know what was going on in the war and how brutal it was. Had it not been for Murrow’s radio reporting, the United States may have not understood how important it was f or the United States to enter the war and put an end to Imperial Japan, Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany and continue to exercise isolationism despite the attack on Pearl Harbor. Through World War II and Murrow, the United States not only established itself as a world’s superpower, but also provided the blueprint to maintaining this power.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century
The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination "And the lady of the house was seen only as she appears in each room, according to the nature of the lord of the room. None saw the whole of her, none but herself. For the light which she was was both her mirror and her body. None could tell the whole of her, none but herself" (Laura Riding qtd. by Gilbert & Gubar, 3). Beginning Gibert and Gubar’s piece about the position of female writers during the nineteenth century, this passage conjures up images of women as transient forms, bodiless and indefinite. It seems such a being could never possess enough agency to pick up a pen and write herself into history. Still, this woman, however incomprehensible by others, has the ability to know herself. This chapter of The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination, titled â€Å"The Queen’s Looking Glass,†discusses how the external, and particularly male, representations of a woman can affect her so much that the image she sees in the mirror is no longer her own. Thus, female writers are left with a problem. As Gibert and Gubar state, â€Å"the woman writer’s self-contemplation may be said to have begun with a searching glance into the mirror of the male-inscribed literary text. There she would see at first only those eternal l ineaments fixed on her like a mask†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Gilbert & Gubar, 15). In Charlotte Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Villette, the narrator and heroine Lucy Snowe is faced with a great deal of â€Å"reflections†which could influence her self-image and become detrimental to her writing. However, she is aware that the mirrors she finds, whether the literal mirror of the looking glass or her reflection in other characters’ ... ... authors insisted that they are†(43). However, instead of doing â€Å"fiery and suicidal tarantellas out of the looking glass,†(44) Lucy Snowe decides to ignore the inaccurate representations in the mirrors around her and focus her energies toward constructing a mirror of her own – the â€Å"circular mirror of crystal†she is always searching for but that can only be found in the text itself. The line Gilbert and Gubar apply to Brontà « and other successful women writers is also valid for Lucy. â€Å"The old silent dance of death became a dance of triumph, a dance into speech, a dance of authority†(44). Works Cited Gilbert, Sandra M. and Susan Gubar. The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination. New Haven: Yale UP, 1979. O’Dea, Gregory. â€Å"Narrator and Reader in Charlotte Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Villette.†South Atlantic Review 53.1 (1988): 41-57.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Salvador Dali
Salvador Dali Salvador Dali, one of the most famous artists of the 20th century, was very active even in the latter part of his life. He not only painted, but also showed to be creative in the artistic world in general. He traveled, and along the way learned different techniques of painting, but always went back to paint as he described it ‘hand painted dream photographs’. (Sandoval, 1998) Dali emerged as a leader of the Surrealist movement, where he was the most faithful and only true surrealist, although he was later expelled from because of his political views and more traditional work. During this time he created a painting, Persistence of Memory (1931), which is still on of the best-known surrealist works. (Sandoval, 1998) Dali’s work was different to others since all of his discoveries and inventions are reflected in his work and appear in them in a scarcely transposed form. He and Gala later moved to the United States, during World War II, were he devoted himself to self-publicity and began to paint pictures of religious themes. One of these paintings includes, The Crucifixion of St John of the Cross, (1951). During this time, he also showed the world that he was not only a great painter, but had other talents as well. For example, he designed jewelry, apartments, clothing, costumes, shop interiors, and stage sets. Along with this he also worked for Vogue and Haper’s Bazaar. (Neret, 1997) This also led him to take part in the production of films such as, ‘An Andalusian Dog’ and ‘The Golden Age’, where he worked in collaboration with Bunuel. (Folkes, 1999) Gigantism was predominant in Dali’s late work. The paintings that he created during this part of his life were a combination of all of the styles, which he had worked on. They include: Surrealism, â€Å"quintessential pompierism†, pointillism, action painting, Tachisme, geometric abstraction, Pop art, Op art, and psychedelic art. (Neret, 1997) Some of these pictures include, The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus (1958-59), and Tuna Fishing (1966-67). Stereoscopy was also used by Dali in some of his paintings such as, Dali from the Back, Painting Gala from the Back, Etermalized by Six Virtual Corneas Provisionally Reflected in Six real Mirrors (1972-73) or Dali Lifting the Skin of the Mediterranean Sea to Show Gala the Birth of Venus (1977), to name a couple, to paint his last visual poems. Neret, 1997) Dali also had a couple of exhibits in the final stage of his life. Some of these included exhibits in Rome and Venice, nuclear mysticism, in 1951, and at the National Gallery, in Washington, DC, in 1956. Dali continued to work on paintings and books, and continued to travel to promote his latest creations, until the death of his wife G ala in 1982. A year later the creation of his perfume known as â€Å"Dali†came out along with his last painting, The Swallow’s Tail. Neret, 1997) He then lived in isolation from the world for a few years in Torre Galatea, when he began to endure some health issues. A few years later, January 23, 1989, Dali died of heart failure. References Folkes, S. T. (1999) Salvador Dali, Life. History. Art. Retrieved February 29, 2004, from: http://www. seven7. demon. co. uk/dali/history. htm Neret, G. (1997). Salvador Dali. San Diego, CA: Thunder Bay Press Sandoval, J. (1998) Dada and Surrealism: Salvador Dali Biography. Retrieved February 29, 2004, from: http://www. duke. edu Salvador Dali Salvador Feline Action Dali lived to be among the most versatile and creative artists of the twentieth century. Dali was born on the 1 lath of March 1904 in Spain and he was one of history greatest surrealist and broad-minded artists. Surrealism is defined as opening up one's mind and accessing an unconscious world, through an area of art. During his childhood, Dali soon discovered that he was on the earth solely for the reason to be an artist. Dali earned a reputation as a malicious being, as he was expelled from his school for extravagant behavior.Dali had portrayed his ideas ND thoughts on a canvas, through his own understanding of discovering a new world based on the unconscious mind. His paintings also display a charisma and attraction for Classical and Renaissance art. This was clearly visible as his later works evinces hyper-realistic style and religious symbolism. Dali was often associated with the Surrealist movement, despite his removal from the group in 1934 due to his unr eceptive political views.Salvador Dali is one of the most celebrated artists of the surrealist movement; being known for his conspicuous surrealist work as well as his minting techniques resounding that of Renaissance art. Dali was born in Figures, Catalonia, Spain and belonged to a very prosperous family. Dali was ten years old when he had his first drawing lesson whilst demonstrating hysterical yet rage-filled outbursts towards his family and playmates. Pursuing his interest in art, he entered the Madrid School of Fine Arts in 1921.Dali was in his early ass in 1920, when he first heard about a group of experimental artists in Paris. As it was depicted as strange, they had to invent a new word to describe their art: surreal. Surrealism began as a iterate and artistic movement. Andre Breton, a French Poet, had inspired many others after him, by discovering this new form of art. It was a revolutionary response to the devastation of the First World War. It was also inspired by the psy choanalytical concepts of Sigmund Freud. Freud believed that all of us possess an inner unconscious world, in which our emotional and sexual feelings are oppressed and the only way to express ourselves is to release emotions without censoring what comes out' [1]. Dalais artistic profession commenced when he was expelled from the Madrid School of Fine Arts in 1924. By that time, Dali was already exhibiting work locally. He was invited by Andre Breton to Join the surrealists, when he moved to Paris.For the next several years, Dali had incorporated his illustrative theories into his paintings, displaying his thoughts about the psychological state of paranoia and its importance as a subject. He called this method the ‘paranoia-critical activity, which is a surrealist method used to help an artist enter their subconscious through a systematic irrational thought and a self-persuaded paranoid state. Around this period, Dali had also developed a short surrealist film that was directed by Luis Bungee, called Un Chine Nodal (An Andalusia Dog).Dali became so infamous because the subject matter of the film was so sexually and politically shocking. Dali had produced many important works during this period, which included William Tell (1930), The Persistence of Memory (1931), Dormouse, Coeval, and Lion invisible and the Birth of Liquid Desires (1932), Breton had dismissed Dali from the Surrealist group in 1934 as a result of his differing views on General Franco and fascism. Dali had then moved to Italy in 1937, and practiced more traditional painting styles. Meanwhile, he had married Gala, the first wife of the founders of the surrealist movement.Gala was perhaps the most important and influential figure in Dalais life. His paintings during the sass and sass focused more on religious themes, reproducing his enduring attraction of the supernatural. He had rendered many traditional still-like objects into his work. He continued employing his ‘paranoia- critical' method. In 1955, he returned to Spain, becoming rather withdrawn. Regardless he continued to paint until his death in the 1980. Salvador Dali influenced the manner of which modern artists use the method of ‘revealing the gap teen reality and illusion' [2].His artwork provides a glimpse into the intimate world of an individual's subconscious. His outstanding yet somewhat grotesque dreamless and paintings effortlessly evoke emotion from a viewer. His work delivers a disconcerting impression of psychological hallucinations. Drawing on Dalais belief of unearthing the subconscious, many second generation surrealists such as Joseph Cornwall, and other abstract expressionists continued to incorporate Dalais influence in their work. Arguably, the twentieth century's most eccentric and successful artist was thought to have been referring to Dali.He is truly one of history greatest surrealists. As a Spanish-Catalan painter, entering the Madrid school of fine arts was Dalais first step t o becoming a great artist. Discovering surrealism had changed Dalais life forever, Joining great surrealists such as Andre Breton. He developed painting methods, illustrating his theories of psychological state of paranoia and its importance as a subject matter. Salvador Feline Action Dali was the most influential contributor to the surrealist movement, leaving behind an impact on modern art. Salvador Dali Vanishes†sees UN Ecuador whiz poor el artists Salvador Feline Action Dali. Cosec © Salvador Dali y est. Ecuador porous De com pià ±ata. Us USA el still De surrealist, per us Trojan sees realists. Poor example, en â€Å"The Image Vanishes,†Mira realists, per hack UN concept De surrealist. Edema ¤s, you jocose Dali porous me gusts el rate De Dali. Me gusts us Trojan y rate porous us still surrealist sees Ã'Ëœnice y creative. Tamaki ©n me gusts us rate porous De us ideas y el significant deter ¤s De cad painter. Ho, SE upped encounter e]employ De us rate en SST. Petersburg, Florida; Berlin Germany; Paris, France; Catalina, Spawn.Salvador Feline Action Dali is a Spanish artist that is considered the personification of surrealism. Dali was born in 1904 in Catalina, Spain. He spent the early part of his life with his rich parent's and attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid. Then, he moved away to Join the Surrealist movement in 1934. He spent most of his live d oing this in Madrid, Spain; Paris, France; and New York. The style that he used was surrealism, but he painted his portraits and other paintings realistically. Surrealism is the type of style that is not realistic and expresses the power of imagination. â€Å"TheImage Vanishes†is a painting made by the artist, Salvador Feline Action Dali. I chose Salvador Dali and this painting because of how he paints. He uses the surrealistic style, but his work is realistic. For example, en â€Å"The Image Vanishes,†it looks realistic, but it uses a surrealistic concept. In addition, I chose Dali because I like the art of Dali. I like his work and art because of his surrealistic style is unique and creative. Also, I like his art because of his ideas and the significance behind each painting. Today, examples of his art can be found in SST. Petersburg, Florida; Berlin Germany; Paris, France; Catalina, Spawn.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
The Watch (English language creative writing)
A while back I bought a gun from a man who stole a mustang. He sold it cheaply: hundred bucks for A Browning 9x19mm Grande Puissance. Hard black plastic handle – cold to touch, black metallic covers the barrel and the heaviness weighs my hand down as I hold it under my coat, carry it to my car and place it on the passenger seat. A criminal – cold, alone it stays still. I drive fast, imagining the scenarios where my trusty weapon would be used. Trapping a burglar, stopping a murderer. I take it to my house, hide it under the bathroom sink – and never speak of it to my two angels. My abode: so secure and sheltered, it is often one which is of difficulty to find. One of which is so protected it is under my own lock and key twenty four hours a day. My family, like my pride of lions -spellbound by my fantasy boundary. My imaginary line of the strictest limit to the edge of our fence, unless otherwise approved. Strict guidelines set: to be followed accordingly. Blinds open at zero six hundred hours every morning, pulled up to the third stopper on the wiry string: all seventeen in the house except one. This, followed swiftly by waking the children up at the exact precise time as of when the blinds are raised, so they are able to carry out their chores in austere time spans of fifteen minute bursts. Following this: the children head to school, and I take my place on the antique grey aged rocking chair in front of the porch window, draw the blind down at exactly zero eight hundred hours and watch as the slender young girls and broad young men outside cross the only way to the secondary school placed two hundred and fifty six meters down the avenue. Although it may seem a disgusting habit, if you truly took the time to understand the utter belief I have in this art, then you surely would understand the necessity of it. For I do not spy on the children. I do not seek to harm their innocent bodies, or to even make an attempt to frighten or threaten them. All I seek for them is their safety, and for that one obligation to stay out of harm's way. I spy only upon a small yellow house, a mere nineteen meters from my very residence. Inside this small house, gleaming with fake satisfaction and false contentment. Hiding behind the sunshine beaming from the walls of the bunkers' exterior lives a man. This man, I have observed for many months now, and have found that his main priority is to stay hidden in the gloom of the shadows, behind his window. This window, like a mirror reflects myself. he follows the same routine as me by staring out of his window when my children step out of the door, but for different reasons these glares are seen . He, for different reasons from my speculation lusts for the young. Like a cheetah, he prays on weak, girls, only just becoming of age. The intensity has grown, focusing upon him daily. His routine has changed; he starts to water his grass at zero seven hundred hours every morning, and stays there on his lawn for approximately eighty minutes, so he can catch the paper girls attention each morning. The children grow suspicious: I tell them its for their safety. My main concern my daughter: Jenny, a simple thirteen year old. Dark chocolate brown long hair with innocent mossy eyes. Slim and tall, his favourite. He spies on her: I can see it. in the evening when she is allowed out for an hour to visit the park, or to visit her dear acquaintance Jona who lives in the next avenue. I watch him watch her as she skips nightly to her play date – strict instructions to be home for bed at twenty hundred hours. Months pass. The necessity for him to prey increases and an itch begins to develop. To be scratched, there is only one way. It cannot be let to get that far. Soon the time will come and the itch will be gone: the sunshine will dim and the moon will shine clear upon our avenue. I saw him again like a ghost to the window: he stood white against the moonlight. I saw my opportunity. For months he had invaded my privacy, tried to separate my intact stable home and ruin he only thing I have left that I can say is real. My daughter not his. I ran to the bathroom. Staring into my mirror I saw sweat dripping from my forehead. I reach under the pipe in the cupboard and find the cold metal press against my fingertips. I rip it away from the tape and cock the gun, It clicks and the barrel is loaded. Before I realise – I'm out of the door and in his back garden, feet imprinted on his perfectly trimmed grass. I shout. No reply – and again, a clumsy rattle comes from his kitchen as he fondles to find the back door knob. I lift my hand – pointing the shaft directly at his heart, he steps out. ‘Whos the-‘ cut off mid sentence by a bang. Disbelief is the only emotion I feel. I stand next to my neighbour in cold blood shaking – frozen. Minutes pass – a siren bellows down the surrounding avenues. I try to move, but I cant, cement is weighing me down. Four officers around me – surrounded I drop to the floor, weapon down. I smile. A cold room – alone, grey. All that remains is a tape recorder, a table and two chairs – one which I, the hero sit on, and another opposite. The blind is down on the window, third click on the wiry string. And officer walks in. standing tall, staring with intention. He doesn't have a chance to speak before I tell my tale. ‘A while back I bought a gun from a man who stole a mustang.' I whispered to the tape recorder.
JSBMHA and HIPAA Case Study Essay
According to the laws concerning HIPAA where it pertains to serving and protecting patients’ rights, HIPAA is put into place to protect patient rights by not allowing any medical professional to discuss a patients prognosis, symptoms or any other specifics regarding their care with another individual not directly involved with their case. Because of this, a patient’s identity and confidential information is kept that way. Violations are punishable by law. HIPAA abstains an excessive influence continuously for the rights of patients’, every area concerned with the JSBMHA was affected the two employees. Their conversation unknowingly had an impact on the patients, as well as put their agency in a difficult situation. The outcome of their conversation could have caused the grandmother of the three children to inform others about the lack of confidentiality that the employee’s shows inside a public forum which could have the agency look upon negatively. Other individuals that deals with this agency could become aware and made to feel uncomfortable about giving up any information. From the outside looking in ti would look as if any information received by the JSBMHA is at risk of not being fully secured, at that point trust between the two parties has been compromised. The actions that should be taken should be to suspend the two individuals, their actions were a direct violation of the code of ethics. They need to know and understand that they have placed the agency in a serious predicament as well as lost the trust of one and possibly more patients and their families. As far as Jim goes he should’ve known better seeing that he’s been with the company much longer then Betty, it was is his responsibility to inform her that there are certain conversation that are to be left inside the office and that this one was not one to have in public. Furthermore because Jim is a â€Å"seasoned vet†in social work after 20 years he should know the code of ethics front to back so he should be suspended indefinitely without pay. Jim should have been more of a mentor to Betty instead of a gossiping friend.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Business Management Case Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business Management Case Analysis - Essay Example If Google chooses to adopt freedom of expression then it faces the consequences of being the source of arrests of users who go against the law or posting or emailing or organizing information against the Chinese government. On the other hand if it chooses to comply with the Chinese government, then it faces criticism from users, and critics not to mention going against its companys mission (Baron 1). In making an ethical decision, the decision maker is faced with the challenge of complying with all stakeholders and shareholders concerned. In the case of Google, the companys ultimate aim is to satisfy its shareholders and stakeholders. The best course of action, as its cofounder explains, is to avoid harming the company and the Chinese people (Baron 1). By adopting a neutral approach to corporate governance, the company complies with the local laws and maintains a self-filter of censored materials. Censored materials, as deemed by the Chinese government, comprise of blogs, email, and search generated materials which could jeopardize the government. This approach serves the higher good of the Chinese population, and the world. This is congruent with the constructivist approach as prescribed by Mill and Bentham (Course Notes) who are of the view that ethical decisions should benefit the larger good than the morality of the individual. This decision would also be congruent with Googles corporate goal of serving its shareholders. By entering into China, it would be able to harness new market and new consumers regardless of the restrictions of censorship. By complying with the local government, Google would be avoiding costs of legal battles, and operational costs involved in disseminating information to the government in case it loses at court. These would affect the profitability of the company which would ultimately harm the interests of the shareholders (Course Notes). By adopting this course of action however, Google loses some of the trusts
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Descartes and Elisabeth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Descartes and Elisabeth - Essay Example In her letters, Elisabeth displays her interest in natural philosophy by asking Descartes how something immaterial- Descartes definition of the mind- could influence something immaterial in the form of the body (Clarke 328). She seeks for clarification in regard to the interaction as she notes that for motion to occur there must be impulse which requires contact or extension. Descartes reply to Elisabeth’s question intimated that the interaction was not to be thought of as between two bodies. To Descartes, this interaction could be likened to that interaction which exists between gravity and bodies. Descartes response to Elisabeth was inadequate. His correspondence on the union of the body and mind does not seem to answer the objections raised by Elisabeth. He seems not to have an exact definition and understanding of how the soul and body could interact. Descartes works on the mere assumption that the soul had the capability to do so. He does not substantiate how it does so. He appears to contradict himself by stating that the mind and body are distinct yet the union of the mind and body provides human beings with their
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